Add unique items to trade

There is a reason they have trading already. They know how important it is.

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It’s off season, no one is forcing anyone to trade or not. Surely you can find whatever item you’re looking for, yourself, eventually.

In my humble opinion, your opinion is moot at best. I disagree with your banter on the basis that I am part of the category of people you broadly painted with that “it ruins the game for people who like trading.” brush. 100%, I disagree with you there.

That’s like saying because car accidents happen, no one should be allowed to drive cars.

so…D2 and D2R doesn’t exist ?
D3 got thousand time , nay ten thousand time less bots than D2 and D2R…
and POE and other got more bots than D3.

i don’t understand how you can say that in such a spammy manner in every topic with a straight face , never seen a bot in all my years playing D3.
sure there might be a handful of bots in exp rush but they don’t bother or spam anything or do RMT/botting like jsper and they all get banned eventually : and the fact is : WE NEVER SEE ANY.

whereas D2 and D2R it’s bot heaven everywhere :

  • in your own game ? bot invade it to spam chat about RMT while killing your bosses.
  • In lobby ? bots spam there
  • in public game ? bots do baal / diablo runs while spamming about their RMT website etc…
    and 95% public games are bot doing runs in D2 and D2R.
  • they even invade low level public game to auto buff players and spam chat about their RMT website (be it jsp or something else)
    and the fact is : Unless you lock yourself in a game room with a complicated password, you’ll most likely see bots everywhere
    and there is more Bots than players…

so…seriously how can you say that ?
i fail to see how you can say that with a straight face man.
the D2 and D2R you love since it has jsp (which you said time and time again “jsp is the best”) don’t exist then ?

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Don’t bother, Gamma. Bodach also claims that, since blocking trading does not fix all botting, it clearly ‘does nothing’ to fix botting, and thus trading should happen for all items.
Their arguments are dishonest, lack any merit or facts, and they just scream the same thing over and over again in the hopes of drowning out everyone else’s voice.


Yeah, and D2 has more open trade than D3.
You can trade everything, anything, as there are no class locked items AND runes exist as well.

So you just proved the point trading brings bots and bots bring more issues and problems than positives.

exactly Bodach reads like some1 that knows what hes talking about.

So when such a guy just makes one single argument about botting, with disregarding everything else brought, its cleary obvious that he just wants trade for his rmt. I dont believe he is that dumb to only see or not sees the botting problem.

I don’t think uniques should be tradable personally, but I would like it if elixirs (would like harder to craft ones) and nightmare sigils could be traded. Plus other types of crafting materials for maybe harder gear to craft if we see that in the game.

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Yes Diablo 2 is extremely botted. But I’m talking about in regard to pay to win. At least in Diablo 2, you could compete with the bots. They couldn’t really out gear you at a certain point. But in Diablo 3, you’re never going to catch up to a bot Paragon level. It’s a much worse problem for D3 in that regard.

So much of a problem that even if you opened up Diablo 3 trading completely, it wouldn’t shift more power to cheaters. No more power can be shifted to them. It doesn’t matter what you do. The game is cheated to its furthest possible point. And no trade was required.

wow…yea a few paragon level is more “pay to win” than being able to RMT and bot to get unlimited runesword , get every BIS of a farming game and make money from it without actually playing said game…sure…
no seriously how can you spam that with a straight face.

Well we’re talking thousands of Paragon levels. And Paragon levels are the true end-game power structure of Diablo 3. So yes there’s no way that you can cheat more in Diablo 3. The problem is that out of hand. And it didn’t take trading whatsoever. Therefore trading is not the problem.

You and people with your position simply shift the problem elsewhere, and in the end, the cheaters still have top power, with absolutely no mitigation from not being able to trade.

That…that is not logic.
That is not logic at all.

Just because they cheated without trading, does not mean trading bots and bot spam won’t be a problem.
Just more dishonest blather and non-logic from you to push your invalid points.

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except : D4 got a rather low max paragon level as said by the devs (D3 does have a max paragon level but rather high one compared to D4)
so one : your paragon point is moot as far as D4 is concerned so stop spamming about that , especially since you know that right ? or you will say you didn’t even if you did ?

and 2 : most high paragon like that get banned rather quickly in ban wave while in any open trade game : the bots are never banned and they can give the gears to “clear” account before getting banned and so on…
while if everything is account bound ; they risk their whole account each time they try to bot , and not merely a false bot account so WAY LESS incentive to even try to bot to begin with

so no …really no there’s no logic , you just want to continue using Jsp and gonna ignore every posts as usual while continuing spamming about paragon and “D3 is the most botted game” while even you just said it’s not when we point out D2 and you forget in other topics to say again “D3 is the most botted” :confused:
and you are going to ignore this post again im guessing , as soon as you have no arguments as usual :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said it wouldn’t be. If you allow open trading in Diablo 4, there will be real money trading and people buying gear. There’s no doubt about that. The part of this you aren’t following, and likely won’t respond to, is the fact that your proposed fixed to this doesn’t actually fix anything. It doesn’t mitigate anything. It just shifts the problem to selling the bots directly. Nothing changes. Other than you’ve gotten rid of a system that a lot of people like.

The actual fix is for Blizzard to go after the botting itself. Which can be done in a great deal many different ways, which have been proven to be effective. I could suggest ways that would take care of them. So you should be going after Blizzard about this. Not trading. That doesn’t make any sense.

Not completely true, there are class specific items. Shrunken heads are a good example.
He didn’t prove anything other than the legacy system wasn’t prepared for modern programming, or future proofing methods to protect against spambots etc. Pretty hard to compare old-school Battlenet to Battlenet 2.0. Also D2R is built ontop of the updated legacy system and therefore still follows the same exact processes and is susceptible to the same types of exploits. A modern D2 built from the ground up would not have the same problems till everything’s been datamined, and even then we have a much better processes for AntiHack/AntiBot/AntiCheat. Eventually, Artificial Intelligence AntiHack/AntiBot/AntiCheat will eventually be deployed and be a part of everyday gaming life.


Yeah but you will soon have AI bots of such level they will perfectly imitate human behaviour.
How will you catch them at that point?

Hence I think not allowing trading of legendaries and uniques is a good thing.
I want less bots, not more.


An AI would be able to tell better than any human could. 100% will be caught.

And the part you’ve ignored, repeatedly, to pretend it’s not real, is that limiting or removing trading lessens the ways RMT sellers can function.
This, in turn, makes it easier to tackle the other ways to stop them.

Let me try to spell it out for you. AGAIN.

If gold trading is allowed:
Now Blizzard has to track gold trading and try to figure out of this person sending another person 1,000,000 gold is a friend, or an RMT.

If trading is allowed:
Now Blizzard has to track item trading and try to figure out of this person sending another person 3 legendaries is a friend, or an RMT.

If neither is allowed:
Now Blizzard can stop focusing on the literal millions of trades a day, because there are none. They can focus on bought and sold accounts.

See how removing trades MITIGATES THE PROBLEM!? Even if you say ‘Literally every RMT will just 1-to-1 move so, nuh-uh!’ Which…you have 0 proof of that.

For all we know, blocking item/gold trades will halve the amount of third parties willing to RMT, since inflating and selling accounts is harder than trading for legendaries, then selling it.


that is wishful thinking. A friend of mine made his money with said botting in d2, wow and d3 till the removal of the rmah.

As Antibotting/cheating evolves so do the bots evolve, the good ones that cost money to use, are extreme hard to detect.


It’s definitely a conundrum, but the same catch-22 will exist then as it does now. The AI will continue to get better and continue to bot. The selling of items will turn to the selling of bots. Perhaps they will be on lease programs where they have to pay per month. Maybe they already are and I don’t realize that. But the real money traders are still going to be making lots of money. And the cheaters are still going to be cheating. Eliminating trade does nothing about this. At least with trade, you have a way to track items, and better able to prove a case of cheating.

This is the myth you keep repeating about how your plan would mitigate cheating. But that’s only your own speculation and conjecture. And with D3 we can prove that that’s an irrelevant factor.

This is illustrated by the fact that if you opened up a trading completely in D3 right now, there would be no more power shift to the cheaters, because they already have the maximum possible with the current system that doesn’t involve trading. So we know your idea of mitigation here is absolutely irrelevant.

Imagine a tsunami coming towards a city down one of two rivers. You are essentially suggesting to move it to the other river that’s going to the city and saying it will mitigate the damage. Nonsensical.