And another one bites the dust…

D4 just took another W against one of its major competitors for game of the year. Starfield, by all accounts, has turned out to be a buggy, political charged flop. Not to mention it only released on Xbox and PC.

Before you say “baldurs gate”, lots of people enjoynit, and I am genuinely happy for them as well as Larian. Unfortunately, it isn’t without its fair share of bugs PLUS it was also limited in its reach to players.

ToTk is a great game by all accounts, however, as many have already pointed out, it is more like an expansion to breath of the wild still limited to a last gen console.

D4 has had some issues, but the thing it’s got going for it is its live service model meaning that the game is constantly evolving. A new season every three months with NUMEROUS patches in between, this game is getting a lot of love from the developers whether people would care to admit it or not.

Great art.
Great graphics.
Great story.
Great sandbox.
Great combat.

And it’s only going to get better.

Blizz, you have my vote for GOTY for D4.




Lol d4 won’t be game of the year, imo it’s not even in the competition at this point


Can you explain what you mean? I gave multiple examples of why it is.

Wait, are we playing the same game? What do you mean great combat and sandbox? Can’t comment on the art and story, since I skipped all the cinematics and text.

But great sandbox? You only have 2 options to play the game - run NMD, or run Helltide. How is that sandbox?

And great combat? Lost Ark is miles ahead in terms of enjoyable, and challenging, combat where executing a rotation and landing it feels great. D4’s combat is smooth, but simplistic. It’s fine, but not great.

I wouldn’t consider D4 as a candidate for GOTY.


How much did you get paid for this post?


My friend, it was a great Diablo story. Epic cinematics. I’d recommend playing through again.


The story was bland minus one awesome cut scene that saved it, itemization is possibly the worse in any game out, no content at all, missing QoL that has been around for over 10 years and I could just keep going


I laughed, then i saw the poster name and realized the white knight was serious/angling for a raise. Good lord, try more games and/or find a better job!


My friend, even Rod said the game wasnt done, that it wasnt finished, that its broken.

Its 3/4 of a game in its current state. Its a failed attempt at an arpg being developed by people who dont play arpgs, and the talent is hired to fill in “inclusivness” rather then actual talent.

blizz went full budweiser


Yea it’s crazy people still trying and defend this when rod came out and said everyone bought an unfinished game and they look to making it complete over time.


A lot to unpack here. First off, please stop with the casual bigotry. They are all just people.

The 3/4 game comment, it’s ok because it’s live service like I said they will continue to iterate upon the game.

Full Budweiser?


Great art? There are some really pretty spots in game. I wish we could see more of it more often though with a bit wider camera angle and maybe more viewpoints.

Great graphics? I mean… Best for an ARPG right now, but actually not very outstanding for gaming in general. I thought this would have ray tracing, it’s a staple feature in high end games now?

To be fair it’s also hard for a top down view to be as immersive as a third or first person one with some camera freedom. It’s nice looking for an ARPG but still loses to 5 year old games like Horizon at the same time.

Great story? Uhm… It wasn’t atrocious. I enjoyed consuming it. Not particularly outstanding though.

Great sandbox?.. Okay… There’s almost nothing to do except for dungeons, the game fights experimentation at almost every step with exorbitant prices on working on gear or changing builds and mostly it’s a linear progression. Instead of working to expand on the overworld contents, they recently nerfed them, which kind of constricts the play further.

I don’t think I can even count this game as a sandbox right now, let alone a good one. I hope it’s an aspect of the game they work to improve.

Great combat? I like it the most of any of the ARPGs I’ve played in a while. I like that the difficulty isn’t trivialized… yet. I wish it leaned less on limited skills, long cooldowns and now automatically casting gems though. The monsters are nice and the flow is there, it also is seriously shallow though most of the time. I think it passes but it could use work too.


Appreciate the suggestion, but story-line/narrative and art in genres of video games that do not primarily focus on them, are of secondary importance.

They are not the primary factors which make a game in the ARPG genre good, or bad. They are, at best, luxurious bonus from the devs, where your game is accompanied by a good story that captivates you. However, story-line, art and narrative are not the primary factors that make an ARPG good, or bad; nor can a bad story ruin a good ARPG.

So, as great as they are, I don’t think they should in any way take off from the fact that D4 is a mediocre ARPG.

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I paid for a product, That product was promised and advertised as finished, it is not.

Hiring people who dont know what they are doing, who dont like the game, who have no idea what they are aiming for…

Youre telling me each one of the “devs” couldnt play d3 for 10 minutes and figure out “holy crap we need more time!”?

They couldnt look at a 10 year old game such as POE and figure out that they literally didnt even touch a 10 year old games status? Pretty graphics and a story is just to get you sidetracked on the pure fact this is literally a crapshow of people who didnt want to develop the game and didnt care 1 cent.

This game in its current state should be refunded end of story.


We will have to agree to disagree on the story being blandZ

Fine by me , people dying for no reason, bosses I don’t even remember the name of same with half the characters they introduced, but it was good lol


/20 characters


This 100000% this (20 characters FFS)(

I hope microsoft realizes what they have and fires every dev and sends Rod on the failboat ferry away from this game and fixes it.


I will agree starfield isn’t all it was hyped to be also, however I’m having more fun playing it over d4 and that’s what really matters yea?