And another one bites the dust…

Just stop. They’re not going to give you green text. You’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.


Ho hum. Low quality counter rage bait thread from the usual suspect.


yet another singularity bait thread using his 2nd account.

bah, stop feeding it.

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I don’t know why people think I am singularity. I am not. And I provided reasoning behind my assertion. Please feel free to contribute constructively either positive or negative, but refrain from trolling me please.

“I’m impartial”


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As to that matter regarding the author and the game, I am impartial.

do you get paid per word or reply?


Ok so that’s a no on the good faith discussion. Have a good day.

must be per word lol


I think I provided a solid argument in favor

The desperation is so stinky here.

Any critic not being paid to lie does not place this anywhere near GOTY.


I actually agree here, but that won’t make it game of the year. The “Game of the Year” title isn’t given out for potential to become a great game, it’s given out for a game being great right from the start.

Baldur’s Gate 3, Sea of Stars, Tears of the Kingdom, Spider-Man 2, Armored Core 6, Final Fantasy 16, there’s a few others, but I’ll stop there. All of these games offer a complete experience from start to finish. D4 offers an experience, that’s about it, and that experience is evolving, but slowly.

I have no doubt it will be nominated for various categories, and probably nominated for game of the year because that’s how these award shows work, they always showcase the AAA studio games regardless if they were any good or not. However it will not win over the previous titles I listed.


Thanks for the rational response iggi. You may end up being right.

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Everything they are fixing now, is stuff that FILLED the “WORKING GLOBAL CHAT” back in December during closed/

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You provided a biased opinion which reflects the majority of your forum posts. It’s why you catch heat. Based strictly on available player review data you’re in the minority.

Throwing a random mechanic into the game every few months doesn’t alleviate the issues with the game itself. Bug patches and miserably failing balance patches haven’t addressed game play issues at all.

I like the game, but it has major flaws and the replay value simply isn’t there for me. Especially on a seasonal basis. Got my rogue to 100. Leveled his glyphs… nothing changed. No way to target upgrades. Haven’t seen a significant upgrade since mid 80s. That’s not engaging, it’s a grind that doesn’t reward time spent nor encourage leveling another toon.

Season 2 isn’t a shining beacon of hope either from what I’ve seen so far. The Devs don’t help their case with their public interactions.


I have my opinion and you gave yours. You’re welcome to it too. We can agree to disagree.

So ummmm…Starfield releases in 3 days…

Early access is already open and the review embargo was lifted on the 31st.


game is missing diablo

1 or 2 good cookie cutter builds per class,

  • do a billion trillion damage if vulnerable is on, do 1 damage if not
  • can’t tell what debuffs are on your character
  • 6 skill slots
  • dungeon bosses that you can afk on and kill
  • die from nothing because bad hitboxes / lot of trash on screen
  • too many CC abilities in game
  • CDs too high on everything… D2 didn’t have any CDs at all

just because other games may flop doesn’t make D4 a good game… people had high expectations for D4 and it failed miserably, even D3 is better than D4

I have been actually enjoying Starfield so far. Haven’t really encountered any serious bugs and I’m not sure what the political stuff is that’s pissing everyone off. Its holding at a solid 87 on Metacritic which is why calling it a total flop is a bit unfair in my opinion. I am sure the usual trolls will bomb it when its on full release though. Has the game totally blown me away yet? No but I’ll be honest I have more determination to stay logged into Starfield right now than Diablo 4. I hate to say that, but to me Diablo is just not doing it for me in its current state/

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