As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

Agreed. I basically kill something… then wait for 5 minutes for cool downs to replenish so I can move again without dying.


As bad as it feels now, I think all the defense nerfs was to see HOW MUCH to adjust resistances. Because changing resistances to be additive while ALSO having insane armor would of made some classes basically invincible.

Because if their change to resistances is to make them ADDITIVE like diablo 2, armor as high as it was and max resistances can make classes nearly invincible.

And I think doing this patch mid season would of been worse. Because the resistance patch comes out after this season ends…

So unfortunately… now is the only time for them to be able to thoroughly test it.

how when it cost millions to change your build? why not just let us do this for free since you nerfed us? its clear they dont care about the players enjoyment. i tried to play. theres is no reason to nerf their main multiplier. the game is a dungeon clearer. you want fast clears. stop playing like your not upset then complain yourself at the end. the devs do not understand what they are doing.

wrong. the seasons they already said is were they would implemnt changes and if they are good and needed they would bring into eternal.

So you don’t speak for me. The patch leaves me completely cold. With each season, the dice are rolled anew. And as a veteran, that should affect you very little. As a veteran, I have developed an attitude that with each season the game starts all over again. I plan my class/build/whatever and make the content clear. Who cares if I was stronger or weaker the season before? This phenomenon occurs in every season of every ARPG sometimes weaker and sometimes harder.

No they stated they will be MONITORING the season to make changes. Not that they would be DURING the season…

" We know these changes will reduce the total amount of possible power a character can possess, so we’ll be monitoring how these changes affect players’ ability to conquer expected milestones throughout the Season."

They also stated that NOTHING from seasons besides uniques would be in eternal and after seasons they MAY introduce things SIMILAR to season items, during the campfire.

Don’t forget 35 aspects for imprinting is seasonal only. 7 new, 28 that are drop only for eternal…

We MAY get those but there is no guarantee. Playing season may be the only way to transfer them over. Both Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 did the same, had to transfer many seasonal things over as they, mostly, where not transfered over

a nerf is one thing but gutting essentially everything and making one class absolutely unplayable isnt a nerf. its game-ending. there are fun aspects in the game focus on those and amplify them, but what we got was basically anything fun was taken away. its fun to use skills and not wait around to use skills - blizzard reduces CDR
its fun to power level alts not redo content youve already done that honestly isnt that fun - nerf xp gain into the dirt
its fun to be able to store gear you may use in the future for an unusual build youve been wanting to try - no stash space, no gem stash, shared elixir stash
one class is almost not playable because of broken game mechanics (resistances) - nerf armor and make a malignant heart give +res AT NEGLIGIBLE amounts… not even a lot just a medicore amount you get more from intrinsic stats on jewelry. and make that malignant heart take the armor slot on your jewelry … HAHAH is that a joke? and youre trying to convince me this was well thought out?? LMFAO i got a bridge for you

prior to this patch they literally said multiple times the seasons are where they would implement these changes and after season if they were needed to carry over. this was again prior to this very patch note.

Completely agree, this patch ruined this game completely. Everyone play this game is angry!!! That not fun to ruin all build that we play over 100-200 hour to collect. Please revert all nerf!! You can simply add some more difficult level and let us try to play, not nerf nerf nerf and no real new game type.
If not giving us back the functional build, MONEY back!!!


Its beacause they are using us to test for them. The game is an ptr.

I hear what you’re saying I really do, and the way they did this patch I hear how it made you feel. But it needed to be done.

But this …
"Crazy builds and fast clears are what it’s all about. "
I can’t disagree more with this. 90 days into the game and it’s just this easily soloed steamroll of the content.

My point is here " No you don’t speak to everyone"

diablo will for ever and always be about the newest and fastest dungeon clear build of that very season.

They aren’t broken though. They are working as intended. they just suck. Just like in D2 they sucked for a long time because of Hell(Torment) nerfing them all to negatives…

Their adjustment is 99.9% going to be making them additive instead of multiplicative, which means they will keep the -40% in Torment and you will need to make gear to focus on resisting what you are about to fight.

I mean you can look up my armory if you want to confirm hours. Im not BSing you about that or that some of my characters are stronger. Look at some of the builds on the tier lists on max roll. some have went up significantly. My CE necro got a huge buff. And very little noticeable change for the rest. A little bit squishier forcing a more active play style, Fine with me lol.

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600+ likes on the post disagree with you, at least in this fringe community of forum goers. Which I would argue precipitate things to come with the larger community by and large that aren’t speaking up or aren’t active on forums because they can’t be bothered or don’t invest their time in games as much. Which really speaks to how Blizzard listens and pays attention to the core gaming community.

I agree they didnt take into consideration the varying levels of gamers that play this game. I am no hardcore gamer. I played WOW originally until lich king was over and hading played diablo since 2. I am terrible at games but wanted a free MMO type game to play with my buddies. The fact that they changed the Uber-lilith to a solo thing is absurd. It just shows they dont care about the diversity of gamers, gameplay, and interest. Why couldnt they just add another mount/reward/title for people who solo? Ill sooner quit then respec to something just to fight her. This game has been excellent up until this patch and Blizzard is discriminating casual play in a MMO type game. Super dissapointed.

yes… because d2 and d3 had so much more stash space…

This game has 200… D3 has 300 as of now (more if you are on console, its 350 on there) D2 had 48… D2R had 96…

Feels a little bit like the 1.09 patch for original D2. Lots of nerfs to a lot of staple stuff. I’m still going to play- just feels a lot different from day before yesterday.

the only one steam rolling content is youtubers who have 16 hours a day to donate. if you play just a couple hours a day most wont even be lvl 100. so that “it needed to be done” idea is frankly ignorant. what upset ppl the most is just the mindlessness and lack of critical thinking that went into it. its like they just said well we dont have resources to add end game content so lets just nerf everyone to buy us time. we can change a few numbers in the code to reduce power and make everything less fun and more time consuming . ill give you a perfect example of the lack of critical thinking put in – resistances are broken we will fix them in season 2 … lets add a malignant heart to boost resistances and not even a lot just a little bit and lets also make it take a slot with 250 armor and lets reduce armor by 30%
do you see a severe lack of critical thinking involved in that? if not i have some things you might want to buy…

that stats shown are like level 10 for the post…

IT is definitely well thought out, just might have been a bad time to implement it…

But to scale the resistance update they need to know how much to NOT overtune them or we will have a Vulnerability like problem again where stats are 100% mandatory for EVERYONE and specs that can’t apply it wont be used.
The fact FIRE SORC is even in a tier list shows this patch added, if anything, more variety to specs and builds

Is this your first ARPG???
Most of them, besides this and D3, force you to redo the story every alt…