Alternate Respec Cost Solution #666

Interesting idea! Maybe add a timer on the debuf so it doesnt last forever if you dont want to grind it you just wait.

The types of respec costs that people here, and Blizzard, seem to be talking about are ones that take at most a few days to “earn” though. If someone wants to switch to the new meta in a patch every 3rd month or something, that cost wont stop them in the first place.

I very much want way, way more expensive respecs than what can be earned back in a day or two. But likely not happening. Seems more likely it could happen though, if the most fundamental need for respeccing is taken care of; the ability to respec after the game balance changed your build. That generally seem to be the number one concern the pro-respeccers bring up.

Any currency based respec cost system definitely needs a cap. That should be the first criteria. Otherwise it will just become meaningless over time, if you can save up for a ton of respecs.

Actually the shear number of posts means that the posters want this whatever it is and there is absolutely no response from a blue text to verify. So no response = keep posting the same complaint written differently and maybe get the results (which will fail) they aren’t looking for because ultimately Bliz knows what’s up and the rest of everyone else is not privvy to those details until they reveal them at their own leisure.

I don’t think the system needs to stop people from changing to the flavor of the month. I mean, it can’t, really, because they could just reroll even if respecs were impossible. The goal of the system should be to make it so that narrow improvements that still keep your build mostly the same are a viable strategy. The way to do that is to prevent any one build from being dominant for very long and to impose a cost on switching that makes you think twice about whether it will be worth the effort to chase that new shiny build vs just continuing to improve your own.

Are you talking Flavor of the month design from D3 where they intentionally kept making some new builds OP?
Sure wouldn’t like to see that. Seems fine to me if build balance is static as long as it is static due to being well balanced.

How narrow is narrow for you?
Imo a partial respec should be just as expensive as a full respec, otherwise you risk creating a meta of just respeccing for each challenge through such small changes.
If you change a single skill, major passive or paragon node, it is a new build and should be prized as such for respecs.

That will likely require a massive cost. Like weeks of efficiency loss.

They actually have, just recently, though.
Blizzard says Diablo 4’s respec costs “are final”
The article it’s referencing was posted 8 days ago.
But the relevant part in the article that actually promotes more posts on the topic is this part here:

He added, “We’ll always be looking at data, and we’ll be considering the feedback that we’ll be getting post-launch. We want players to get a chance to actually experience the system and see what it actually feels like rather than seeing screenshots that might seem a little absorbent initially. And then we’ll take a look then.”

So after launch, expect to see more posts about respec costs especially from the people who want free respec costs, period.

(edit) Idk if dev interviews = blue text, though. If anything, it’s more authoritative than blue text, right?

Doesn’t really matter for me. I couldn’t care less. I’ll have my millions of gold ezpz and quickly be broke from upgrades versus what I have already got for a build that will work provided I don’t have to tweak paths in the paragon boards. It will cost a grand total of 15 million gold for a full respec including paragons. You’ll make that very quickly. But occultist / blacksmith costs will be ridiculously higher than your weak respec arguments.

But cared enough to reply to me about it when I wasn’t even talking to you? If you were trying to make a point that it won’t be an issue because you’ll have enough gold, then you obviously read none of the posts on this thread at all. So why nitpick that one detail about post numbers?

You hit the reply from my post which pinged me to check. Since it shows as you replying to me then logical conclusion is you responded to my previous post. Not that I care what you have to say I will respond if you aim at me.

As far as posts, it matters due to the fact that other issues are getting drowned out by the omg I must have a free respec or alternate whatnot. I imagine these issues will be addressed by tomorrow anyway.

That’s exactly what you were implying don’t even try to pretend you weren’t.

Me talking to other forum user:


It’s super obvious I’m talking about a balance patch nerfing one build which now makes other builds stronger. Not new builds coming out. Your understanding of English needs work.



It’s so obvious I’m using OP generally just to mean strong or at the top of the meta. Tons of people who talk about the best build in the game at the moment will refer to it as OP. Your statement isn’t even correct as actually 100% when a build is better than another and replaces that build as the new meta and becomes the most powerful build in the game it’s completely normal, on a forum where I’m not measuring builds and they aren’t even out yet, to colloquially refer to the potential most powerful build as OP. Not like it had ANYTHING to do with the topic anyway you’re literally just nitpicking language which has nothing to do with the conversation. Like seriously why? If you can’t understand or read English properly you probably shouldn’t be jumping to correct other peoples language.



You literally took the words from my sentence and switched them around. This is not good English. Words are put in a certain order for a reason because when you swap them around you change the meaning of the sentence.



Literally your words.

I said in that post to other forum users you are rarely disingenuous and in a single few posts you manage to completely destroy that opinion of you as this was extremely disengenous.

If you’re wrong, take an L. The fact you feel the need to reply to every message attempting to cover up for yourself or correct me when nothing I said was wrong is not something I would expect from someone who I’ve seen provide good feedback over the years and is generally pretty respectful.

This whole conversation and being corrected for language I used which was just fine and explained myself perfectly well and you’re going to pick apart semantics and change my meaning literally swapping words around in sentences I used is extremely disingenuous.

This you?

Because what you were replying to was my post from 2 days ago.

Well, I guess I know now we have a mutual understanding, then.

Yeah exactly I was reading… Catching up and your post seemed to be the most urking. There should be no need to do anything of this sort with keeping a thread at the top. And having a gagillion posts in it won’t make them change their minds if it’s the same poster in multiple threads.

Yes, I am the only poster in every thread related to respec costs. /s
And if the number of threads is what “urks” you, just hide them.

P.S. 100 < “a gagillion”

See now you are being toxic.

And the number of threads = no response from the devs. You still won’t get what you want. Even if you present this terrible idea of an alternative they’d ignore it at any rate.

I sure hope so. Give me a solo mode and get rid of respec costs, plz.

But you see, I didn’t make yet another post about that. I went for something new.

And they still will make you pay the 15 million gold at level 100 to do a full respec. They aren’t adding a respec button to paragons so throw that idea out the window.

I wasn’t in the CB, but others that were said they could respec paragon points. Dunno where you got the idea you couldn’t.

Never did I say you couldn’t respec paragons. I had to right click each one to full respec. Hence, why I told you the total cost.

Now if you were to get on the “add a respec button to paragon boards” I’d be supporting your efforts cuz that S*** was stupid to individually click them all.

Nah, I think I’ve just adopted the stance of being against the ability to respec paragon points, period. Mess up on the paragon board? Oh well, start another character.