As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

Its funny how people defend blizzard like this way. This is why Gamba Money grabbers companies decide to develop this kind of bad games because they know there will be people like this that will buy the game and spend money on @*#&$& that doesn’t work.


Constructive criticism is great… I’ve read lots of great posts from people not only complaining about the patch, but giving detailed information about why something isn’t working or isn’t good for the health of the game…

But when you start calling folks names or attacking them for their decisions, you lose the moral high ground. You do you champ. Quit, uninstall, find something else if this doesn’t make you happy.

Works fine. Must be operator error.

What is a “Gamba Money Grabbers Companies”?

=) Sure, operator error. Enjoy your 70$ trash.

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One mans trash am I right? See you season one man!

That player that everyone always ignores.
The one who is always complaining about others being OP so they should nerf them .
The one looking for slow deep meaningful combat… with 4 buttons.
The one whining about PvP balance in a PvE title.

Guess Blizzard is listening to them .
I hope they are honest and transparent with their intentions for the game and their goals.

That way other developers of games in the genre can learn from what are mistakes and hopefully won’t try to emulate anything seen here . Im looking at you PoE!

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D2 did the EXACT same thing before Ladder 1. IT is literally just how Diablo has been forever.

D2:LOD came out and overtuned EVERYTHING, for about a month that was the case.

1.09 came out and NERFED EVERYTHING and EVERYONE before Ladder 1 started

Patch 1.10 a few weeks into Ladder 1. Then put intended buffs back into the game without overtuning them again.

Same experience here got my druid to lvl 100 and my necro got to lvl 92. Loot is boring and nothing happens after lvl 60-70 basically everything u find from this point is vendor trash. Same repetitive dungeons and not even a single item that can make u excited since u already found all u want. Whats the point in finding ur 3rd or 4th tempest roar or temerity when u cant even trade it


No thanks i dont play trash games. As i say enjoy your 70$ trash


Well Put, I just uninstalled the game, I’m done.

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Ill bring up the topic that 6 buttons might be too complicated for some operators and they are confusing skill with quality during the live stream. Just for you buddy. See if we can cut that pesky 6 skills to 2 with pop up instructions. Id hate to not see you around season one!

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Hmm…well, hopefully they don’t take too long to at least undo some of the damage they’ve done to the 1-50 grind. (as well as fixing cinder drop rates). I can’t really see myself trying out seasons until then.

Cinder seemed fine today… i think they hotfixed it this morning

Well, that’s a bit of good news then!

Might give BG3 a go too :slight_smile: And next month there is a new season in PoE, cant wait for the release of PoE2. But u are right the itemization is probably the biggest problem i have with D4 loot is soo boring. Every item is so generic and has no identity it just feels the same as the last 50 other u found, Never once in D4 did i have anything drop that made me more than slightly interrested. Not like in D2 when finding a valuable item and getting a dopamin rush.

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Well i will see what happens in a week or so, but from what i have read, im about 90% i will quit game or not play very hard… it hard to see all the work i have done go down the drain on a Season stat… just to hear it will be harder to level. i like to have all classes… but dont see that happening… i am not excited about game… ATM

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uhhhh, id have to disagree with ya there bud . in your defense when he said “we” he probably meant those of us who actually understand the game mechanics and have enough critical thinking skills to realize what it does to the game. but you do you guy

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lol … IKR? id call 75 higher tier maybe i play sorc so at that point everything one shots you anyway

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726 to 29 likes as of this moment. Looks like the white knights are loosing. What i dont understand is why u keep defending this mediocre game when its obviously not a finished product and the game could actually end up getting better if enough people speak up. In the end u would in a way have helped urself to a better game

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