Anyone else get code 52 perma ban for no reason

He didn’t do anything wrong he is just using the equipment i bought for him, he turned on his computer, he played the game - its as simple as that - something is broken in their system because there is nothing going on that would hurt the game, the only thing hurting the game is their own system kicking out innocent players - we will just go to a different game if we cant get this issue resolved soon because its not worth it - i’m paying to just play a game but I have to worry about them kicking us out for literally no reason i’m just done man see you guys later i’m not going to come back to this thread unless they do something good there is just no point and too many people don’t believe my dad’s story so i’m done and i’m tired - just wasting more of my time talking about it to brick walls.

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Time a place for that talk. Now is not the time and place.

If it was as simple as that the account wouldnt have been banned. I was simply explaining to you that there is something that is on the computer that got him banned. Weather he did it intentionally or not, weather he willingly or unwillingly used a program that is against the ToS per Blizzards and was emailed about it.

Every inmate serving life in Prison says they are innocent too.

If you don’t find out what is on the computer or what he used, other games will also ban his account for the same thing.

Honestly, you know what he did and you know what is on the computer and you know it was against ToS. I hate the fact that people play victim in cases like this where I bet you money if I remoted into your dads PC (something I do to help repair clients computers instead of wasting hours to go to their offices every time they break Microsoft Word or Excel) in less than 5 minutes I could find the 3rd party software that got his account banned.

Problem is you nor your dad would let someone do that because I could also get a list of emails, passwords, usernames, etc through tools that people have created for malicious activities when they remote into a computer. Hence you wouldn’t let me show you what you did if you really were that “innocent” and didn’t do anything wrong.

Fact is thou the minute I got access to your dads computer and found the 3rd party program that was used you would then try to argue it wasn’t cheating and on and on and on. We arnt “brick walls” we have been around the block enough times to know how to avoid bans for 3rd party software that any game maker would assume gives an advantage to the player.

Hell you could buy a off brand xbox controller that has “turbo” setting so when you hold x it spams it 1000x a second. Guess what? You would be banned for it as it automates pressing the x button. Thing is every post about wrongful ban or “what did I do to deserver this!” thread is the same, they all claim innocence and they did nothing wrong. This is the same as inmates in prison that claim they are innocent yet the evidence against them is so blatantly obvious that you can appeal the verdict till you die and never get it changed.

Just food for though but don’t come at people trying to help you identify where your dad went wrong and what caused the ban.


It doesn’t really matter if anyone here believes you or not. If it’s true it’s true, but they can’t help you anyway. Mistaken bans do happen occasionally and each individual one is a real person dealing with a mess that’s difficult to solve if they’re not a streamer or someone who can get a lot of attention on the problem quickly.

Hope it gets resolved soon, good luck!

Also, if your father uses any kind of software to assist in playing because of a disability, that could be what happened.

jesus you really wrote this whole essay

OP just do a charge back on your credit card and walk away from blizzard tbh



Its not an essay. Sorry reading is hard I know but there is accessibility options on your computer that will allow a program to read it to you if you cant read. People are here providing him logical answers instead of telling someone to break the law with fraud by doing cc charge backs.

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lmao who talks like this? go back to reddit

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Who tells someone to break the law and commit fraud in a forum? O yea reddit users so maybe take your own advice.


I’m cringing so hard right now my dude

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I’m offended by your statement of “my dude”. I identify as a female and as such you will not call me a dude.


Lol what ever you say champ


Also sounds kinda like Amazon closing a man’s Prime account and shutting down his entire smart home because some dude with thin skin misunderstood what a doorbell said to him.

So mistakes do happen, and with how many this company here seems to make, I’m willing to give people like OP and his pops the benefit of the doubt.


I am not your champ either show some respect to people. I am not a little kid that you can talk down to or call offensive names because you think you are cool. To top that off telling someone in a forum to commit cc fraud because their dad was banned in a game for a 3rd party application that Blizzard found to be against their ToS is not advice anyone should ever take.


Maybe the group he was in was using 3rd party software and he got banned because being in the party, he was benefitting from it? If that is the case, that would suck because how could you possibly know someone else is cheating?

Can you even be banned for something someone else is doing just because you may be benefitting? I don’t know.

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I am not surprised that measures are taken to combat bots, cheats, etc. I’m surprised that the game hasn’t even been around for a month and they’re already breaking it every day, we’re really talking about a game that came out a month ago and already has bots, cheats, exploits, etc. It’s incredible, but it will be even more incredible in a year, you’re going to freak out seeing what it will have

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You cannot be banned for something someone else is doing. However, if you choose to engage in the activities then you are subject to the ban hammer. For example the glitch that was recently fixed that allowed you to infinitely kill mobs and get exp & loot from them due to event not stopping and going on forever. If you stood at the door while a “friend” did this you knowingly engaged in the activities breaking the exploit rules and are subject to be banned same as your buddy.

There is another current bug that allows you to open chest, breakables, bodies on ground infinitely. If you found one of these and opened it a 100 times or less sure they probably wont ban you for exploiting. However, say your buddy found one and was like “Hey man you dont have to do anything just stand here and get tuns of loot!”. If you joined him you are engaging in the exploit and stood there for hours doing it. You will most likely be banned because you engaged in an exploit. Weather you knowingly or unknowingly did it or knew it was a exploit.

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but you know how to bot?

lol ok got it sport! you go, tiger! Way to be, kiddo! You’ve got this, king. You legend you!

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Is it possible for you to respond to someone without degrading them?

I’m not a sport you cant play me. I’m not a tiger, told you I identify as a female address me as such. I am 36 years old, kiddo is my 3 kids all ages 13-17. I am not a king, I am a Queen which you again failed to acknowledge how I identify. I am also not a legend, we are not in a comic book this is not DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow”.

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as posted above you may be banned for exploiting, botting, automating game process or hacking

as we know so far nobody got banned for exploting, also mouse drivers was never the case in any game to be banned (except asian donateholes for whatever reason)

so you either botted or tried to spoof some client data. also dll hooks may consider as a hacks (like live map or whatever its called)

also common reason to get auto banned in wow is to get mass reported. dont think it is the case in single player game without competition