As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

I remember that patch and quitting over it. Was not the first game killing patch and by what I see from the current D4 patch it won’t be the last. As I mentioned, historically every game that has done something this egregious in first few months died shortly after. Diablo 4 will not be the exception to this standard.

730 of us say otherwise.


Never forget shakogate 2023!

  1. But vs. Almost 11k views. That’s not a good engagement ratio. Lol

Edit 1: Is there a way to sort comments by like? Cuz most of the 30+ comments are trending towards the opposite of OP

Edit 2: I think OP screwed up by saying they speak for everyone. Shadow necro says hi with almost double damage. The armor nerfs suck though. Disobediance hurts.

My most developed toon so far is a bone spear/summoner necro at level 53. I have fought the Curator a couple of times, and I got him down to less than 1/4 of his life and he suddenly one shotted me and it was all over. I was going to give it another go tonight, but the new level requirement has pretty much screwed that.

Not a fan of the lvl req. I was able to solo elias at like 63, so it sucks new builds arent ven allowed to

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No, you didn’t.

Sorry I called you out and embarrassed you, but you had it coming so go cry somewhere else :joy:

No, you did not speak for all of us.

THIS is the real problem. Blizz tried to solve the problem of end game the easy way by making us weaker, but it solves nothing, because the loot reward table did not change. Any decent end game build even post patch can push mid 40s, which by then, we’re already getting mostly ancestral gear and have been getting 800+ items since 60s…

You obviously never played SWG to make such a ridiculous statement.

Do we still have the same number of classes and professions as before? yes
Is the design of classes and professions the same? yes
Did they revamp the entire combat system? No
Did the game get redesigned from a sandbox into a themepark? No

Some nerfs to damage isn’t on the same level as an entire redesign of the game from the ground up.

Game is 100% dead to me now. Back to D2, a game that literally blows D4 out of the water in every single regard. Finding sigons shield feels better than any single item in D4 does, because they are all pointlessly interchangeable stat sticks with lottery-odd rolls that will just be nerfed by entire orders of magnitude by a dev team who hasn’t known what they are doing since day 1, which was TEN YEARS AGO.

They cant learn from their own mistakes, they repeat the same problems, they use balancing math that only a child would use (if youre nerfing things by 50=75%, you clearly have been doing your math wrong the entire time, because you never should have entered into that degree of margin of error in the first place).

Diablo 4 would be an amazing game if it was made by a team of 20 people. But it wasn’t. It was made by thousands of the world’s most in demand game designers and programmers, with literally hundreds of millions of dollars in resources, but the priority was to skimp employees out of as much pay as possible, overwork them as much as possible, constantly fire and hire people who have no idea what is going on, etc, and THAT is why D4 is a burning pile of garbage. This studio has more money than some countries. There is quite literally no logical excuse for this product. You are either a simping fanboy who refuses to look objectively at the facts, or you are the brain dead couch console gamer for which all modern games are designed, i.e. the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR (moron).


And yet somehow people will still take this .0001% of the player base agreeing with them as “PROOOF!”
We need better math and science in public schools. End of story.

You know paragraphs and indentations are a thing right?

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you know this a forum not a college resume.

It isn’t? I could of sworn all the jobs I applied to asked me to post on the forums of Diablo for my job.

how about go troll else were unless you wanna talk about the underline conversation of the post?

There is no point of the ops thread is just to cry.

then why are you commenting about people commenting? you seem conflicted

To derail the thread.