And another one bites the dust…

Huh? I don’t get what you’re saying here.

That it doesn’t take rocket science to realize when someone is paraphrasing or being hyperbolic. He may have not said those exact words but his action in these forums implies the meaning.

Well let me be clear, I never said that. You are wrong.

This dude has mental health issues, constant shilling is annoying.


Game of the Year is relative to the other contenders in your category. I like D4 as well, but in an apples to oranges comparison to BG3, I have to admit that it loses out.

In terms of story, BG3 has a player driven storyline with so many “I can’t believe they thought of that” moments that you can’t even experience in a single play through. Diablo 4’s storyline is singular and railroaded.

Comparing the bugs and gameplay imbalances between the two is the most disjointed. The bugs are not 1:1 equivalent and the patches notes in BG3 are no slouch either. Check’em out, the first patch was massive and they’re probably going to add an alternate storyline for one of the favorite characters as well.

One of the biggest differences between the two that I experienced was that when I encountered a mechanic that felt broken, I didn’t feel sinful for fear of imbalancing the game economy or some other player’s experience. I didn’t have to feel bad about using some broken mechanic that would get patched out cause it was too OP. This was one of the most noticeable reliefs I’d found when playing BG3. Being powerful didn’t feel wrong somehow.

I enjoy mindlessly clicking things and collecting loot in D4, but if that’s what GOTY means, then GOTY doesn’t really matter to me. GOTY needs to make me feel more satisfaction. I’ll probably take a romp through Starfield eventually and maybe that might unseat BG3 in my mind.

It’s called different opinions. I don’t call you a dumb mindless stooge who hates things because it’s the cool thing to do, because I’m not that kind of person.

I dislike D4 because it is the cool thing to do? Stop gaslighting me, I dislike D4 because I do not enjoy the game.

Nice attempt though paid shill

Look at me i’m on a moral high horse im not that kind of person. What you are is annoying as fk and you try to gaslight the community.

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Hey turnabout is fair play. You talk smack don’t get all sensitive when I give it back to you little buddy.

Only brain dead people still playing D4

So why are you on the forums of a game that you hate? Instead of being somewhere that you can be happy?

BG3 was not as great as everyone is making it out to be. Act 1 was GOTY worthy. Act 3 not so much. Funny, kinda like how d4 early to mid game is great and end game is lacking?

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lol, i just realized i have played starfield for 10 hours straight.

i am really liking it so far.


Hold up waaaaaaaait.

You genuinly think D4 would have any chance becoming GOTY?!

Is that an out of season April Fool´s joke?

So trust his opinions but only when they align with your own. neat.

you actually might be right about d4 beating one of the biggest competitors. SF is on 102k twitch viewers right now, which is shockingly low considering it just released.

I think its important to bring the twitch viewers up, personally i dont care - but i know many people do here.

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I’m not even sure why the twitch metric even matters. There’s so many factors that play into why someone would or wouldn’t watch someone else play a game. Unless it somehow tracks that someone isn’t watching because they’re playing it themselves or are just disinterested.

I find some game are great to play, boring to watch.


i dont believe in them either, to be honest, i was just doing a snarky remark on it as some people get off over twitch metrics ^^

I’ve had some fun playing D4, but Hogwart’s Legacy exists. That’s easily the number 1 contender right now and D4 doesn’t come close to matching it in art, story, music, sandbox, combat, etc.

I feel like Starfield fits right into this category, it’s a play your own way kind of game, I like to explore and survey entire planets but I wouldn’t want to sit there hours on end watching a streamer do it…

Yeah I’m just not sure how it’s political baggage will affect it.