Any white knights left after today?

everyone is trippin over nothing. my barb still has 600% crit dmg and 300% vul dmg. Just cleared a 65nm dungeon with ease in less than 10 mins

I think D4 is pretty bad.
but this patch notes aint bad. i think its quite good. Too few balance changes maybe etc. but overall nerfs is fine and prob better for the game.

My only wish was that they nerfed party play even more.

Is this guy in a hostage situation here? This has to be a hostage situation, right? Just take a deep breath and give us enough information to help you.

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The list is on maxroll. Didnā€™t dig deeper to find official blizzard post

:pray: Appreciated ty ty ty ty ty

There are changes I donā€™t like, there are changes I donā€™t think were needed at all. There were some glaring issues that went unaddressed yes. That doesnā€™t mean I still canā€™t have fun with it, even after the changes. There were also some good changes. Personally I was hoping for more from the patch notes, in case you were curious rather than just throwing out random buzzwords because itā€™s the popular thing to do around here.

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Iā€™m not a white knight, but I donā€™t think the patch notes are that bad. This will blow over in a week when the season starts and the BG3 marketing budget runs out.

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I mean, Iā€™m fine. If season 1 comes out on Thursday and it turns out to be not great, Iā€™ll stop playing until season 2. Iā€™ve got several other games to play in that timeframe, namely WoW.

Either way, Iā€™m not going to lose my mind about it the way the forums are. Itā€™s just a game.


Torment yourself alone.
No reason to drag other people into the abyss with you :rofl:

I opened battle net app today after not touching it for two weeks just to uninstall the game after reading the patch notes, lol. Blizzard does not know how to make a game fun, they make everything less fun so that it is ā€œbalancedā€. Trash.

Yep, right here.

I would personally like to extend a thanks to the Blizzard dev team. I recently moved and D4 came out at the worst possible time: unpacking time. My house is still half unpacked.
But thanks to this incredible patch, I have so much more free time over the next few weeks. Iā€™ll for sure be finished with the unpacking by the time Baldurā€™s Gate 3 drops. So thank you again Blizzard, I REALLY needed some distraction free weeks.

such a shame this game had potential only to be wasted by bad devs.

My post got deleted by mods for thanking the white knights for continuing to play this ruinous filth so that it has time to be fixed.

Hold strong white knights!

The community needs you to take one for the team so Microblizion has time to hire a new staff and un-%@$# this monkey.

NICE!! LOL Im smiling now!

tons of issues and they waste ressources on scrapping classes further. imagine you have 5 classes and at least two of those have no skills left to enjoy endgame. talking about clean visuals, yet we cannot disable those overlapping combat text bs. nerfing defense while half of the defenses donā€™t even work. full price for a early beta. there is nothing left to white knight. guys at blizzard are on drugs. no one can take this game serious.

Are white knights just those who donā€™t endlessly whine about everything? Bc sure, I donā€™t care how bad it is right nowā€¦ Iā€™ll just wait to play it instead of moaning


I am probably as far from a white knight for Blizzard as you can get, but tbh, the patch had many positive things in it. A positive surprise overall.

Sadly, much is still desperately needed.

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Iā€™ve been defending this game since release but after today Iā€™ve changed my outlook and even uninstalled. If they did nothing this patch I would be playing S1 thats how bad this patch is.

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Trust me. They find things to white knight for. I mean the game is perfect for people who 2-3 hours a week. Right, right? :joy:

ye those ppl who still sit at level 30 in the middle of the campaign. ofc they white knight and act like there are no big changes. this game is perfect for no brain casuals who donā€™t even take a look at the patch notes and blindly take everything blizzard thorws at them. anyone else better looking for a different game soon.