AoZ - Too much health Tier 10+ - Unless you have 3 specific Ubers

I’ve been grinding Duriel pretty hard. The mat grinding, dealing with slowbies via rotation groups, etc… Using two different characters, I’ve gotten my 6th Shako in a row.

The ONLY way to press in the upper tiers is this: Be a barbarian class, Have Grandfather drop, Have Shako drop, Have Doombringer drop, and Have Selig. You literally have to be BLESSED by RNG…

AoZ is supposed to be about skill. This has nothing at all to do with skill.

Worst addition to the game I’ve ever seen, yet you entice collector’s with title rewards etc that can’t be earned after season ends.


It’s literally just a nightmare dungeon with cranked up numbers. There’s no evolution of gameplay beyond a high end gear check.

Diablo itself really isn’t about skill, it’s a heavily gear / build based game as you have seen.


I wish every part of the game is about player skill, but I came into AoZ knowing it’s not just about skill so I wasn’t disappointed at all.

But that doesn’t mean I am satisfied with the state of AoZ.

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I did about 200-300 duriels. I have a grandfather but no other uber unique. I have quit because of this, as this was the only endgame and now as you say gates access to endgame.

Anyone who thinks its ok to design the game to require all day every day grinding to be able to acquire BIS, just wants to play a different game than I do.

I am ok with all day every day grinds being cosmetic only but not for power.

I just hope much much more people are vocal/quit over this so blizz finally gets the message.

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why do you need selig?

Why are you doing this to yourself? You don’t have to live like this.

AoZ is a failed content module, not endgame. IMO

AoZ is just a small temporary beta test for a potential new game mode later on. Not something that should really be taken seriously right now.

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Why do you think?

If you are “badass” as you are trying to sound, show a me a video of you doing a 10+ without one.

I know you won’t.

Sadly that is true. There is a huge difficulty spike tier 6 and onwards(where enemies basically start scaling above nmd100) good builds and items start to struggle. At that point you need perfect items(with perfect rolls) and meta builds. So I’m like trying to roll perfect items, while trying to farm matts for duriel and hoping for a doom bringer drop which you need for barb and rogue.
I just quit playing my druid because he just can’t do tier 6. If I make him tanky his dps isn’t enough and if I go dps he can’t survive. I can def change my build, but I just don’t want to.

selig isnt needed. no one pushing highest tiers is using it because you need damage. i stopped using it for banished lords talisman. much better for pushing higher tiers. you should learn what your talking about before you make these threads


If AOZ rewarded uber unique’s, I would grind out level 200 on the glyph and be championing how awesome of a gameplay mode it is.

For me the problem is NOT in the design of the content (post hotfix) its in the rewards. It could be polished more but I really like the GR concept.


I made a post to address AoZ if added to eternal.

AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 😁

Still waiting for your video proof.

told you it wouldn’t happen.

you guys need to start playing FPS games where skill is the only thing that matters

i dont know about barbs, wasnt paying attentions

but for ball sorc, selig does not cut it after 15, it is almost impossible to push with selig builds

you need to switch to low life injured build so you can utilize 1 more offensive aspect on necklace with at least +3 mastery +3 offensive passive of your choice (most likely devouring blaze right now…fire is just popular), armor / movement / mana cost depending on your needs, personally id take armor and mana cost over movement but thats just me.

right now i am hard stuck at 17 because i cant find any good injured gear pieces, i am stuck with selig…i just dont do enough damage unless i leveled TOB to a significant level which is pretty much impossible to non streamer without a group of viewers helping me

The problem with “infinite” dificult lvl design is this…

The game basically force people to play some specific builds, which you dont really want to do.

I have no idea why people are so elitist with isometric rpg, which are all about item and lvl, not really skill.


I want 6 shakos. Wont have to shuffle them in eternal!


please read the video description i made it for you