As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

From my understanding yes, the whole skill tree and paragon board of Warriors got super messed up with the adjustment and anyone who is going to keep playing eternal definitely needs to redo their stats.

I will say the fact that Blizz clearly has those scrolls for free resets and didn’t give them out to everyone after a major change like this is kind of messed up.

Cut our damage, cut our survivability, cut the stats on the items we’ve spent hours farming, cut our XP progression, cut every single reason to play your game…

I guess if the game bombs now, you can cut your staff to a minimum and start developing your next cash trap.


Let me assure you, you don’t speak for me. Get bent.

Yeah, you missed those 1.3k likes?

then dont comment. its that simple

Yup they really lost me on this one. Maybe season 2 will get the changes the game needs.

you get to pick one of the 2. not both.

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Sorry, My mistake, you dont pay for the season, but I am sure they will incorporate a cost like all the other new games. each day you get a bonus that you login etc etc

I liked Warlords of Draenor it was better than Pandas :smiley:

Some of those raids were really fun!

And the music in that startin zone was top notch as was group area quests and the Garrsion :slight_smile:

I’m gonna call BS but honestly it doesn’t even matter because if you’ve played the game as much as you say you have, then it’s much worse than I thought. It’s one thing to be a forum troll but it’s entirely another matter to live in the fantasy land you have created. Saying things like “My characters actually feel stronger” just screams bullsh!t because it’s in no way even remotely true and you know it. It’s either that, or you just crave attention like a child in which case congratz for baiting me.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that assuming you started playing during early access on June 1st, the game has been out for ~1150 hours. This means that you are claiming to have played for over half of that time frame @ 650 hours which tells me a few things. 1. You clearly aren’t employed because if you were it wouldn’t be possible and you are clearly spewing toxic lies to make up for your lack of self esteem. And if not, then I honestly retract everything i’ve said because that’s just sad. Also maybe get out of the basement once in a while. Who knows it might even give you some perspective so you can realize just how toxic you are.

I really hope they fix this , this is terrible now , glad other games release soon cause it looks like I’m done with this game now after this patch.

Have you actually played the game after the patch? My Blizzard Sorc can still do ND 50-55 (havent tried higher). yes i have less survival and damage, but i changed few items to focus more on Crit and Close damage instead of Vul and doing good.

Not saying is the same as before, had to do some tweaks to the build.

Of course i think Sorc got heavily nerf due to the changes, but is probably because i play Sorc. Maybe the hearts will provide enough damage buff that i can put more defense on items, we will see.

Only want them to go back on the Sorc specific nerfs

Nerfing vuln/crit damage, when they are still the best stats in the game after the nerfs, not sure I’m following this logic. Made characters weaker and didn’t actually fix the issue, that people will still get vuln/crit damage regardless of your changes.

So I guess their intention was to just make characters weaker plain and simple, even sorc which is the character that I play.

Still not following blizzards logic here.

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BG3 in two more weeks anyway. I understand why you’re concerned that a smaller studio so significantly raise the bar. That doesn’t mean you drop the bar completely. I swapped to sorc from necro because minion build is flatly demotivating. Then they hamstrung the crap out of it. I could try making an alt once the season hits but… They nerfed alt leveling too…

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I like that the game is slower than POE, more challenging at ND 60+. Instead of just raging about the Patchnotes, try to play the season with a different class and make your own build instead of copying it, you might have fun.

I think they did a huge nerf to survivability without fixing the Elemental resist stuff, they could have made this changes on S2 when they said they would fix the elemental resist stuff

Couldn’t agree more. I originally started a Sorcerer, got to level 65, found that I was dying too often and not having fun, then rolled a Barbarian to be more tanky. It was way more fun because I wasn’t getting killed several times per dungeon. The combination of changes in this patch is so overwhelmingly baffling that I cannot fathom the actual intent of them.

We need all classes to be more tanky, and if anything we don’t need more offense as the top builds are very strong. Please listen to us and roll back this mistake before it’s too late. You had my goodwill and you did maybe the one thing that would guarantee for me to write this whole thing off.


hold your horses, you went from necro to SORC ?

Why would you do this?

After going MINION build?

CHrists sake blizzard you should give this guy his money back at this point and just let him keep the game. You swindled this guy.

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Development Plan:

  1. Core Release
  2. Profit
  3. Season 1
  4. Profit
  5. Season 3
  6. Profit
  7. Expansion
  8. Profit


  1. Core Release
  2. Profit
  3. Season 1
  4. Dead Game

Diablo 2 1.09? broke the game and required a reinstall when the game used CD keys that rubbed off with any friction whatsoever, so that was the worse patch ever for me lol

wolf is a nut-rider. says hes played since diablo 1 and hes not surprised by this patch… well, dude, i helped design diablo 1 and 2 and im surprised and disappointed to hell with this patch so there’s that… who cares if youve played since diablo 1 . that brings nothing to the converstion. good for you i guess. get over yourself.