And another one bites the dust…



This guy really needs to go back to his 154k twitch viewers post…


I’m not trying to. But I can give my opinion on why I think it will be GOTY

You posted this for the sole purpose of getting an inflammatory response which is a clear violation of the forum code of conduct and you’re also using multiple accounts to circumvent an action on your other account.

People just need to flag this topic.


I flat out told my coworker who is a huge ES fan not to get it. He’ll be useless. But I can see how people are already getting sidetracked.

I’ll also concede-I had way more reservations this time around as D4 really burned me. But given I didn’t play much of what I know is the most acclaimed in the series (Skyrim), I’m almost overwhelmed.

It’s way too early for me to fairly say whether you are right or not, but knowing the mod community can fix most of whatever it is the game is getting trashed for, I think it will end up being the better game.

My gripes with Starfield are just-Graphics are underwhelming in places/non important NPCs, inventory is clunky, and the gunplay feels meh. Yet I have found myself distracted leveling up things etc.

End of day if you do end up being right that is fine, it will just mean I’m really done with gaming.

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Except you’re wrong. I have been nothing but cordial in this thread. Explaining my position. It’s discussion. Which is what forums are for.

Cool, you don’t have to explain to us why you’re wrong, we’re well aware.

I didn’t even begin to offend you. Just giving my opinion on the limited post you posted. If you have low standards - work on self-development. I don’t think many (real) critics will disagree with me. Develop yourself then you will not get into such a situation again.
And do not praise those who do not deserve it, you are simply indulging negligence.

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Just face the fact BG3 will sweep most categories this year. if anyone would like to place a bet they will win at least 3 GOTY awards put your money down now.

Yeah claiming I don’t have common sense because I have a different opinion. Hence the superiority complex. I digress.

See there you go you created this thread just to claim the high ground. You’re lucky though CM have other things to do on Sundays.

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Everyone excuse him please. Exiled doesn’t get out much.

Really? Me being respectful of people is “claiming the high ground”?

Alright well I can see anything I say will be twisted by you to fit some weird narrative. Have a good day.

Flag the opening post its pure flame bait trolling.


There’s gaming, and then there’s gaming culture.

Gaming is fine. There are literally infinite games. Playing them is, thankfully, VERY socially acceptable now. I was born in the most Orwellian year of all time and let me tell you, it wasn’t THAT long ago when gamers weren’t called gamers. We were nerds, geeks, losers, outcasts. Look at the commercials of the 80’s and early 90’s. We weren’t cool and games were not being marketed as cool.

Gaming culture though, is the exact opposite. Gaming itself may be totes fine now, but the culture surrounding it has mutated into a grotesque zit that we don’t dare try and pop out of fear the toxic pus gestating within might infect us anew.

My suggestion is to game on and ignore everything else. Don’t care about the GOTY, don’t care about whatever replaced E3, don’t care about reviews, don’t care about the forums.

It’s a sewer. A byproduct of society that nobody wants but we kind of tolerate because at least the feces is easily avoided by refusing to wade in it.


Why are you doing this? Do you have some kind of grudge against me? If you don’t like what I have to say, move on.

All you do is create flame threads on these forums you never add to any conversation only confrontation just like your alter ego.


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What is that supposed to mean?

People can have a difference of opinion, you know that right?