And another one bites the dust…

What are yours? Tell me.

I don’t have seasonal characters, I have 1 druid in eternal at 100, and rogue at 85ish, don’t remember if I hit 85 last night.

Anyhow, just trying to understand, your S1 experience also, so what level? I mean, I kind of understand now why you like D4 as much as you do.

I generally had a positive review and feeling til I started my Rogue. So depending on how far your S1’s went, I kind of feel you’re stuck in the window period / honeymoon period still.

I mean your threads are out there man. I don’t need to imagine.

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It’s alright to disagree, but this petty insult was uncalled for.

You don’t even have seasonal characters nooblet.

You literally were making up quotes that you imagined me saying. You’re out there.

Nah I didn’t. You just trying to take stuff too literal word for word so you have something to argue because you know I am right.

D4 didn’t get a win. Bethesda was Bethesda is all. If anyone expected Starfield to be some grand departure from their buggy ways they were delusional. On all accounts No Man’s Sky does it better. What’s really funny is if people who bought it try to act mad after the fact. What did you expect after Fallout 76 and Fallout 4?

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I don’t have seasonal characters because I have a premium battle pass gift I’m going to probably use for season 2, but I didn’t want to use it in season 1. I also started playing about a week before season 1.

p.s. I don’t think calling me a nooblet really is appropriate.

So what level are your S1 characters?

When you quote someone, it should be word for word.

Oh I am genuinely sorry I didn’t think people who weren’t paid by Blizzard could tell how garbage the game is.

Higher level than yours.

I liked Fallout 4. 76 was dog crap for sure though.

I never changed any of your quotes. I quoted you and responded to you. That is all.

Okay, I mean I am trying to understand where you are coming from, but I just can’t. Occam’s razor is what everyone is applying to you and exiled.


Thanks for playing.

You are just mad my characters are higher level than yours.

Maybe you should spend less time on the forums.

Hey singularity, whatever you say chief, I am mad because of that.

And yes, I should spend less time on forums. Totally agree.

Hope those two things make you feel better.

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Don’t mind that dingus. He is only like level 60. He barely plays.

Oh now you want to pretend like you didn’t say

You’re talking out of your rear.

and I will tell you again that you take things too literal on purpose because not once have you said I was wrong about the meaning of my post. Anyone with a functioning brain knows I am not saying you said those words specifically.