About the PC Bug Report category

Occultist quest to create the Nightmare Seal is not available (not even after the first level 3 - Nightmare Dungeons with seal) Primary quest did not appear after that.

Today the i played 4 dungeons. The game disconnected me 4 times EXACTLY when the final boss fight started. Can someone explain this dark magic to me (and no its not my internet).

I just run 2 nm sigil lvl 32 dungeon . after finish there is no xp table for glyph I waited 4 min maybe it lagged stil nothing . please fix this

I have the map bugged, the events are not updated, the World bosses do not appear, neither are the Legions and the events of the tree are frozen at 0 seconds.
have already reinstalled the game and search for problems and solve 2 times and nothing has been solved. Create several characters and it is not solved either.
help me!!

The unique item “Temerity” only grants barrier of your base life not of you maximum life.
Test: i have 10k life and only get a barrier of 3.8k on an 80% rolled item. I unequiped every item and had still 3.8k barrier.
Also the barrier doesn’t count as barrier for the aspect “conceited offensive aspect”
Test: i only equiped “Temority” and an amulet with the “conceited offensive aspect” and no matter if the barrier was up or not the damage was the same.

Hi I’ve been playing Diablo 4 since the beginning. So far I haven’t gotten a single drop from the Tempest Roar… for the Pulverize build Helmet and Chest 10x+. Is this a bug or just very rare? Thanks for the answer

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They do not answer here.

Spoiler Free:
Killed the pinnacle boss. Have the achievement and title, but the mount never showed up in my stash.

I think it drops on the ground and looks like a white item.

Good day i have finished the campain but the world boss event doesnt appear on the map can anyone help ?

This game is so broken, its not even simple to report a bug. this took WAY too long to achieve a writeable post window.


Everyone here please join my class action law suit. Diablo 4 was NOT prepared.
this game is unplayable - buggy
especially at level 100.

pvp is so broken and unbalanced it is unplayable.

there is 0% endgame.

Dungeons do not work 90% of the time.

dungeon mechanics constantly break, ruining hours of progress with your team.

this game is just very very very very disappointing.

The fact that the programmers are so poorly intelligent that they missed a typo when the AI programmer created this game. - Heardy is mispelled HEADY - lmfao are they too many stoners to correct this?

anyways the reason i’m here is the feral’s den bugged again. 4 monsters remain while we cleared whole thing.

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this happened to me too, and what I did was i walked up to the wall and spammed decompose at her until she died. Yes, it passed through the wall. And yes, it took about 2.5 minutes. I don’t know if this would work with bone splinters but i kind of doubt it would.

world bosses come out at set intervals. You have to be watching for them or use helltides dot com to know when they’re gonna spawn. Also, I don’t think the world boss appears in world tier 1 or 2, but I might be mistaken on that.

this should be its own thread

crazy that this still isn’t fixed as of today. I’ve had this bug for a week now and its bloody game breaking.

I noticed something while putting points into my barbarians paragon rare node that gives +20% physical damage and an additional 10% physical damage if conditions are met. I have triple what the condition calls for and after using a point to get the node, my physical damage is only showing a 20% increase. The bonus 10% is not given.
I decided to look into other rare nodes and found that they are also not working as stated. +armor w/ bonus armor nodes do not give the full amount and give much less when factoring in the “bonus” for conditions met, which I also find odd considering I have alot of +% to total armor, the growth should be much larger than say the “300” I was suppose to get.
Thats not the only ones either. Critical strike damage nodes that give crit damage % w/ bonus crit damage % are not working either. I have a node that gives me 30% crit damage + 10% crit damage for conditions met, yet I only get 35% crit damage for purchasing the node while also fully exceeding conditions required for bonus.
Every single rare node on the barbarian tree I have done this with, has shown me results that do not match up. Do the “bonus” stats not actually get added to the physical numbers and applied as a hidden number we have no access to see? Or are the nodes broken and not functioning properly?

when fighting elites with the supressor perk, if i start channeling whirwind outside of the barrier i have to cancel and recast to start dealing damage to the elite and any additional mobs that are inside the bubble… idk if this was intended just letting you guys know it seems odd. keep making good diablo games! Level 83 barbarian

P.S i dont want to grind rep again in season 1… plz im only 3/5 as of right now. working dad with wife and 3 kids… dont make me grind rep again

As a loyal fan of D1 D2 D3 and D4, D4 is amazingly disappointed.

When D4 is under CB, things are pretty okay; when it comes to OB, it’s a lot laggy than it should be; after the official release, it’s totally unbearable.

I always thought that would be because of my internet connection or might be because I did not update my RTX driver properly but I was wrong!

I did have the updated GPU driver and have a rather good internet speed, Blizzard kept saying my driver is out of date and needless to say the laggy situation persists.

NM dungeons are truly nightmares, you cannot play on your own or you play it at your own risk - after finishing the game, you can run freely there but cannot pick up items or upgrade the glyph, not even mention teleporting to the town, leaving you without choice but to quit the game entirely and lost everything.

Read through all the threads, it seems that only PC users are due respect for such a horrible gaming experience! Aren’t this because we simply pay for the game’s basic price but do not pay monthly to game console service providers, therefore, Blizzard earns nothing additional from all of us. Or simply is, Blizzard doesn’t care about the quality gaming experience for PC players?

Nothing had been fixed so far and seemingly it get worse than expected!

One more thing to note, this is the 21st Century and I cannot understand why Blizzard insisted all PC gamers use ethernet to play D4 please remember, there are gamers who have a big house and Wi-fi is the best solution for them!!

im trying to join a clan and they said i can join but when they accepted my req it errored and now i cant find the clan in search and it errors when they try to invite me and when i view there profile it says there not in a clan but they are and im so confused its bugged and idk what to do

There appears to be a Paragon Tree node issue for Necromancer. The Hulking Monstrosity rare node appears to have no effect. I disabled it and re-enabled it multiple times, and there was no reflection of either the damage nor health effect in my character stats window. I’m not sure if the node does not apply at all (as I haven’t yet rigorously tested numbers) or if the information simply isn’t reflected in the stats tab. I worry the former given that there is a Golem damage modifier in stats which shows up from other nodes.