As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

You have just released the worst patch in history. As someone who even played the absolute crap out of Diablo 3, I have never been so disappointed. In any game ever. I was looking forward to this game so much, and jumped on buying it the minute I learned of it. But now, you have shown where your decision making lies, and multiple times at that. I remained optimistic until this point. Its a new game I thought, yeah they need to add more things than just seasons. I know you can’t release every feature you wanted to add in the beginning, but NERFS??? Come on man.

Instead of announcing or adding new things to do in the already lacking endgame, you just made it harder and longer to get there. Instead of just nerfing the billion damage builds, you nerfed everything. EVERYTHING. I can’t do the normal nightmare dungeons I was able to before on my already limited survivability. It now takes longer and is harder to help level your peers. It now takes longer to obtain the already barely obtainable before chest reset helltide mystery chests.

Why nerf anything? Why not just buff what’s lacking. Why not add more things to the game? Why not add a third paragon chart to dump experience into? Where are my pets? Where are my treasure goblins varieties? Where are my stash tabs? Where are my vaults, my cow levels, my infinite dungeons? My new torment world tiers? My new aspects that actually matter? Diablo is not meant to be a nerfed game. Crazy builds and fast clears are what it’s all about. Power leveling and having fun in a fast paced game with your friends. It’s not like end game was quick to reach anyways, especially for those who are working class and only have a few hours a day to play.

If you want this game to survive long term, you need to backpedal. IMMEDIATELY. Or you will lose a significant number of your player base, INCLUDING MYSELF. Or was that your goal from the beginning? To pump money out of those who waited so long for a new release and then just run it into the ground without adding more features than just seasons.


It’s not anywhere close to the worst patch even for a game within the Diablo series.


I think NGE still holds that title but I appreciate the sentiment.


I’m not gonna lie. This is definitely a contender for most garbage patch ever seen in a Diablo title. Don’t think it’s the worst patch in history, though. In fact, no Diablo game has the worst patch in history. Nothing besides WoW can claim that until or unless you can remove Warlords of Draenor from the very fabric of reality.


Not even close.
Heck, easily one of the best patches for a Diablo game in the last decade. Which to be fair, does not say much.


You don’t speak for anyone but yourself. There is no we.


Very bad patch. They over did the nerfs.


I’m not even that salty about the nerfs. I’m salty about my perfectly rolled items suddenly getting knocked down to like 50% of the new post-nerf maximum potential value instead of simply dropping to the maximum post-nerf value. That was an incredibly stupid decision.


Don’t lump me into the novel you just cobbled together. I think the patch is fine for an early patch. Have you tried playing it? Or did you just read every negative thing and make your mind up that way?


You do not speak for me. I ran 3 NM dungeons with my WW barb and it was fine (NM55+56).

I like the changes. Makes gear more versatile as not everything needs to be Vul and CDMG.

Also love the new NM rotation.

Heck, why am I even here listening to all the entitled whinging?


Warlords is where I lost interest in WOW. Haven’t played in almost 3 years and I am a much happier gamer because of it


It’s hard to put into words the immense disappointment reading these patch notes…


If I play sorc I dont even have a chase item unique. The game is just not fun like D2R where your drive is to chase the items. Here all uniques sux so hard maybe except for druid, the new oculus is joke, not funny tho.

They just killed sorc even more. Killed fun in heltides. I dont know what are they doing. The game director should be fired.


For the people who say that this is NOT the worst patch, please provide an example or evidence that it is not instead of saying
“no it’s not trust me bro”


You don’t speak for me. I think the patch notes overall are pretty solid. Discussion here:


Try playing the game. You obviously didn’t read them in full and comprehend it.


Yes, yes it is. Cope.

I did. Warlords of Draenor exists. That’s all the evidence anyone ever needs to affirm that this is in fact not the worst patch ever put into a video game.

Tell your dealer to cut you off.


I am enjoying the patch, but I was playing Infinimist so honestly I see only improvements so far and the loot has been much more balanced. I really can’t wait 2 more days though. I do want to start the season already and get ahold of the gems.