Any white knights left after today?

I still making bank with my shill monies. Get wrecked you cry baby dorks!

They nerfed exp and builds overall because they know there is no content and they have to prolong it somehow to keep players in check without realizing that this is gonna hurt them in the long run.

This is what the patch is telling me.


They are still roaming around.

Players followed builds that broke the game pre-season, destroyed everything that was meant to take much longer, and now are complaining that the devs are dialing that back, because itā€™s so much more realistic to ā€œcreate more contentā€ and allow people to obliterate it with unintended builds within days.

Do you even fully think about what youā€™re saying before you post your conspiracy theories?


If Blizz blackmail you blink twice


i agree for exp changes, but still it doesnt bother me, cuz lvl 100 is optainable even after nerfs.
But i canā€™t say for sure now about nerfs to classes, cuz we should see new gems, i think with them classes and builds can be much stronger than they were, even after nerfs.


not really. im legit enjoying this game on my sorc. the journey to level 100 was good, the grinding required to beat uber lilith took me a week and another week or so to build my ice shard for a nmd100 both on HC. iā€™m testing out necro now and im having more fun than i did with my sorc only lvl 45 tho

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The only ones thatā€™ll be left playing this disaster will be the white knights, the gluttons for punishment, the no lifers and 70% of the player base will be gone, but hey keep defending this pile of steaming crap.
This was done for one reason and one reason only to extend the life of the game buying them time to build more content, the end result will be a dead game. This was rushed out to prop up sales numbers to keep Microsoft on the hook and theyā€™ll pay the price long term for this disaster.

Iā€™m still going to play it. D3 had massive issues all the way up to reaper of souls. Iā€™m not surprised that they are struggling to balance this game. The game will still be plenty of fun up until then.


Ok this clown is same next level Meta moronā€¦ Sorc??? SORC??? from all the classes you enjoy sorc?
Masochist?? Or just Stockholm syndrom bro?

So from what Iā€™ve seen so far now. Necro and rogue still 1shot lillith.

Barbs and sorcs got hard nerfed in their best builds (which werenā€™t even really viable in the first place)

Iā€™ve seen the gems. The full list is out. They not gonna bring back those classes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Youre finally seeing what everyone else saw. Theyre literally trolling us all right now lol

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Their download servers are overwhellmend too. So future is bright.

data wined? whats the best one youve seen lol

Hasnā€™t logged in since patchā€¦ and it shows.

Which one?.. crap more characters

do you enjoy rogue/barbs/druids? because i do not. People enjoy diferent things, i like to play a caster. Glacial aspect make my blizzard do big damage and have a decent speed farm. Teleport is a big bonus for me. i dont really enjoy playing melee classesā€¦

If I still enjoy the game regardless of how the forums tell me I should feel, does that make me a White Knight?

no just makes you a sheep -

how you can read those patch notes and ā€œenjoy the gameā€ shows youā€™re either ignorant or a troll or both

go buy a clue

i dont care if they nerfed my sorc because i know once the season kicks in with the new seasonal theme and power my character will be doing more damage than before thanks to the new gems and more. itā€™s been like this since seasons were introduced into ARPGS, people end up doing more damage than before. happened in d2r, d3 and itā€™s happening in d4.