Any white knights left after today?

Really? Because this patch convinced me to try out POE for the first time. There’s no way it could be as bad as D4.

Not gonna lie, PoE had some bad patches but this is beyond worst, try it out i think the season is already halfway through, go on global chat and ask for a tabula rasa/some newbie uniques and your set, its free so why not try it :slight_smile:

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What? Unique Trading? in an ARPG? You mean POE has a basic trade function that the embarrassment that is Diablo 4 should have had at launch? I’m sold.

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Hahah touche my friend

The patch was a good thing, it brought balance to this game. The vulnerable damage had to go

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this entire forum post is against their forum ToA @OP

If everyone got nerfed is it really nerfs?

I feel you

I think they needed to do more testing with the math before releasing the game. People told them time and time again that multipliers are bad but they made these damage buckets where crit and vulnerbility were mandatory and they see they were way too powerful and that’s all people built around so they nerf those things which doesn’t fix the issue because people still will build around them.

Yeah, this certainly is an issue they should have seen coming.
Sometimes it feels like “Baby Devs first A-RPG”, as if they have zero experience with anything.

Nah just blizzard employees.

Nope just an enabler , don’t think we’ll ever go back to video games being made with care and passion n actually being sold as an full fletched triple A game from a Triple A company as long as players like you and the blizzard shills continue to exist.

Why make quality games when people keep paying for beta tests right?, I don’t even blame them.

Only black knights then?

This patch is a really bad patch. It goes in the opposite of the direction of where they should be going.

They got a few things right. Fixing the HOTA Quake bug for example.

But the vast majority of this patch is REALLY BAD.

And it isn’t the damage nerfs that get me. I expect damage to be balanced regularly.

The mechanics nerfs are what really deflate me. Builds that felt smooth to play now feel clunky and messy and just less enjoyable.

Nerf my damage. But don’t make the game less fun to play. This patch actually nerfed the fun factor for me.

Maybe the smell of copium is suppressed by the smell of dogsh*t and they kinda like it.

They’re being paid to push a positive opinion, ignore them we live in an age of corporate gaslighting.

No, we are still enjoying the game. I’m level 72 now and am 140 hours into the game that I paid ~70USD for. I also know that I can potentially get 5-10x that much out of the game, over time, if I desire.

The game will change over time, neither D2 nor D3 were perfect on launch. Took both of them years to get “good” in the eyes of the vocally loud minorities. They made the right choice using this first month or so to harvest enough data and figure out a good base to start the seasonal grinds with. Power creep becomes gnarly in seasonal arpgs and personally, I don’t want the game to become a 50000% movement speed gogogogogo spam game just yet.

458 posts and you still enjoy the game. Looks to me you spend all your time here on the forums

you might not believe it, but i dont play 24/7 =)

Well, yes. Because the game is primarily PvE, and the E side of the equation did NOT receive significant nerfs.