And another one bites the dust…

You do realize there will be more story coming. Reaper of souls didn’t have Diablo in it either. And it was great.

That was malthael… The boss introduced in the only DLC… Key acronym there “DLC”

Diablo was end boss in act 4…

That’s because the base game DID have Diablo.

In what time frame? It took D3 what, several years to coalesce into a good game? They couldn’t shorten that up a bit for D4?

Starfield is a bethesda game. Bugs are entirely mandatory because without them, what would the modders do? Thomas the tank engine in space?

The only way this game is getting a 1st place award is if they invent a category for most over-hyped. Though even then, they’re lucky they didn’t have to compete against CP2077.

I’m well aware of that. The Diablo universe is bigger than only Diablo.

The plot of the game is clumsy, the replicas are stretched. In many places, the causal sequence is lost, the narrative is dull. The second time the company is difficult to pass because of tediousness. The good thing is that you can skip it from anywhere.
If you want a good premiere, at least read Tolkien.

The sandbox is also a separate issue. There are at least 4 factions in the game world, some of which must be in conflict. But they always attack only the player. There are no sandboxes here, only a platform of obstacles, even though there is only one degree of freedom.

What kind of battles can we talk about if the entire gameplay of the battle is set by meta assemblies?

There is only one conclusion, common sense and you are not compatible things. So think before you write, my friend.


Yes… that vulnerable change was awful.

You seem to have a superiority complex. Demeaning anyone with a dissenting opinion. Life doesn’t work that way friend.

I went back on what I kept telling myself and got Starfield as I’m covering a peer all weekend and found myself very bored.

While yes I have gripes with it, I got exactly what I expected it to be, unlike D4.

I have not really kept up with gaming in years. I could not tell you the last time I bought 2 games in one year. I’ll concede I’m not very far in, but I can see plenty of my friends hooked on Starfield (they all left D4 long ago) and having a more enjoyable experience than I did with this game.

I also says that as somebody who has to force themselves to watch cutscenes and doesn’t care about story. There is already way more to do in Starfield.

That’s the honeymoon period. D4 had one of those too.

Just flag post as trolling.

In one thread you quote the ToS/CoC when discussing other games yet here you are at this point you are in violation of another CoC using multiple accounts to post on forums.

  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Posting on another account

Where do you get your drugs seriously?

Doesn’t really stop D4 being a pile of steaming dog crap though does it?

Captain America: The First Avenger but it follows the misadventures of Tony Stark’s father and the german scientist who invented the super soldier goop.

Then in the post-credits we see the painted shield and it goes “Captain America will return…”

It’s like, bro, he wasn’t IN the movie.

Now I get it, imperfect analogy because it’s called the Diablo universe so obviously this game needs to have Diablo in the title. But at the same time, if they called this “Diablo 4: Hatred’s Ascent” or some such, maybe people would understand it’s not strictly about big daddy D this time around.

Instead we got Captain America without Captain America.

I am talking about D4 compared to other games, so I’m afraid you’re wrong.

its like theres a 100000 foot fan blowing that steam all over the entire franchise

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No my friend. I have a self-esteem complex, and if I make such garbage, at least I will not sell it for $ 70 a copy. I will also accept all legitimate criticism.
I have no megalomania, only healthy skepticism and sufficient self-criticism.

The VA


You get sectioned out? delusions maybe?

Ok, then we can agree to disagree without insulting one another.

If Starfield is bad that doesn’t make D4 any better. You can’t debate people into liking D4.