And another one bites the dust…

You heard it here first ladies and gents - you can learn math and reading just as well without doing any math or reading.

You don’t have to play a game to see if it’s good or bad. You can watch other people play it.

I’m sorry this is so foreign of an idea to you.

Maybe if more people knew this was possible they would avoid giving away their money on bad games to pre-orders.

Also stop pretending this isn’t possible. You look foolish.

That this is what you got from what you replied to is about as close to 5 sigma confidence as you can get in the theory that post count and quality are inversely correlated.

So you are telling me you have to do something to know it’s bad. So how many times you been hit by lightning? Is it good or bad.

You see how easy it is to prove how absurd and foolish you are?

Well you aren’t putting me in any place. I also am not trying to be a smart aleck. It’s pretty obvious what you do on these forums. Again, I do not care that you like the game. I’m happy for you. Go enjoy it. Just stop the shill.

i just realized you have 4598 posts, how the actual f?

how many hours do you spend on this forum everyday?!

Exactly so why it take me explaining it to two people?

It’s ok to be jealous.

i am not sure if you actually know what the word means

i am just curious how many hours do you spend on this forum everyday lol

You sure seem to care or you wouldn’t be making smart aleck remarks.

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I know I give you crap and you give me crap, but I actually agree somewhat with this. It’s pretty much the only reason I watch streamers. If I am unsure on a game I can usually tell if I like it or not by watching someone else play it. However, there are some games that are just better actually playing than watching.

You have poor reading comprehension. Not surprising since most of your responses only touch half the quote.

Assuming they started posting the day this forum opened, that’s about 27 posts/day, nonstop. Assuming every post took about 1 minute, they’ve only spent a mere 78 hours here leveling up for the rewards.

When do you think the forum opened…

Only crowd saying this is some political charged flop are the shut in Incels, and nobody should ever give a *#&@ what they think (and I think they should all be locked up and segregated from society).

But yeah, claim away that Starfield is buggy. Repeat the LIE enough times, you might even believe it. The people playing it won’t believe you, but you might.

So, real question here, have you played D4 beyond a first character? Or even have a real level 100 character?

or just watching positive streams?

I mean you could just watch negative streams for 24 hours, then come back and call D4 Bad tomorrow.


I have 2 char in S1 and a level 94 in Eternal.

Are those the same as the shut in incels that live on the D4 forums hating on it 24/7?

What level are your characters in S1? Did you start at beginning of season?

Yeah there’s no point addressing the other stuff, just more stuff you made up with your imagination. You seem to like doing that.