Absolute disrespect for solo players

Groups should NOT get a bonus to exp. They should have it split four ways of 25% each person. If anything, solo players should get a bonus to exp for having to deal with insane enemies that one-shot you no matter your gear or defense, by themselves.

Here is an example of how truly unfair the current system is: A solo player could take literal weeks with a meta build to achieve what these guys do in just 13 hours.


As a predominantly solo player, not really feeling much disrespect.


You will never level 1-100 in 13 hours solo. You can do that with “buds”. The group play in Blizzard games is getting sickening for introverted solo players. It’s not fair in any capacity. They have far too many buffs and power for how easy it makes the game.


If it wasn’t already easier for them because of the combined power of friendship, give them a bonus 10% exp.
I don’t really like playing with others. I’ve got my pace, they’ve got theirs. It’s usually not a match. Sometimes I wanna just hit objectives and other times I feel like examining loot and doing dungeon events.


Don’t feel sickened personally at all. I’ve gotten 2 characters to 70 and another to just about 60 while I make up my mind on which class I want to play for Season 1 and at my own personal pace, sporadically with my friends and mostly by myself and nothing about the system makes me feel disrespected. Maybe I’m just not introverted enough?

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You clearly don’t understand that they get more exp because they’re fighting tougher monsters…

It’s ALL YOU CAN DO. There is no other option in leveling speed unless you have friends. Having friends shouldn’t make the game easier it should make it harder and tougher to get through. That’s not how this game works though. Or any Blizzard game for that matter. SOLO should be the hardest game with best rewards.


I fart in your general direction.


Like the monsters (T4 world bosses) that die in 3 seconds flat? Yeah, they are just brutal.


Reaches for my pet hamster

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If you are a solo player why do you care what other people are doing lol.

Do you think it would be reasonable to be playing dark souls and getting upset that Jimmy Jones across the continent has a better sword than you?
It’s nonsense.


Doesn’t matter if they still get one shot by some builds. They are tuned higher than solo monsters.

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Isnt monster difficulty scaled up to groups in dungeons? I mean I guess over world gives the bonus too but…

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If u geared up well u can handle it by carrying 2 friends with 3 lvl mobs above u in ND …but take a lot more time to finish it…

Even in a group, you can’t get to 100 in 13 hours just by playing normally.


Idk, there’s more than just getting levels, gear is (as always in diablo) import (close make the man etc). Also, there’s the renown for skills, pots, other bonuses. So, unless your power leveling an ult to play a set of gear you already have then you’ll actually be behind power leveling based on posts others have made.

For example late 40s (50 at the last idr exactly when) I got a sacred 700+ 2HW (w/o sigials and possibly not in a dugeon ikr where I got it). After about 10 levels (59) before I got the same for a 1 handed weapon. Despite doing about 1/2 dozen sigial (sp?) dungeons, (I spent most of the time exploring the map and doing side quests).

That said, despite not getting a better/more preferred weapon I was able to keep up w/the mobs and even out pace my kill rate in my 40s b/c of all the other gear getting slightly better and the bonuses from leveling and renown.

Before recent changes, those who tried just to level fast w/o building gear as they went had a tough time hitting a “dead zone” where they were under geared to start and w/the drops for relatively high end gear being low taking a long painful time to gear up.

I was just asking because I feel that warrants the bonus.

We should be leveling way faster putting in all the work solo. Instead we have to listen to how somebody gets carried 1-100 in 13 hours.


Other than you bringing it up in this thread I haven’t seen or heard of someone getting carried from 1 - 100 in 13 hours. Its just not something on my radar of cares.

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The bonus for higher ND just glyph exp…the higher lvl ND the faster u lvling ur glyphs…blizz just boost exp for char not glyph if u want faster exp for ur char just run the same lvl ND or 3 max above u…
when ur fren around lvl 70…they also slow so much compare to 1-60 lvling…the advantage of grouping just lvling new char/alt