And another one bites the dust…

Opinions are like buttholes, we’ve all got one.

Not even close… Lol…

Starfield sucks so D4 gets GoTY?

I’m an old player, so i don’t play games on release. Sadly, i learned this is not the Sega/Nintendo era. This is corporate greed era. Diablo 4 was an exception because of friend pressure(started after a month) and while it has flaws, it doesn’t deserve a 3/10 and wasn’t that bad on release. But it will probably get far better with time like Diablo 3.
Same for Cyberpunk 2077. I bought it once they patched everything and had very few bugs, full immersion and it was very fun.
The best part about doing that is i can wait for a sale.

This is probably the reason we disagree on ratings. I mostly play in group. Diablo 3 was a blast in 4 players groups and got better with time. Diablo 4 is also great in group. I have played Gw2 around 50k hours and had to quit because i was too addicted :joy:, but rarely solo.

Just so people understand Exiled = Singularity. Every time Sing gets his account banned Exiled starts posting more and more with the same garbage.


Oh ok Misscheetah. :shushing_face:

I wonder if Bethesda would mind if we just moved this entire thread to its forum lol

As I told you before, D4 has zero chance of winning GoTY. Just because you hate every game not named Diablo is not going to change that.

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Y’all just be making stuff up bigly

I’m not making anything up. There is no chance D4 is going to win game of the year. Care to place a wager on it?

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Yeah you are making stuff up. I don’t like any game that’s not Diablo? Give me a break.

You don’t. The last 2 releases you came back here with a thread on how bad you felt they were and how much better D4 is. Also PoE. One of them you made two threads on. It’s obvious you are just a Diablo shill.

I take it you don’t want to wager then? You know you will lose.

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You’re generalizing, like, a lot.

Making a wager or no?

With a random on the internet that won’t honor a loss. I’m good.

Didn’t think so. I always honor a bet. Doesn’t even have to be money. Could be something as simple as paiting “I love D4 greatest game ever” on my chest and posting it. Doesn’t matter. You could just pick something fun. You know you would lose so you won’t.

Yeah I totally believe you


Most overhyped release of the year?

1st place by a mile :trophy:

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Listen man, to make a bet I would also have to trust that you would follow through as well. As long as it’s something I am willing to lose or do I would make and honor the bet. If it wasn’t something I was willing to lose or do, I wouldn’t make the bet at all. Like I am not going to make a bet to post a picture of myself naked or paint some racist crap on myself or something. I also would not bet for 1000’s of dollars I don’t have. Something simple like 20 bucks or making a funny picture sure.

You just make excuses because at the end of the day you are just a D4 shill and you know down inside that you would lose this bet.

I have no reason to bet you. It’s my opinion. Could I be wrong? Possibly. But I doubt it.

Ok so you have an opinion and you don’t even want to have a little fun with that opinion. Don’t drown yourself in tears when D4 is not even close to GoTY.

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