As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

This is always thrown out there as it’s easy to look-up, but do you know why? Do you understand the mechanics between the value of crafting and sorting out specific items for sought out builds/crafting?

Everything that drops in D4 is ID already. So it’s all just out in the open. Every rare D4 has a single stat reroll for random (without preview) value.

In D2 the mix/match of items and varying degrees of drops had you theory crafting which pieces would go well together.

Here, it’s all stat dump or comparing %,+,x,[rank] values to determine a minor increase.

D4 requires you to have more inventory by nature, in that eventually you’re having to store affixes for later use on potential theory crafted base items. It’s not a fair comparison.

That is actually a perfect example.

1.09 shook diablo 2 gameplay up SO DAMN MUCH because of all the overtuned stuff in the LOD launch…

IF I recall 1.09 is also the update before D2 first expansion ladder as well

the malignant hearts? you mean the one that gives +all res ? HAHAHAH you dont see a lack of thinking right here? Blizzard - “yea resistances are broken we will address that in season 2” also Blizzard - malignant heart will take a 250 point armor slot and give a small bump to +all res ----- you dont see the problem here? it not only means someone came up with this ignorant idea , it aslo means he had a boss who approved it… so if you dont see a severe case of negligence in this patch i have a few things you might want to buy from me…

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Already uninstalled :slight_smile: feel better already in fact i dont think ill ever buy another blizzard product again. Blizzard North was the best not this Activision puppet


Not sure what diablo games you have played, but it is doesnt sound like anything below nr 3 which was a huge fiasco.

yea north was definitely the good ol’ days

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You must be very young.

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They said the are working as intended but that they are not very strong and will need adjustment.
Which is the problem… They are multiplicative when resistance should be additive like D2 had.

Testing with lowered armor and items that increase resistances will help them tune that.

Think of this as the 1.09 patch of D2 (Which GUTTED the meta) and then 1.10 was the official base line tuning used for a VERY long time and was LADDER 1 of D2.

Diablo has now, 3 games in a row, done a major gutting of stats post Season 1.

I’m glad you stopped in before departing. See you around in season one buddy.

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i dont think its being young as much as it is paying 70$ for this and then having microtransactions and a severe lack of end game content and them obviously trying to buy time by just making everything take longer to get to end game . also its the severe negligence for instance – Blizzard “resistances are broken we will fix them in season 2” also Blizzard “lets make a malignant heart in season one that gives a small bump to resistances. and lets make it take an armor slot to even use it so youll lose 250 armor when you equpi it” do you see the disconnect there? its disappointing because its like we know the mechanics better than them and they made the game, but instead of listening to us they still try to do their own thing and essentially ruin characters that ppl have spent many hours farming gear for …

I can guarantee u wont see me in season 1 :slight_smile: not just because of the nerfs but also the game itself the game was dead within 2 weeks for me and i havent played since.

Alright I’ll bite. CE Necro…OK it’s all starting to make sense now. Looks like it moved from D tier up to C tier! Congratz on clearing tier 40! So of course you don’t feel the difference. Let me know when you push 80+ and tell me again how “strong” you feel.

Also I like how you mentioned barb in your previous response but decided to leave it out this time bud. Good luck

This would be a lot easier to believe if you weren’t in the forums responding to comments about a game you’re no longer playing…

where the PTR and feedback before destroying the game when you told us play your way in all the dev streams in close alpha and beta then they nerf every custom build after everyone preordered the game

lol calling nm45 higher tier. Its like base level for a build.

Hmm…that’s an interesting idea. Annoying though, because this isn’t a game in beta, so leaving a game in an unsatisfying state for the next three months for “testing” purposes isn’t really acceptable. But in a world where resistances don’t suck, I could see the current armor rates and DR rates as being acceptable, if a little underwhelming.

At the end of the day, this patch made the game significantly less fun. Add that to the fact that the endgame isn’t fleshed out, loot farming and itemization aren’t fun…I dunno, feels bad and I don’t want to play anymore. SO glad BG3 is coming out in a few weeks. Too bad, considering I had sunk literally thousands of hours into Diablo 3 and I was looking forward to the same with D4. Looks like that won’t be happening.

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because if noone that dislike the game speak up it will never get any better my friend. In fact u should be glad this might help u get a better game

And your still hanging around telling people your leaving? That’s like a kid threatening to run away but never does.

yea after getting one character to 100 and realizing the lack of fun involved in the game loops its pretty discouraging to find out it will take 30-50% longer to do it again with the same loops and boring items… no new stash space , no fix to resistances, no new uniques that will even be used in ANY builds, and mediocre mechanics added for first season. just seems kind of pointless …

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