Absolute disrespect for solo players

You do know that you can not watch videos about things you dislike, right?


Upvote this. This game is made for hand holding babies. and blizzard doesnt give a rats A…
about solo self found players. absolute disrespect and amateur development. Blizzard is not the company we once cared about. They never will be again either. time to pack it up


Okay there is no reason to fix one by punishing the other lol

meh I play solo 95% of the time and I am fine with it. the game is not a race and diablo has always given more xp for more players even in single player with the /players function of D2.

the only people I suppose it would affect is those trying to get on the season leaderboards but they all group up for max xp anyways and always have

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Just chug any elixer to get the same +5% xp bonus as grouped players.

BTW, group play generally yields the best loot drops, so if you are only playing solo, then you are severely limiting your own loot quality and options.

I’ve made it to 95 and a half as solo player.

The Nightmare dungeon buff was amazing, just gogo

I always go solo and to be honest i dont care hehe.

I didn’t know loot was affected by Number of players. is that documented somewhere?

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It’s actually a matter of quantity and efficiency – the more players are present, the faster the monster kill times + drop quantity. The more drops you get, the more chances of getting 800+ item power gear. As a simple example, I was grouped with 3 other players doing NM dungeon clears. I managed to get 3 uniques in a space of 1 hour and had to leave a bunch of rares on the ground given how fast we were moving.

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neither can you do that in a party


Best time to change some attitude to get rid of own deficits


That is what “teamplay” is all about, being stronger than solo. Humankind proved it 1000th of passed years.

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This is a fantasy video game with a single hero that has a connection to Lilith. Nowhere in the story was it a bunch of friends have a connection to her. Solo should be vastly better experience than group play from that fact alone. The other fact is group play is incredibly face roll compared to a single person taking on higher level nightmare dungeons. There can only be one chosen one in this story.

I would personally do this:

Solo character gets +5% exp bonus per nightmare tier.
Grouping up splits exp 4 ways and does not reward the following exp bonus for tiers.

This makes it where YOU WILL level up faster solo putting in all the work yourself, instead of hanging out with your “buds” and leveling to 100 in less than a day.

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Agreed. Groups already have bonus XP by being able to clear content faster = more XP. It’s ridiculous that Blizzard gave groups such an advantage when they don’t even have their own in game LFG system.

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It’s really insane. I think wow people have just replaced the teams that were canned which designed the good parts of this game. It’s all just group meta when this was supposed to be the game that satiated all the players begging for a solo meta game. Why on earth is easy mode (group play) rewarded with FAR more xp? To the point that it’s pointless to play solo? It’s so dumb.

If anything, group xp/hr should be less than solo xp/hr doing the same content because solo is more challenging.

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The claim that they significantly buffed XP in Nightmare dungeons is a partial lie too, they buffed it for group play and solo players got scraps. When I first posted how awful the dungeon grind is for SOLO a few weeks ago I was working on a guide.

At level 65 to 66, it took approximately 6 FULL NM runs on WT3 at Tier 20. This was two weeks ago before the supposed exp buff to NM dungeons.

Last night on my Barb, I was level 66 and it took 6 and an extra 1/10th to hit level 67 so in no way shape or form, was this significantly EXP buff in solo play, in fact - I’m calling entire BS on the devs for this.

If they want group play so badly, give the players options to look for groups in game, have dungeon finder options so at a few clicks you can join up.


Agreed. Instead we have Blizzard employees in D4 Sanctuary Discord promoting groups and group dungeon reset exploits for over a month now because they were too lazy or too cheap to spend the resources to implement their own LFG feature in their “MMO” lite game that benefits group play so vastly.

I play both solo and grouped and Diablo has always been a group game, same with Diablo 4. It’s supposed to be played as a group, it’s very easy to find a group, either play with friends or look for a group in the diablo 4 discord or some other 3rd party system. ( It would be nice to have a group finder in-game). If you choose to play solo, at your own pace then that’s your choice, you get less xp for it but you can do and play how you want to play.

When you are in groups you play a specific role, using specific styles of builds that work well with other players, it’s a different experience and isn’t for everyone. To encourage playing together those people get an xp buff, they also finish objectives and dungeons in a lot quicker time.

That is an entire cop-out reply, that isn’t the issue here at all. It really isn’t as easy as it sounds just to get a group, having discord as your primary method to finding a group is atrocious and unprofessional. You could be in a large clan, even finding people to run NMs isn’t that easy.


As a solo and group player, yes, OP is 100% correct. The amount of punishment from simply playing solo is beyond silly. Give solo players 20-25% xp potions.

Hell, groups can have 25% xp as well as a 5% potions for all I care. They kill faster, farm faster, and level faster.

Solo play needs a serious buff xp wise. Why is the game made this way? You want group play and you want solo play that feels beneficial.

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If that were true and the game was intended for group play, then wouldn’t Blizzard of at least implemented their own basic feature, a LFG system or basic in game chat features, rather than rely on 3rd party software that the majority of their customer base doesn’t even know about.

They probably hope that people will just buy consoles and start using couch co-op. So they made the user experience garbage, and no LFG, but still made it a group meta for efficient leveling. Every bad thing in this game seems to be in place because of their darling “couch co-op” obsession.

That’s what I mean when I say this game wasn’t designed with fun in mind, but only engagement metrics.