Add unique items to trade

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Then write your program and sell it to game companies. You could rake in millions, of not billions, if you actually knew how to stop botting permanently.
Every online game with a bot problem would pay top dollar for a solution.

But you don’t know how. Once again; You’re lying.


It is technically illegal in most civilized jurisdictions, If you would still do it because of the very low chance of being caught and prosecuted, well that is on you.

I’d rather trash rares than end up trading it to some freaking NFT farming loser that scalps gpus for a living

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well if you not balance around trade, trade becomes meaningless in a sf droprate environment. The only thing it does then, is making everything cheap, and taking away any fun, for both systems simultanously.
Trade will feel bad cause nothing has any worth, and drops feel worthless cause you could buy anything for low.

Blizzard is moving in exact this direction. Which is more casual then even hardcore casuals want :smiley:

How many of them psuedo rmt like d2jsp? I don’t really distinguish between the 2 becuase if you are selling to someone for FG you have no way of knowing if they purchased their FG with real $$$$ hence any FG transaction is essentially the same as RMT because you don’t know.

You are wanting something not to exist because of the possibility of rmt happening. If it does it doesnt effect your play.

Id hate to find a gg necro item and not be able to trade it for something for my rogue.

Do you not drive because you may or may not have a car accident?

have you played the beta? we have smart loot in d4. Almost anything is for the class we play. And even if you find another good item for a different toon, you can make an alt and give it to that char, since it is not charbound, it is accountbound.

The :clap: Bot :clap: Spam :clap: Affects :clap: People’s :clap: Games :clap:

Try to read. I know it’s hard for you, because I use big words like ‘The’ and ‘Spam’, but if you ask someone to help, I’m sure you can do it!

But I know you’ll once again ignore this and then gurgle 'No OnE hAs MaDe AnY aRgUmEnTs!’
So I will say it again:
The :clap: Bot :clap: Spam :clap: Affects :clap: People’s :clap: Games :clap:

Read it. You’re not getting your full trading. Seethe.

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I can ignore chat clap clap clap.

Be an adult and try to comprehend you can leave trade chat or mute users. Clap clap clap

Chat is not a reason to stop a fun aspect of diablo clap clap clap

I feel like a teenager with all the clapping

You are also skilled at ignoring reality, so why am I not surprised?

You as well as you want everyone to bend to your desires. Sadly the world is a big place with lots of wants !

I’m not the one demanding changes. You are.
Sadly (actually, not really), you won’t get them.

I think having uniques as tradable would be a bad idea.


None. Some people legit like getting things to trade for other things.


Fair enough :slight_smile: So if they could still do so but with some nuances and restrictions such as completely anonymized trade in order to block out sites like d2jsp, do you think they would be ok with that? Keeping in mind that sharing drops with those in the group when it dropped would still be possible

Blizzard could easily get rid of jsp if they wanted to. All they’d have to do is make their own version of it and their own currency that resets every season that you can’t buy. Everyone starts with like 500 every season or something – maybe when they add runes to the game, make it so you can convert runes to this currency too. No one would use jsp, thus it would fall apart.

But jsp provides the most efficient trading platform there is. There is a market demand for that, and Blizzard won’t fill it so jsp does. The ball’s in Blizzard’s court.

So far the reason im seeing is bots and chat spam.

Both of which blizzard can address and fix…

Because legendaries are crafting material

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This doesn’t stop bots in wow, or gold selling. Even though you can add money to your bnet account, convert it to a token, and sell the token in game for gold, many people still buy gold online, and possibly even items.

There are bots everywhere in wow, you have druids riding druids gang farming herbs.
Chat is spammed 24/7 with gold sellers, you get mail in game from sellers with 1 copper and an advertisement to their website.

So no, adding a blizzard version of rmt won’t fix the issue. It might reduce it a bit, but nobody that’s not in the rmt business wants rmt in D4. So this wouldn’t make things better anyway.


Hope blizz dont listen to people like OP.