And another one bites the dust…

Diablo 4, Released 2023… Cant compete with a 10 year old Free to Play platform.

That has to be embarrassing.


what’s up with your constant defending of d4? you get money for it? no other hobbies?


What story? It is a convoluted mess. You wake up to a wolf dragging you around because you were dying of hypothermia and exposure or something. Meanwhile the random town with peasants you end up in tries to kill you because they got brainwashed by Lilith, a minor demon with daddy issues. You wander around picking up rose petals which gives you a mind trip and try to stop her from coming into Sanctuary with the help of her Acolyte. In between there, an Angel stuck in Sanctuary is a total d-bag. Stuff happens. You kill some stuff. A girl loses an arm. Then we learn the wolf is really Mephisto. The story is never really quite clear on the intentions of anyone. You have a pretty anti-climactic victory and kind of sort of stop Lilith.

The game world does not really change or evolve in the campaign and you never really see any character building. Immersion in the game world is challenging.

Above all else, even ignoring the countless list of major issues with Core mechanics of the game, there is literally nothing innovative that makes D4 a worth successor to D2. I liken it a lot to the Alien franchise. Alien was fantastic and gave us a world. Aliens was able to build on that world and was fantastic. Then you get the turd that was Aliens 3 that was only palatable once the Director’s Cut came out, and even then, it is just a worse version of the previous titles. THEN we have Resurrection and the Prometheus films that jumped the shark.

This is Diablo.


I think wolcen might’ve actually been better than d4 on release with a better end game system


Not to mention how underwhelming the bonus weekend is. Tried running a few NMD’s and helltides and at level 90 i see no notable difference in xp or gold gain.

Eh, I find plenty to like in D4, but it is not in any kind of competition for game of the year. Not even a top 10.

Most likely a fight between TotK and BG3.


Nope. I’m loving D4 too, but my vote for GOTY is Hogwarts Legacy. Little to no bugs and an absolute delight of a world to play around in with so many things to do.


u forgot some “greats”

great beta phase (will go on for at least 1 year)
great bugs
great inbalance
great no endgame
great not gettable super unqiues
great enchanting costs
great bloat of affixes
great no QA
great bad d3 engine with limitations and bugs
great greed from blizzard

ah i give up


And don’t forget that we don’t even have hardly any reference to Diablo. Kinda like he’s the red-headed stepchild that’s had to live in the attic out of sight, out of sound.


I want to address this specifically. You realize that the frontline developers aren’t the ones deciding when to ship the game right?

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Iwant to address this specifically.

You do realize we all know your a paid forum troll right?


That one might be a contender but it has some political baggage that may bring it down, sadly.

Sunkenland has D4 beat by a mile lol

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Like? The author stated facts so the games crap?


Paid? When do I get the money?

Personal attacks aside, I’ve been cordial to you, do you want to continue a constructive dialogue or is it name calling time?



I’m sorry but you are dreaming.


That’s not an opinion that I hold, but you do seem aware of the situation.

harsh reality

Like I said, that’s not my opinion about the game. I’m impartial. But, it will factor in. Politics always do.