As a 36 year old dad

I agree with some of this but dude if you had problems doing that lvl 50 capastone dungeon at lvl 51 you should go find another game to play. I did it at lvl 43 on my barb. It was very easy as well. its the lvl 70 one that gets difficult.

just copy/paste the error messageā€¦ much effort, very wow

Every diablo game has required years of playtime to really excel at, I have characters that are older than my kids, and my kids are moved out, working jobs, being people and all that crap.


Yeah I had less time to play when they were young, but the games didnt go anywhere, and I can still play them nowā€¦

No one is playing eternal realm on purpose. The new content will only be available for season players until itā€™s done. You are the only one with the stupid take. Your name is donut.

Who doesnt like donuts?

Not enough to name my account donut. And I read all his posts in the voice I imagine he has. He always defends Diablo NO MATTER WHAT, and then types lol or rofl after every sentence. Guy is dreadful.

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error 419 joke not detected.

The zombie level was fun.

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You may be on to something.

Im am 38 year old dad. I game when i have time to game and i enjoy that time.

I started enjoying it more when i stopped trying to beat it as fast as possible.

No dev can make a game for people that dont have time to play them.

Yeah, exactly, so how about you donā€™t post anymore. The OP has good points.


Dad, Iā€™m gonna need that kidney.

Iā€™m gonna Blizzard my way to 100, blood sweat and tears, I refuse to change this build. Its my 2nd toon but I promised myself, Blizzard only. Pray for me friends.

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You are not wrong. Happy Dadā€™s day.

The point is that itā€™s not fun

SoMe ReAl StUpId TaKeS tOdAy

Iā€™m a dad, I have limited time to play ā€¦ I love the game ā€¦ You are entitled to your opinion of course, just donā€™t try to mix things with you donā€™t liking the game with being a parent or having limited time, if anything, this game was made exactly for us ā€¦ here is something that might blow your mindā€¦ You donā€™t need to reach lvl 100, you donā€™t need to do everything ā€¦ I do agree it needs improvement and it will probably get it eventually, this is just version 1.0, not even one month out yetā€¦

Now you know how D2 players felt when D3 was released.

While that statement has a very slight hint of vindictiveness to it, it is also painfully true.
As someone who loved Diablo 1 and 2 but never touched World of Warcraft, Diablo 3ā€™s release was the thing that fully displayed to me how much Blizzard had changed since Diablo 2 LOD.

You could have had a lot more playtime without composing that wall of illegible text.

now 5 tiers of Gems (unlocks 60, 70, 80) ā€¦ and leater 8 tiers of Gems (season 1?)

Take two minutes of your day to open Maxroll and compare the number of viable builds in Diablo 3 with the number of viable builds in Diablo 4. This isnā€™t even taking into consideration the near-endless build diversity offered by Legacy of Dreams and Legacy of Nightmares, which only function without Set bonuses.

Or you can just continue believing that three build options per class is somehow superior.

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