And another one bites the dust…

I still play D4 a lot and had been recording my builds in my YouTube channel

I won’t say D4 took a win or loss against Starfield. These are different games. I don’t see the competition. I would say I am somewhat disappointed that Starfield wasn’t what I was expecting it to be (or at least the impressions that folks were telling me before the release). I am glad I refunded my pre-order. Something felt off right before launch. All reviewers were giving almost a perfect score except for two reviewers and the points they presented are the ones that matter to me the most.

When it comes to software, as long as you have an active team, and the programmers are still around, the software would be maintained and things will just get better (asssuming no corporate malice is happening behind the scenes). In every software, no maintainers mean it’s a dead program. Since Starfield and D4 still have active maintainers, they will improve.

I am not hating on Starfield. It’s just not my cup of tea. Right now D4 has no replacement for me (other than playing chess). Not a fan of turn based mechanics in BG3. Again not my cup of tea.

I was really impressed by the 60 FPS I got at 1440p and medium settings on my 4060 ti and 32GB of RAM. /s

Stop being a weirdo. I didn’t ever say that. If you’re going to put words in my mouth I’ll report you for trolling/harassment.

I don’t put words in your mouth. You can see it in all your threads. Go ahead and report. I’m not scared of some false report.

Where did I ever say Diablo is the best game Eva or whatever you said. You skim a few of my threads and formed an opinion about me. If you don’t like me, put me on ignore or don’t bother interacting with me. That simple.

43 years later this is still a kickass song, oh yeeeeeeeah

You know you don’t have to say something word for word for it to have the same meaning right? We all know you love D4 like it’s the best game ever and that you have hated every recent release since as well as poe. One of those you had to tell us twice. So yes, I fully expect you’ll be back here to tell us how much you hate Starfield and throw in why D4 is oh so much better.

I never got the impression that he said D4 is the best game ever. I think that is your impression, but I did get the impression that he likes D4.

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Every recent release? See you’re filling in blanks to confirm your bias. I didn’t say that. I did, to your credit, not care for PoE. But you are embellishing the rest. Calm it down.

I am calm. You think you trigger me? lol.

It’s a figure of speech. It’s not that complicated.

Well you are trying to be a smart aleck, just putting you in your place.


Convenient of you leave out the end of his quote. “Starfield is worse than D4… and D4 is BAD.”

You decided to care enough about starfield to actively hate it without even playing it? that’s not healthy.

It’s not complicated but quite simplistic.

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D4 isn’t bad it’s just his opinion.

But whatever his opinion is about D4, Starfield is worse, and we agree on that.


I’m confused. If you haven’t played it, how would you be able to render an opinion that would be considered legit?

Or have you?

lol, so confusing this starfield stuff you guys are talking about. I mean I get like it can make you feel better if you crap on another person.

is this the same thing?

Crap on another game to make your game look better?

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If you keep trolling other games they are gonna keep trolling us back

Maybe leave the space ship games alone? lol

I know this is shocking to you because you are naive but people can learn things without doing them physically.

This is the entire basis of our education system.

I can watch people play Starfield, see all the dumb stuff in it, and form an opinion about the game without owning it.

It’s not hard really.

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I’m playing it right now. Made it to space. They have a character preset that is identical to my oldest son haha.