And another one bites the dust…

No way d4 is even close to GOTY. It’s mediocre at best, good once through but terrible replay value. My vote goes to Baldur’s gate for GOTY. At no point during my play time, or during my replay, did it feel like a slog like it does in diablo. But since you compare it to starfield the two seem to be on pretty equal footing to me.

We all know BG3 will be goty.

Could be Zelda ToTK.

Starfield might still blow up.

Dave the Diver is top 10 and tearing up charts. Could be the sleeper winner though probably not.

its BG3…turst me…i have inside info.

Well Im waiting 6 months for all bugs fixed then will play BG3 on 2 playthroughs like I do all these games. Always the best way to go and see all sides.

1 Goodie Goodie two shoes
2 Bad to the Bone chaotic super evil

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Yeah you are right you dont need to play a game to know if its good or bad in general, but in the context of this conversation is a bit different…goty.

For example, i know i would call fallout4 and botw bad games because i dont like playing those type of games. But objectively speaking games may be fine.

I think when you categorically call starfield bad and worse than d4 it implies in here anyway that you objectively feel that it is a game worse than that of d4 and if you havent played it. Then most of us would just give your accessment no to little merrit.

Which is what is/was happening and rightfully…

Of course you know that so i can only say engaging in conversations with you is like asking for smoke and mirrors and strawmen.