Anyone else get code 52 perma ban for no reason

Yes, the email should give the category of the account action. It won’t say “we caught you using bot program X at Y time in Z area” but it will at least give the third party software category.

Also, OP, only the person who is registered on the account can put in the ticket. So while you may mean well, be sure it is his account doing any correspondence.


Any email that has keywords related to sanctions or banishments get automatically put in the spam mail for me, even from recognizable gaming companies, so I would check your spam mail OP

Yes we put the ticket in on his account, my dad lives near me so I come over to help when I can - the category seems to be “cheating, botting, and exploiting game mechanics”

I almost asked why, then got smacked with the phishing email reminder. It is super common for people to get emails threatening to close an account if a person does not do X. Usually click a link, prove identity, etc.

There was another odd thread this week on the forums where someone claimed their gf’s account was closed based on an email. Then turns out if she used a different computer, she could log in just fine to her account. Strongly suggested malware/virus scans and updating passwords from a clean PC. Also changing the email on the Bnet account to one only used for Bnet.

Ah ok. Keep in mind that anything that automates the game in any way, or touches the game in any way, is not allowed. That includes macro software like Autohotkey, keyboards/mice to automate skill rotations, overlays that tie into game memory and show real time locations/data that the game does not provide on its own, etc. Multiboxing while allowed technically, also has restrictions such that you can’t use software or hardware to assist or streamline it. It has to be totally manual.

It does not have to be just a fully automated bot that lets you walk away. Lots of other stuff falls into that.


Do you need any kind of medical help?

He should be able to post on the Technical Support forum, have you tried there?

I know that you are not a Blizzard employee/contractor but, as member of consumer rights association, the EULA/TOS of blizzard is too arbitrary in what they call “Cheating/exploiting”.

End user don’t have to “have” the knowledge of a software developer/engineer to play or evaluate a possible exploit in a game… the end user play the game that they have payed for, if the game have a problem the problem is not to be imputable to the end user.

I promise you that next week i put this things at the attention of our legal dept… it’s time to take serious actions about this things.


My dad is 58 years old, retired truck driver; I had to teach him how to play the game and use his computer because he is not very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff- he couldn’t break tos if he tried too, and the people in his random party seemed to not be doing anything at the time either so here we are, totally lost about all of this and with an automated support system that doesn’t care about us - just wanted to let people know it’s happening.


you bought access to the game, not the game itself. of course its debatable on how good this is, however, bans dont happen for no reason. maybe its a misunderstanding going on, he should def do a support ticket from his own account.

good luck on your crusade with your legal dept.

If they play ONLY the game and do not try to use other software with it, they won’t have any issues.

This is very very very simple. Buy a game. Turn on only the game. Play only the game. Do not use anything else with the game.

He will just have to continue the appeals. That is the only way to deal with this. False positives can happen, which is why they have the appeal process. I do wish him good luck. I really hope it was nothing and it gets overturned.

My concern is that he grabbed some sort of “helper” tool and used it in conjunction with the game. Like a map overlay that helps with Lilith altars or something. If it touches the real time functions of the game, that can be an issue.

I use a map web page on a separate monitor - something totally in my browser that does not touch my game. I have to look at that monitor separately, but I know that keeps me out of trouble.

It is not a Tech Support issue :slight_smile:
If they reply at all, they will say the exact same thing I did. Provide the appeal information and any info on the rules for folks to review.


Plot twist: Dad has a secret hacker life his family doesn’t know about, and he’s made thousands of dollars selling gold.


haha, lets stay on it. thatd be indeed a plot twist :smiley:

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He doesn’t know how to do anything like that I promise; he doesn’t remember how to set his talent tree half the time without asking me - thank you for the response though - glad to have something alive to talk to!

I get banned from Amazon weekly, they notify me via their gmail account.


“for no reason”

Sounds like all the dudes on Rust. “I wasn’t hacking, I let my brother on my account and he did something”


Well how else would you describe it?

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OH nozzzz! I better reply to this text saying my [account I don’t have] is locked!

Worse, it is usually account types used by elderly or low income people. People who may be disabled, very ill, cognitively impaired, etc. The most vulnerable. It makes me really sad for the ones who get duped :frowning: That would have been their heat, water, or electric bill. Maybe meds or food.

Trust nothing. Verify everything.


Right, but on the tech support forums you will at least get a response from a Blizzard employee, never on general.

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If it makes you feel better I made a post there first

It doesn’t affect me in any way, was just trying to help you out.

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