And another one bites the dust…

No he just wasn’t as fun to prove wrong as you are because you think your 2000+ posts makes you like a MVP on forums or something. I love watching you throw tantrums.

Edit: Look even Pathologic called you out. SO stop being a troll and I wont have to reply to your :poop:


A tantrum? Is that what you think I’m doing ? lol ok friend.

Yea that’s what children do when they arn’t getting their way. Like you.

There’s not really any evidence of this, there’s no proof that people who aren’t diverse in the D4 team are making better stuff than people who are. As a result, the only way to substantiate this is with an assumption that diverse people are intrinsically less qualified,which is definition ally bigotry.

It does nothing to help your position or your argument. All people are capable of making equally crap videogames.


Yet another insult. Again I’m not your emotional punching bag. So I bud you a good night. You can have the last word, I can tell you need it.

O no he came at me with his “you can have the last word” troll post cause he knows I am right about his trolling. God it feels so good to see you squirm lmao.

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And here you are replying? Again, you are every bit as guilty of stalking as anyone else is. You are ubiquitous on the forum, it is impossible to “talk” on the forum without you self-inserting and trying to trap people into getting banned by posting obvious bait.

If you post on the forum, and say something worthy of getting shut down, people are going to shut you down. This is especially true when you have a history of saying stupid things, as you do - people will refer to that history for rebuttal.

Imagine a girl backing her butt into your face then complaining that you’re stalking her. This is you.

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Well you are entitled to your opinion. Have a good night.

Every thread where he is shut down this is his go to response.

Thats your opinion and my opinion means more and is valid but your opinion is dog :poop: so listen to me because I am the god around here.

i fixed my dc problems. now i can play all day, tping all time no lag, not rubber but the game is boring as hell we need better loot and more content this thing gonna die soon

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Well glad you got the dc issue sorted out. What was the culprit?

i dont want to talk about it cuz it was my fault tbh xD

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Hey happens to the best of us :joy:

It wasn’t a great story.

The fact that it had well animated cinematics does not mean it had a great story. It just means it had well animated cinematics.

The story itself was bad. The cinematics not only weren’t the story but actually contradicted the story at several points.

If we were talking most over-hyped games of the year, then yeah D4 and Starfield would be neck and neck.

But I’d give the award to D4 still.

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GOTY? You people do realize nobody is playing this game anymore? And you say GOTY?

More like troll post of the year.

Diablo 4 is like an ocean, no… A lake that is very pretty but like 2 feet deep.

GOTY rofl. keep dreaming. D4= 6/10

Man I love reading Exiled and Singularity posts if not for the sheer hilarity. Got all these people baited into thinking you’re serious

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Then why post it here? They would keep it to themselves.

Well, if you look like that, she has already destroyed all stereotypes and expectations. New addition. Most of them are not satisfied with paying Cashshop with the base of the game, then paying for it with the add-on?
Even the banal correction of problems they stretched for half a year. And this is an office in which 9,000 people worked on the game. For example, only 460 works in Bethesda. I think we can not continue.

Usually someone who says this is more than interested in what they say about him. So you did the right thing by not saying.

Well, I didn’t try, as I said, there was no goal to climb into your life. It’s just that it’s still a lot, for someone with whom you communicate for the first time in your life, in addition, in writing. I’m not going to follow you.
Just if I had the same character, then most likely I would have done the same. But some life lessons have taught me to be who I am. And maybe for the same reason I still continue to live, who knows.

Well, here I will say that if they were terrorists, then perhaps it would be worth considering why they did it. It’s just that people don’t like it. And it was a real tragedy, these two towers killed a lot more people than you might think.
Let’s just say that by that time I had already been taught how to kill and how they can kill me. And I was very disenchanted with firearms. Well, such is life.
I happened to die of hunger, I happened to eat slop, it was a time when for half a year I ate only bread. I have had occasion to walk in the snow completely wet. I almost demolished one house.
I was respected and I respected. I worked at the Academy of Sciences (albeit as a secretary assistant). I passed my thesis without an applied task, in terms of content it went to a doctoral thesis and was on a topic that, as it was stated, only specialists could understand. I was completely drunk walking home through half the city. I have done a lot of things, and a lot of things I have not done yet. Life is such a thing.

Well, I have to some extent such a situation, but it does not matter to me. I just can’t help them.

You shouldn’t be heartbroken.
Internet or face to face. We are We. It doesn’t matter where or how - we are real where we don’t have to wear a mask and make deals with ourselves. On the other hand, do not wish for others what you do not wish for yourself. Just being honest with yourself is often enough.

A performance for $ 70 that does not even pull to repeat. Children in kindergarten will put on a play even better.
Sorry, but this is my opinion. Probably just read a lot of books. Recently, I tried to re-read and finish reading something, but the book reader broke down. Need to buy a new one.

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On that much, we can definitely agree.