As a 36 year old dad

with limited time to play, what annoys me about diablo 4 is that it feels like they took 10 years of diablo 3 development and threw it down the toilet. every single feature of this game is a worse version of something else.

leveling, crafting, enchanting, dungeons, bosses, events, legendary powers, build diversity… which one of these does diablo 4 do better than other games? you feel weaker as you level up, there’s no mob density, dungeons have a reset cooldown, builds are clunky and stuck in the archaic system of builder/spender, the paragon system is 90% “+5 stat” and 10% “damage boost without gameplay improvement”

and seasons… i bet my left kidney that you will have to level up trough the campaign AGAIN, and re-farm every legendary power… i dont know about everyone else, but im not looking forward to that, so im probably gonna skip the first season
and the worst part is, as i said before, they ALREADY LEARNED these lessons with diablo 3!!! adventure mode, rerolling stats, closing greater rifts instantly…
i have a theory, that diablo 3 started to improve exponentially when the people in charge left to start developing d4… so now we have to wait for these “people” to start on diablo V for the game to start improving…

as someone with limited time to play i will never experience a functional build, im lv51 and not getting to level 80 any time soon, so honestly after i finished the campaign and suffered trough the capstone dungeon with a rage starved undergeared barb im already not feeling the “itch” to log in after work. i got a few good drops but spending 20 minutes runing in circles inside dungeons doesnt feel like a good use of my limited time, and every time i feel im getting stronger… ding! back to where i was, or worse


eternal realm is up forever, what is the rush?

man some real stupid takes today


Yea… They actually confirmed thats not the case.

How soon should I expect that kidney??


rush? no rush… been playing d3 since launch and im not even paragon 2k on non season. its not about rush, its about fun, and diablo 4 right now is not a fun game


With limited time to play, dont play seasons. Honestly I’m probably not playing them until they rethink the Renown portions. I will never grind that again once its done.


What irks me is simple systems in D3 aren’t here. Like saving builds at the wardrobe. And seems like only two lvls of gems?


everyone must be held hostage for the 36 yr old dad


wait do we have to do all the renown stuff every season?

Isn’t renown permanent, account wide buffs?

Sounds like you need to drop a world tier


Exactly Themadjoker8 this game has unlearned many a lesson. It isn’t a bad game overall tho and has massive potential. They just need to LISTEN to the community overall and implement good changes.

Also, it doesn’t need to beat PoE it just needs to be good/great at what it does.


Every streamer has been saying you will have to redo all sidequests/completion for those paragon points. Only statute of Lilith will carry over.

Side quests that at my level only give 1% xp? Sounds great sign me up.


No… just no. I’m not going to pretend this is worse than D3.


As someone who played almost all 26 seasons of D3 I completely disagree with you.

Especially with build diversity. If you played D3 you know that it was all and ONLY about the set pieces. You weren’t progressing at all without set pieces and one set piece was the difference between doing no damage to 10,000% more damage - it was stupid.


hostage? by improving quality of life? i never complained about dificulty, only scaling.


If it took me a week of no lifing the game to get to lvl 74 and get a fleshed out build, you can do it 100 days at 2 hours a day. Let’s be generous though, 200 days because you won’t play some days. The game is gonna be ten years long. Boo hoo.

Your not the only parent who complains on here. And what you think is better does not mean someone else also thinks it is a QOL improvement dad.

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idk why do you even complaining bout scaling cuz it’s actually same scaling as it was in D3. The only one difference - it take you way more time to level in D4, and in D3 it was like 2 hours or 2 mins if you had high level friends.

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great post and agreed

feels like not much has been learned, like the dev team is missing a lot of tacit knowledge
the bones are there for sure

havent seen much complaint at all on graphics for example