Absolute disrespect for solo players

I never said you couldn’t do them solo, not once have I said that. I just said they were designed to be played as a group.

I’m not so sure about this given some world bosses go down in seconds, while others take significantly longer to kill when I’m the only high-level present. However, uber-Lilith is much harder than the world bosses, so you have a point there.

Still, the game is more enjoyable as a group, and team play has always been rewarded in multiplayer titles besides just better XP… there is also more loot, thereby yielding better upgrades in the same time frame.

I have been playing diablo games since 2001. The fact that you think Diablo games have always been intended for party play and were built around that design, is why you really are the one who is new here.


In this game? Groups should be getting a whole lot more than they are. 3 man group mobs have about 250 percent more hp yet the group only getting 10 percent xp bonus. Should be at least 50 percent PER player.
And loot drops should increase too. Because the modifiers like drifting shade or death pulse 10 times as dangerous in group.
Just like d2 solo should be possible but not ideal.

Played for about 6+ hours last night all solo. When is the disrespect suppose to hit me?

At least in D2 you could do /players# or do lobbies

Sad that over 20 years down the road they can’t do something for solo or add some type of dungeon finder for those who prefer more grouping

As someone that plays with a group regularly. It’s marginally difficult. Trust me. It should be more difficult. That’s my biggest complaint. They drop so fast it makes the point of grouping solely about the exp bonus. It’s just not fun. We’re clearing so fast that we’re quickly getting bored. Games should be challenging, not just to a player, but especially to groups.

So in that regard, all you lone wolves, I feel you. There’s all these titles and fun “party” achievements, but what about our community lobos hitting those things on their own, going Punisher style on these mobs? Respect.

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I would think that would be an example of imbalance group vs solo. the kill times theoretically should be the same so therefor drops also (4 times more people, 4 times more monster health). If they wanted them to be balanced at all and not just push people into groups.

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I think they had to dump that old model to implement auto level scaling.

When you see what a group would get for exp in those 6 hours. And you find out that the group is just facerolling through everything and have leveled over 6 times what you gained with a top tier build struggling solo in 6 hours.

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If that is the criteria I’m not sure I’ll ever feel it hit.

You might have owned Diablo games since 2001 but you clearly haven’t played them. I would suggest you actually play them or come up with a better lie. Regardless, I’m not arguing with you anymore. You can either accept the truth or not, that’s up to you.

It is not about the 5% (I think for groups it is actually 10%), this is completely meaningless as it is additive to the already 200% of WT4 (and btw. groups can drink elexiers on top of that), it is that groups share XP over infinite range.
In 4-man groups every player only has to kill 1/4 of the mobs, while getting full XP for every mob killed from their party members, effectively leading to a 400% EXP increase.

This advantage is quite disproportionate.

In D2 monster XP got divided between all players, while giving higher level players a larger amount, and not multiplied.

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TLDR; if you’re not grouping in D4, you’re playing it wrong! :wink:

If you only want to play solo, then other players will have zero impact on your game play anyway, unless you enter a PVP zone.

I have cited specific features of Diablo 4 that suggest that the game was not really designed around a party system over solo play. These features include the lack of a looking for group system, looking for group chat channel, limited number of players per shard, having trade chat disabled by default and making players depend on 3rd party software like Discord to find players to play with which shows that when a game company leaves out these key features that are standard in todays’ multiplayer games, it shows that a party system wasn’t what the game was “designed” around when they built it. You brought no actual evidence to the contrary on your replies to me, you just used ad hominem attacks like calling me a liar but did not actual prove how I was lying. So just accept you are a clown already, clown.

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They wasn’t designed to be played as a group, they were designed as a single player game first there is a huge difference between designed as a group only game and a game based around giving groups bonuses and incentives. You could entirely play Diablo 1, 2 and 3 and 4 and D2R and DI entirely solo and still achieve the same outcome, just slower.

The issue here is the disproportional differences between grouping and solo play, listen the majority of solo players don’t choose to play solo, its just a complete hassle to actually find a group, you give proper tools in-game which shouldn’t be hard, such as dungeon finder and social tools - Diablo 3 has a group finder feature that should have been brought over for Diablo 4 at launch, and for some stupid reason - it wasn’t and no immediate plans for it either.

I just did my levelling test solo for experience, and once again - It took 6 FULL nm runs solo to level from 67 to 68 + 100k exp, this is almost exactly the same as pre-patch which clearly shows no significant experience buffs for solo players, either that or the PR speak for significant buffs means 5% experience buff for solo and 25% for group, on top of the experience buffs groups already get +5% for elixirs so yeah, I’m calling BS on Blizzard for its ‘significant’ experience buffs because its clearly not.


It’s a slap to the face!

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I think the entire issue here is that they have buffed group exp so much that it just outrightly is making solo play entirely un-viable and extremely grindy without giving proper tools such as a group finder which Diablo 3 had, even in Diablo 2 it was EXTREMELY easy to add people who joined your world to your party because there wasn’t any reason not too for extra exp and better loot, the latter is the main reason why people grouped up because of better MFing.

The devs needs to balance out solo play and group play so much better than they currently have, the start would be getting group finder ingame on S1, no exceptions here. And if they start ladders, it would become essential otherwise you’ll have the top 100 being streamers and influencers each and every time.

If solo play 1-70 leveling was quicker I would be fine with the 70-100 taking time. But I don’t like the idea of super Unique items only dropping at 85 as it feels like a wasted opportunity to get those items when you are grinding the end game.

I just want to get to the endgame gear grind quicker not hit lvl 100 instantly.

I was grouped with 3 ice shard wizards in their 90’s when I was 77 to 82 (8 hour span). We must have went through about 50 Tier 57 NMDs in that span. It was insane how much faster I leveled that way than I did solo. In the same time playing solo I may level up once doing my regular tier 31 to 35 NMDs.
There is a huge difference in EXP between solo and groups. Also, groups destroy enemies in a blink of an eye. Solo, depending on the class, you may have to spend time running around when you fight a large enough group of enemies, because of all the CC going crazy. In groups, you kill things so much faster that the CC is not as bad.