And another one bites the dust…

And here gentleman is a garbage bait. But well, is from Exiled, the whitest knight of Blizz.

I bet around season 4, Diablo IV will be a very good game. And i also bet you will not say it is because you WANT to hate the game.
If i’m wrong, i’ll buy and send you a Carbot plushy. What are you willing to bet ?

Yeah Starfield turned out to be a major flop. Asmon only played it for 15 hrs before quitting it.

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Why are you guys talking smack about a space ship game on a ARPG forum lol.
Bethesda is a great company that makes great games. They just usually don’t launch very well. Give them a few patches.

Please tell me you don’t use that troll as a measuring stick for great gaming?

Starfield is far from a great game. IGN gave it a 7/10. IGN gave D4 a 9/10.

I watched it a lot on Twitch and it was boring, tedious, and felt unfinished.

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I mean, not for nothing, Asmon really doesn’t like D4 either.

I’ve been asking that question for both BG3 and Starfield. Neither game is an ARPG yet people want to start threads on it.

Around one year from now.

It’s understandable to an extent. New and shiny stuff competing for time and attention.

Most people literally cannot play two games at the same time, or at least, not very effectively. So one precludes the other.

Now, I will say it’s painfully obvious most people are not posting here on D4 forums in good faith. Regardless of the topic contents.

But generally speaking, I understand why people are drawing comparisons. In BG3’s case it’s pseudo-relevant because of that tweet that circulated from them.

I don’t know if I’d say “a very good game.” But I think Mononoke has a point.

I’m expecting Season 3 to be the first one that starts to turn it around. Or at least, it SHOULD be the one to start, if the devs are honest in all those interviews on how their process works.

Says the guy who cry daily on a forum over a game and try to gaslight those who like it. :joy: He’s happy about the game and you are not. So he’s getting his way. You don’t. Who’s doing the real toddler tantrum here ? You’re projecting. :wink:

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Imagine if the Elder Scrolls had “AN END GAME” l o l
No one would even be talking here ;0

I asked you to clarify how saying someone has “a simplistic point of view” is equivalent to trolling so severely that you just felt compelled to intercept the bullet.

Your response was to block me.

You could also block Exiled as well. Then you wouldn’t see his posts and feel compelled to reply.

So your entire point of engaging with him was to make him feel uncomfortable?

What is the definition of trolling again? :thinking:

Isn’t there a rule in the forums CoC that states you’re not allowed to make “false quotes” from other users?

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Well you can send me a carbot plushy now because I don’t hate the game like you think I do and I also feel it will get better with time. When it has something that interests me I will play again.

Nice job with the typical lump everyone that criticize the game into hater trolls though.

Except it isn’t a major flop.

Starfield is a Bethesda game they are always buggy on release. Also like with most Bethesda games we can’t really judge the game until the modding community gets a hold of it At least it’s living up to Bethesda standards as a long time Bethesda player I’m pretty happy with it. as someone who played Diablo one, two and three Diablo 4 is a steaming pile of garbage…D4 will never ever get goty… The only thing entertaining about Diablo 4 is this forum.

Did you play starfield? Its actually pretty fun and (personally) not very buggy

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That might mean something if there was a precedent of live service games winning GoTY awards. I will admit, some people seem to be overjoyed with Diablo 4, but the public opinion is clearly divided enough that it likely won’t be nominated for GoTY.

Do you wear a helmet?

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