And another one bites the dust…

Which is a shame because it was pretty good

Games like this usually dont launch well. If you early adopt be prepared for bugs, crashes & downtime. Im sure it will be fine in a few patches.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m playing as we speak, I’m trying to salvage and make room for my 3rd reroll soon on eternal. I have a battle pass i didn’t redeem for season 1 because of all the problems. So holding off for season 2, couldn’t get my daughter back into the game, so I’m hoping she comes for season 2.

My daughter loves BG3, genshin, BOTW and TOTK, loved hades, and straight up quit d4 at level 68ish.

All her friends who played with her, all left, and NONE of them are coming back for seasons. That makes retainment in my daughters group of friends 0%.

This is anecdoctal of course. Old timers and older gen gamers who don’t bounce around like the younger generation of gamers (14-30).

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Bethesda has embraced this for better and worse. They are ok with shipping bad AI character models etc because they know that modders will fix it for free. I am a fan of Bethesda games btw.

Sure on launch. Baldur’s Gate is still holding strong even with it’s limited release. PS5 official release on Sept 6. Post from Larian stated they figured out how to bring it to Xbox before the end of the year.

Diablo 4 is not even in the same league as Baldur’s Gate 3 RPG wise. BG3 is an unbelievable masterpiece. Even with the bugs and performance issues in Act 3, BG3 has set a new standard whether the gaming industry wants to acknowledge that or not. If players say it’s the new standard, it’s the new standard. They are paying money for it after all. To even suggest any other game besides Baldur’s Gate 3 for GoTY is blasphemy.

I was like you once and ignorant to the blessing of BG3. After playing 241 hours of BG3, it is hard to look at Diablo 4 the same. The only thing that Diablo 4 has over BG3 is that it was less buggy on release. That is it.

Just wait until everyone else gets their hand on it and more than 50% of the game is just recycled code from previous games.

They did that in Fallout and used assets from Skyrim, which is fine, but the gap between Starfield and those games is greatly different. I just can’t fathom what took them 7+ years for this game, if that will turn out to be true.

To me the entire game feels like it had potential, like the developers at the beginning of the project were full of ambition, but as the time ticked away and they kept waking up to work on the same project, the motivation died out. As a result, they began cutting corners, leaving out elements in the game and just rushing it all to deliver it.

It just feels shoddy and it’s really unfortunate.

But like I said, it’s not abysmal, but it’s not good. 6/10 if I’d have to rate. Good time killer.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’ll eventually play it too. When it comes to Xbox.


Every single person I’ve spoken to about Starfield has said it’s amazing, including several well known content creators that talk about Bethesda games and modding such as Juicehead and Fudgemuppet, to name two.

Are there bugs? Yes, because every single game on release has bugs. This is… normal, it always has been. Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to have bugs today, a month after release. No one really cares that much though, because the game is great. Same with Starfield.

The only people that seem to be genuinely upset are the anti-pronoun idiots and if THAT is what it takes for them to refund a game? Well good riddance.

Now to be clear before I continue, I want to say that I actually LIKE Diablo 4. It is, to me, a fun game to play, even in its current state. So I just want to make it clear that I like it when I say the following:

It’s got a snowball’s chance in hell of being GOTY material.

For a game to be GOTY it has to excel in every aspect, and while Diablo 4 certainly excels in some of them (story, setting, cinematics, music and graphics) it flops on gameplay. And gameplay is the critical aspect you need to have perfect for a GOTY entry.

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. But to claim it’s on the same level as other games that have actually won GOTY is just sad.

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I’m just jaded from my D3 experience, so just very cynical. And I do appreciate your points of view. I think there is always something good to see in D4.

The animations, the graphics, how smooth it is relative to POE, it feels much more polished in many ways, but there are issues that definitely need to be addressed and fixed.

The cutscenes and acting all of it is first rate - the writing / script maybe less so - but it’s like a movie, not all movies will be a total hit - but you can see how much care and work was put into the campaign - why not design it like D3 and allow replayability at different tier levels.

I just think there are so many design elements from D2 / D3 / other APRGS that have brought the standard up and it feels D4 didn’t incorporate a lot of them - to be cutting edge that this was a miss - but I am hopeful that we get enough fixes to break the game open.

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I’ll be playing it on gamepass tomorrow. Pronouns and all.

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Cyberpunk 2/10, Diablo IV 3/10 ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Talk about bias.
The hype is to hate these games. Not the opposite. And both don’t deserve these ratings over what the games are. By simple mechanics, graphics, music and story, they certainly do not deserve so low.
Objective game ratings should be able to look over the corporations deeds and hate/love trends. If not, it’s emotional ratings, therefore subjective and biased. Kinda like people who would rate Ironman movie 2/10 because they are against violence in movies.

I’d argue the first game handled story the best so far, sometimes less is a lot more. Keeping the lore relatively vague leaves mystery and possibilities. I’ll say D4 had the best cinematics.

Wasn’t a fan of anything about D3, even after they supposedly fixed it. Auction house aside, I think I liked it better when I initially played it, but didn’t care much for it then either. I was offput by about everything from graphics to itemization to classes and skills. But, I’m also one that consuders D2 to the first tiny initial mistep that lead us where we are today. Wasn’t a fan if the addition of the Barbarian and didn’t care for expanding the scope or running around topside. I liked dungeon crawling.

Worth it with the game pass.

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On release?

D3 and D4 are very similar. D3 massively overhyped, touted as great revolutionary, loot system was awesome, etc, then…reality hit.

I think D3 on release was very similar. This is why I choose not to buy D4 (it was gifted to me).

D4 really has core gameplay and design issues that limit it’s potential significantly.

If diablo was renamed to Lilith and made by an indy studio, I would actually give it the 4/10.

However, I am a have probably over 10k hours in the diablo franchise, 20k in gw2, 8k in metin2, can’t tell you what I had in everquest, have ton of time in overwatch. I am a single game player for the most part.

So forgive me, if I had actual expectations of a revolutionary product from blizzard, which has failed for both D3 and D4 at this point.




Thanks for sharing that you didnt even touch those 3 great games.

Oh, starfield isn’t buggy? Lol ok thanks for the response….

Compared with the other game releases this year? Last of Us, Gollum, Jedi survivor? Its very polished, ofc it has bugs but its not bugggy like you are lying here, and I play 35 hours.

Ok bro plenty of video graphic proof. I’m not going to argue with you. I respect your opinion. And it is quite possible that you didn’t run into any bugs. For the record, I’ll be playing it tomorrow on gamepass, it’s not like I’m a Bethesda hater.

You didnt even play and you saying its worst than D4, facts

Plenty of information out there from people who have. Plus the videos. and those eyes. My god the eyes.