There have been a lot of posts complaining about the respec cost, or praising it, but very few posts about an alternate solution.
(Edit) Apparently I made a mistake by providing a TL;DR. Too many people opted for the DR.
So I’ve been trying to break down the problem everyone has with the gold cost respec system. The spectrum seems to be those that think it should be completely free to those that think you shouldn’t be able to respec at all.
The free respec side wants freedom of expression for their characters, and the ability to adapt and experiment with the items/legendary aspects they find on the fly. The other side thinks your skill choices should matter and you should be forced to live with them, or pay a cost. The degree of that cost is most of the spectrum. I started out on the free respec end.
There’s also the group that thinks respecs open up the ability to abuse the respec system to trivialize certain content. They also assume the developers would adjust the balance of the content on the optimal loadout for that content to account for people respecing, enforcing a meta build for that content, reducing the viability of non-meta builds, reducing build diversity. I think this is unlikely, but it’s a valid concern.
So the end goal of an alternate solution to the current respec system should be:
- to allow the freedom to adapt and experiment without potentially locking a player into a busted build.
- make it so that the choice to do a respec is meaningful and shouldn’t be done frequently.
- prevent people from taking advantage of the fact that specific content is easier with certain builds.
Alternate Solution #666:
Instead of costing gold to refund skill/paragon points, the player gains a debuff that reduces multiple things:
- XP gain rate
- Gold drop rate
- Item drop rate
- Magic Find
- Special currencies (Obols, FoH fragments, etc.)
- Any other yet-to-be-determined abusable resource
The degree of that reduction should be left up to the devs to decide, but it should be severe enough to dissuade frivilous or exploitive respecs.
The debuff would apply once a skill/paragon point has been refunded. Ideally, they would implement a way to move skill/paragon points around and then click a button to confirm the point adjustment, but that’s a separate discussion.
My initial idea was that the debuff would last a specific amount of time, decaying faster towards the end. For example, if the debuff reduced everything by 66% and lasted for 6 hours, it would decay to 33% after the first hour, and then take 5 hours to reach 0% and remove the debuff. It was pointed out to me that people would then just sit in town and AFK the debuff away. Another idea was that it should be XP based, but I looked up how XP works (or worked since it was based off an old press version of the game), and it would give people in groups an advantage on removing thier debuff faster. So I’ve come to the idea that it should be based on killing a certain number of enemies.
To make the number of enemies needed to remove the debuff scale to your level, the equation would look something like this:
NE = MNE ( PL ÷ ML ) ^ 2 rounded up.
NE = # of enemies need to remove the debuff
MNE = max number of enemies needed at max level
PL = Player Level
ML = Max Level (may not always be 100)
The number of enemies needed at max level is the variable to adjust, and should be chosen by the devs. To illustrate, though, let’s put it at 5000, and assume the max level is 100:
- Level 1 - 1 enemy
- Level 25 - 313 enemies
- Level 50 - 1250 enemies
- Level 100 - 5000 enemies
And that’s for a full respec. It’s up to the devs if they want to implement a variable cost for a partial respec or not. The debuff gets reset if you refund another skill/paragon point. Or if there are partial respec costs, the number of enemies needed is added to the current debuff. The debuff can decay at a rate proportional to the percentage of enemies left to kill out of the initial amount.
Does this system tick all the boxes of what an alternate solution to the current respec system should take care of?
- Players are free to respec whenever they want, and aren’t using up a resource that they could potentially use up and get stuck with a broken build.
- The choice to respec essentially temporarily slows your character’s development, making the decision something you have to weigh if it’s worth that consequence.
- Players that would swap out skill/paragon points to more efficiently clear specific content would have their efficiency of xp, gold, item, rescource, etc. gain cut by a proportional amount, making the swap pointless for that purpose.