Add unique items to trade

honestly, trading should be allowed. If they wanted to stop people from trading in an unfair way just add a timer to the trades and add some prerequisites.

For example; must have been mutual friends for at least 3 days or, “XX” amount of hours played together before a trade can be done with new friends.

There could also be a cooldown for trades of significant items. Example, players can only trade 2 legendary or unique items per day/week/month etc. OR even perhaps a combination of both ideas.

Trading is an essential part of growing this community and it’s pretty unfair to basically remove it for any items that are not quest items.

I think there should be more thought put into compromising both sides of the argument.


You do realize that such limitations would just encourage bot accounts and account theft?
Botters would just use one of their 500 accounts to trade, and thus the limitations would not matter to them in the slightest.

The only way to prevent a thriving bot community, and thus every channel being spammed with gold/item selling BS, is to disallow it.
Compromising just gives bots an avenue to do exactly what many players don’t want.


Technically, anyone with a significant money could do that anyways, disabling all trading won’t stop the bots, and 100% guaranteed won’t have any impact on account thefts.

These things WILL happen regardless of what ever measure you put in place. Punishing EVERYONE isn’t a good solution. There are plenty of more creative ways to deal with bots & thefts. Removing trading hurts the community at scale. Just because you would rather remove it completely doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do, and also doesn’t mean that your bias correct on the matter.

Trading does not inherently mean bots and account thefts.

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Having trading can also hurt the community depending on how it is implemented, and that has nothing to do with bots/theft, but to do with gameplay.

Only speaking in hypotheticals though because we don’t know how drop balance will be in the game yet.

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So, you’re saying that other people trading has an negative impact on your gameplay experience? how? & how is the alternative better?

If you don’t want to trade then don’t participate in it~ No one is forcing anyone to trade but it SHOULD be an option for those who like to trade and bargain with other players.

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Just depends on if the drop rates are balanced for trade or not.

If you hate trade and don’t participate in it but the game is balanced for it, it sucks.

It’s why last epoch is doing it the way they are doing it.

100% this… not sure what they dont understand.

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Not sure why you don’t understand

So nasa in 1969 was like eh F it the moon is too far. Or did they use their critical thinking skills to come up with a method to walk on the moon.

Im sure a 44 billion dollar company has some super creative people to creat a fair system.

Just because you dont want trading doesnt mean it cant be done the right way.

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There is an easy solution.

A trade “league” for the traders

and a self found “league” for the non traders

both with different rules for drops

But idk if blizzard wants to deal with that, it’s all hypothetical though because the drop rates and it being smart loot will probably make most trading not-needed, just for super high-rolled rares

Yes please, SSF mode! :beers: :dancing_men: :beers:

Id take that. Trade and community server.

Have the loot rain explosion like d3 and solo player sever for those that dont want trade.

Well, not solo player, just cause we don’t like trading doesn’t mean we’re hermits who don’t play with friends.

Arpgs are very social to me, I just don’t like being forced to trade for the items I need for a build.

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I partially disagree with your idea. We already have Season/Non-Season//Ladder/Non-Ladder; a good compromise would be to allow all trading of any items in the off-season/Non-Ladder characters at will, with no restrictions. While keeping the prerequisites and timers with the restrictions of Seasonal/Ladder characters.

That doesn’t really help the traders though. I’d prefer a game situation where most people are happy.

I don’t want traders to not be able to free trade if they want, but I also don’t want a situation like D2 or D3 during RMAH times, or poe where my gameplay suffers because I don’t trade.

Could you expand on this a little more? Just curious :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They don’t have separate balancing of drops between trading and self found.

It is unfeasible in those games to try to plan your build around anything because you may never see it, I don’t find that fun at all. With proper effort I should be able to eventually find anything I need within a decent time frame.

This is a system that speaks far more to both sides, so they can play together instead of fighting each other for the game THEY want.

I feel like you should be able to find 85% and potentially have to trade for 15%

I feel like you should be able to get 100% of required items but may not see perfect rolls.

That could work. But id like to trade for them gg rolls :wink: