Absolute disrespect for solo players

Also, Diablo series has been primarily a solo player game with features that reward group play, it isn’t the other way around. The vast majority of people playing are solo players, always has been. If you want to enforce strict grouping policies then make tools ingame for people to use, its really that simple.

You don’t need to lie to the players on how they significantly buffed EXP in Nightmare dungeons, because that is looking like a bold faced lie for solo players so much so that I’m going to call out Blizzard on twitter for it, because I have the data I wrote down several weeks ago on a levelling NM guide I was doing.

My barb just literally hit 67, so if the exp values have not changed - then it should take 6 full NM runs to hit 68 based on data I collected before the exp buff patch, if it still takes the same amount of runs then obviously, they have not buffed the exp for solo players - give me about an hour and a half to speed run :stuck_out_tongue:

You shouldn’t get less experience for soloing. That’s the problem. I’ll just be rude with my statement. Screw groups. Screw grouping games. There is only 1 hero to this story.


To know that group can just get someone level 1-50 in just a couple hours or less, while I’m grinding my butt off in the 40s 2 days later – it’s completely demotivating. Garbage design. They need to even this out.

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They are working on LFG system. Diablo games have always been group games, POE has always been a solo game. Yes you can play solo in Diablo games but it’s designed in terms of dungeon layout, mechanics etc to be played as a group.

I imagine the developers didn’t realize a LFG system would be needed quite so much as it’s 2023 and most gamers use 3rd party applications and systems for communicating and organising things.

Unless they add real matchmaking and better social features for the game, solo will be garbage compared to groups.

Solo should have 20-25% xp solo potions
Groups can have 25% xp plus 5% xp pots for all I care. Groups kill, farm, loot faster…Solo play is being punished in this game and that simply should not be the case.

There is nothing wrong with giving groups and solo players benefits. But at least close that gap…

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The problem is that anti-group mechanics tend to be less popular for multiplayer titles, therefore less profitable. Story-driven titles that focus on a single character work best as single player titles (e.g., cyberpunk 2077), while action RPG’s like the Diablo series work better as group games. Good luck trying to solo a world boss like Asheva.

Even if the xp buffs were the same, those who are grouped will always level up quicker and it will always seem unfair to the solo. How can you compare a solo person spending 15-30 minutes? in a dungeon and a group of 4 players completing a dungeon within 2-3 minutes?

This is not a mmorpg. This game can be completely played solo. Yet solo players are punished severely compared to faceroller group play. I can’t stand it. It’s literally infuriating to me that these people just crap all over lone wolf players.


No they haven’t been primarily group games, they have been primarily solo/single player games. The only reason to group up with people was a slight buff to EXP but the main reason was for better drops, the EXP was never really the reason here.

Besides no basic key features like an LFG system, there isn’t even an LFG chat channel in this game and there are only 12 players per shard. The only global chat channel you have to communicate in the game is the trade chat channel and it’s disabled by default that you have to manually enable in the options settings to even get it to work which the majority of people don’t even know about and even if you do enable it, whatever you type in is it only visible to the 12 other players in your shard. Yet you state that Diablo 4 was intended for group play. GTFO outa here with that clown logic.

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They incentivize group play because it shows positive correlation with satisfaction in the game, and total play time.

Diablo 2 and 3 and 4 were all designed as group games. They were never designed as a single-player game at all.

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Sounds like PR bs talk.

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I agree, it feels like right now they are literally slapping the faces of everyone who chooses to play solo, or doesn’t have any big clans or doesn’t use discord. I was in a static group for a while with my sorc at launch, guess what the other 3 players have since quit the game.


My post did not say MMORPG for a reason :wink: And if you can beat Asheva solo, then please share the details.

No they wasn’t at all, you could beat literally all content solo and still get the same rewards in a reasonable time frame, the differences as stated was an exp buff so people exploited Baal in D2 by rushing it, kill and repeat not remotely caring about the drops.

World bosses can be solo killed. They scale to the players in the zone. If you happen to be the only player the Boss is significantly lowered in hp and power.

It should be similar to Divinity OS, where you get a bonus to stats and damage when playing solo vs group. And that was literally called lone wolf bonus.

I am sorry you must be new to the Diablo games. Well I have explained it to you and told you the facts, it’s your choice not to believe them. I can’t force you to accept the truth. :slight_smile:

Diablo is designed to be played as a group hence why you have group xp buffs, mechanics and dungeon layouts designed for groups of players, world bosses, incense, party-wide buffs on classes etc. If it was designed to be played solo then you wouldn’t need or have any of that.

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Anyway, I’m off to run NM dungeons to cross check against the data I collected several weeks ago, lets see how truthful Blizzard is when it came to their ‘significantly buffed’ NM dungeons.