And another one bites the dust…

The box art for Diablo IV GoTY Edition hinges on how well season 2 does lol.

no 2/10 game gets GOTY xD
but at least they have 1 vote lmao

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baldurs gate 3 may have its problems but its nothing compared to d4 problems

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D4 is not a legit 2/10. It got review bombed.

you skipped the best part of the game

I don’t get a vote anymore, but a few old Bethesda games used my GoTY graphics on its ads :stuck_out_tongue:

yea, no way the forums look the way they do.
everyones just trying to mess with you, D4 is so fun and rewarding xD
even tho Baldurs gate has the same amount of reviews but isnt a bad game and is rated as such, players mustve banded together and plotted something, all 8k of them

8k of 10 million+? A small minority.

not to future investors

Prove it with a screenshot from

Bet you wont login there and post a screenshot (not a picture I know you don’t know the difference) of your playtime on any character you have. I seen it in another thread you arguing with another guy and he called you out you posted pictures not screenshots it was hilarious how you wouldn’t provide what was asked.

Yea sure they are so upset that their game is currently a 10/10 from many reviews like the following:

[Starfield] is already [one of Twitch’s most-viewed games]. I had the pleasure of reviewing the game, granting it a perfect 10 out of 10.


But sure continue to lie to people on here that actually have played the game vs you who has never played the game. You sir are a certified troll.

No you wont remember Diablo 4 is to you the best game in the world. Don’t you remember? You spend 18 hours a day on the forums to try and convince people it is so don’t lie to us that you will play starfield because frankly I don’t think your PC could even handle it.

It isn’t buggy you haven’t even played the game yet but you claim so much is wrong with it, and it is astonishing.

Show your sources then bro, problem is you don’t have any proof.

You argue with everyone that differs from your opinions and BS.

You don’t respect anyone’s opinions.

Because there arn’t bugs like Diablo 4 has had since its launch.

Then you can come back and open another topic on your 5 minutes of gameplay and how you know everything about the game and how trash it is vs Diablo 4. Nobody wants to hear about that from you because it will just be a troll posts like the rest from you.

Source? Still you provide 0 evidence on your claims of bull :poop:

No sir you be making stuff up like majorly you are the craziest person I have ever seen.

They are correct you don’t like any game that is good only the trash game Diablo 4 is what you love and enjoy. Shallow games are your por’te.

You generalize everything.

Because you know you are wrong, people don’t take bets when they know they are 100% wrong.

And we totally believe you /end sarcasm

In my experience you are 1000% wrong on everything that comes out your mouth.

No it didn’t and you have been proven wrong on this countless times by countless people. The game is legit a .5/10 they wont even make GOTY runner ups with this garbage fire game.


Representative. Your new word for the day.

Besides the fact that people disagree with the score, thus far zero evidence has yet to be provided that 2/10 is the result of review bombing or unrepresentative.

For me, 2/10 is an accutely accurate score that represents the fact that a company with a massive IP and comparatively unlimited funds, along with decades of experience of what works and doesn’t work, managed to flub the game this hard.

However, even if the score was not accurate (which, again, it is unless you have proof to the contrary), it still has significantly lower critic scores on average than many other games released this year and has literally no chance of winning game of the year.


Yikes, no.

Not by a long shot.

Also, who cares about GOTY anymore, it’s not 1996 lol


I’m not your emotional punching bag. Go stalk someone else.

What a pissweak reply, lol. Gets unequivocally shut down in every way, off the cuff meaningless reply. Good one.


Shut down by who? Ubercain? He literally stalks me in every thread I post in.


Everyone that disagrees with you is clearly stalking you now right? God get a life dude.


What happened with the dude you out on ignore earlier? Got to close to the truth didn’t he?

I already said this in another thread and you even liked it (I assume you didn’t realise it was àbout you), but if you vomit all over the place you can’t be surprised when people stand in it.

It’s not stalking when it’s almost impossible to find active threads that you aren’t trolling to crap. Stop posting so much garbage and people will stop replying to you.


Nah, he’s right, there is no bigotry here. Company’s like Blizzard literally hire less qualified people in order to meet diversity quotas.

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It’s a forum… for talking. People like Ubercain and you apparently can’t handle different opinions. It’s like it fries your brains and you start insulting and in his case, stalking.