Level 100 Sorcerer- why current "Trade offs" for Sorcerer SUCKS

I got to level 100 and I’ll give my 2 cents on this class:

-Does mediocre damage compared to other classes.
-Skills mana cost is too high and gear solutions are too penalizing or horrid.
-4 Locked in spells to do high tier NM (Teleport + frost nova + ice armor + flame shield) talk about giving “choice” and “decision making” a meaning.
-Class got very rapid nerfs pre-launch and ALSO nerfed again post launch.
-Paragon Legendary Nodes + most unique items SUCK…
-Staff as a base weapon type SUCK compared to one-hand + focus.

Sorc is supposed to be a “glass cannon” and Blizzard kept the glass part and got rid of the cannon one.


its trash , cant clear NM dungeons key 70+ efficiently.

trash survavibility, trash damage.

You can be survival with arc lash but clear slow like a turtle and not surpass 75+ lvl keys.

It is so easy to test the class, pick the character and open a nightmare dungeon. Think the devs are uncapable of doing even that.


Obviously haven’t played an Ice shards build that totally deletes all the content in the game with minimum effort. I’m sure it will be next to get a nerf but it’s fun atm so I’m not complaning …


obviously didnt even get to keys 70+ on nightmare dungeons and want to give a newbie opinion.


Oh really? nerf a skill that does 6-7 mil per cast compared to 40-60 mil from some other class that I don’t wanna name so I don’t get crucified?

If they nerf ice shards I will probably stop playing because they have a philosophy issue when it comes to balancing


dont worry mate hes probably lvl 70 lmao and is seeing some flashy highlight youtube videos.



I wish I can see the upcoming “big patch notes” to decide whether to stick around or play some other game


its so easy to test.

Why they dont take sorceress and open a nightmare dungeon key 75+ and try to beat it efficiently with more than 3 builds.

It takes 10 min to test.

Are they even working? Or are they just plain stupid?


As being said, they gonna fix the resistance issue in s2.
But without a huge buff on survivability, I doubt sorc is actually endgame viable in the coming s1.
Hopefully the next ‘BIG’ patch will fix this.

Agree sorc is so bad at the moment, I play Blizzard doing fine but cant imagine to push 70+, i did just 58 and got one shoted once by ghost. I am 98 lvl and not much left in paragon board for damage or defense.

Barb just own pvp and does 60 mil hits, he is also super fast in pve killing speed and movement speed and tanky as hell. Its so unfair. Meanwhile sorc got nerfed due to stupid streamers in beta becouse of lvl 25, thats sounds like joke in current state.


Shhhh don’t mention Barb are you crazy??? don’t you see how Blizzard is hold off of nerfs because they’re too scared of another backlash?

Meanwhile, sure, nerf sorc to the ground in between 2 beta tests AND on launch

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Like the number of community members breezing 75s is relatively small across the the board.

Like your talking about likely less then 1% of the playerbase.

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I’m trying to make an iceblades cd reduction crackling energy spear build work. And while it looks super cool, it probably is a small step down from firewall, which is B tier comparted to Ice Shards which is A. The only A. And more like and A-.

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Sounds nice… I tried ice blades but zombie was outrunning the summoned blades and I just stopped. If you have footage of gameplay please share it I am really interested to see how it performs and feels

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I think it boils down to the shatter passive. If you can’t efficiently work that into your build you just lose too much AoE clear time. Which one are you using for your build?

I have sorceres on 41 lvl so far, but I have read a lot about this class.

I would like to say :

  • Frost nova, frost armor and teleport are absolutely must. 3/6 skills already taken
  • Legendary aspects are so boring, it is just increase dmg while barrier, increase core skill dmg, increase dmg to vulnerable …

Sorc is OP. Learn to play and test new builds.

Are you playing a Sorc? if so, I’m interested to know what level are you and what’s the highest tier NM dungeon you’ve cleared… and which build too


Nah, Druid here. But there are tons of videos and stories about sorcs destroying end game. Just search em up. I personally like to figure The Gear and builds myself.

Overflowing energy.
It’s nearly immortal, since every lightning spear proc from unstable currents, as well as teleport, with almost no cd, procs protection so I get barriers. I pretty much just have 100% uptime on unstable currents and just arc lash away. Firebolt and ice blades on enchant.