AoZ - Too much health Tier 10+ - Unless you have 3 specific Ubers

honestly, every thread you post is about you having problems in aoz. considering its such a bad addition to the game i wonder why you are this invested?

id prefer if there wasnt a max tier for aoz. people seem to get way too worked up over reaching a certain tier.

t10 does have a huge hp increase on mobs, that sure, honestly, i struggle there myself right now. but just because i cant handle it i dont feel the need to complain over it…

this is supposed to be rough.

new aspect tommorow should help lb sorcs. But still trying to figure out how im going to get that aspect on my neck since I can not roll a decent amulet with armor so have to run the armor aspect on neck to compensate.
Might have to quit using fun fast level 9 clear staff build and use 1 handers again.

What is new aspect? I would have to drop damage while you have a barrier to use it as Im missing two aspects already from using Staff Spear of Stabbie Stab

if you look at the aspect it looks like it is only active in the midwinter blight zone. so dont know how “good” it will be

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35 attack speed 20 movement flat not a proc or effect you have to keep up.
Do not think that. No way they could do that with how rare perfect aspects are you cant just switch them back and forth.


Attack speed is already capped for me with ravenous and staff spear of stabbie stab attack speed buff so looks like i can skip that one.


If it was in midwinter only you would have to put on a different aspect on when you went to run AoZ.

This is it exactly. The rewards really suck and the dungeon isn’t that much different than any other NMD outside the higher health pools and damage done to you.

Its like a higher lvl NMD…with similar rewards…which outside glyph xp are meh.

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I think you quoted the wrong person somewhere Gaeandilth

Yeah think so too.
But my attack speed maxed too but think im going to have to give up fun spear level 9 runs to push higher than 12.
Although i do not see anything over 9 being efficient for xp grinding till glyph is MUCH higher.

9 is perfectly good for me. Seems much higher pushing leads to having to mix max everything and Im not up for that right now.

the aspect states after 30secs of nights grasp gain dawns haste for 12secs. while empowered by midwinters ward killing an enemy reduces nights grasp duration by 1 sec.

and the dawns haste is the attack spd/movement speed buff.

so outside of the zone you have the buff for 12sec uptime and 30sec downtime if you can even have buff outside the zone

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THe jump too big on dps requirement. Doing 850k high end lb hits but t11 is a close thing without good shrine procs. Few more greed or lethals id probably fail on time.

Sounds extremely useless then.

its basically something to throw on a rare to use just for the event i think. not something to replace what you already have i think.

i have back up gloves i might toss it on just for the movement speed i think

This should have just been a gem that gains an effect depending on what aspect is on that gear making for some fun whacky combos but only works in midwinter area.

2 Examples:

Midwinter Gem + Aspect of Recharging (Chain lightning restores 3 mana per bounce) = Cloudy With a Chance of Ho-Ho-Whoa!
When you gain resource to max resource Summon a Lightning Santa for 7 seconds. This lightning santa casts chain lightning, teleport (which summons close enemies to him), and spits out ball lightnings when damaged. This summoning of santa has a 20s cooldown. -1s per enemy defeated. Santas become lightning archons when two or more are summoned at once with new abilities and skills.

Midwinter Gem + Sheperd’s Aspect (Core Skills deal an additional damage for each active Companion) = Pa-Ra-Pa-Pum-Boom
When a core skill lucky strikes summon an explosive reindeer. These charge the nearest enemy and explode like fallen.

I play rubbish, it’s not worth the effort of asking and trying to help, they only do what’s easy or what makes money,.

In Xbox? I would only play serious FPS with Mouse and Keyboard. Until Xbox supports it. I’ll be casual FPS. I don’t wanna spend $$$ buildinf a PC. I am a mac and linux guy now.

Although back in the day, with my PC, I am really good with fps. Got banned multiple times because they thought I was cheating.

ROFL! You walked right into that one.

What did I tell you guys? He has 4 of the 5 requirements as stated in my original post:

#1. Barbarian class.
#2. Grandfather
#3. Doombringer
#4. Shako

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Blizzard’s design is full of various malice towards players