About the PC Bug Report category


after rerolling an affix on my amulet to cool down reduction @7.7 reduction. i continued rerolling it and got 12.5 cdr to roll and kept that. this cost me roughly 11 mil gold to roll. which is most of the gold ive farmed from drops i didnt want over the last couple days of playing. then i went over to the curiosities vender. as i opened that menu, the server booted me back to the char select screen which stated my accout was busy and was having a hard time with saving my game state. and gave me an error code. upon reentering the cdr on my amulet was rolled back to 7.7. but i didnt get my gold back. leaving me with just 8 mil. i tried rerolling to get my stat back but dont have enough gold now. please give me back my 12.5 cdr roll. that was 12 hours of grinding your janky servers just stole from me.

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Nightmare Dungeon no glyph upgrade at completion

side quest The Sodden Pact and Whispers from Below are buggy, and I can’t finish scoglen renown.

Rogue imbuements on swords are way too short, as if just imbuing a dagger. It doesn’t cover around 2/3 or 1/2 of the sword depending on the length. I have seen with shadow imbuement, unsure of the others yet.

Are you talking about the animation or visual effect on the item in your hand?

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Yea the shadow imbuement is kinda scuffed compared to the other 2. Even the cold seems a little bit short, but not as bad as shadow.



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Thanks for the images. Let me embed those for you:

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Buff from weapon (Seer’s staff of Inner calm(Legendary)), that adds bonus damage when standing still, is reset when some other items are changed, like ring.

Just some minor issue but wanted to let you know :slight_smile:

The quest “Menestad Coffers” has a typo in the flavour text of its quest log. In the first sentence “Menestad” is spelt “Menestand”. I had an example link, but the forum won’t let me post it.

To post links, highlight the link and press the </> button in the toolbar.

Like this: https://i.imgur.com/2fzVAF8.gif

I have completed all of the dungeons in diablo 4 and still havent gotten all of the aspects. I checked and completed the said dungeon which aspect i am missing still didn’t get the aspect even tho i tried completing it 3-4 times did not help. This also happened when i killed ashava at beta access or server slam and didnt get trophy for it but you guys did not help me or return to my ticket for that as well. Before new league starts i am asking for your help on this matter about not getting all aspects even tho i finished all dungeons in whole diablo 4 i got 113/115 and last 2 just isnt working for me.

I am experience quite frustrating and annoying lag on my PC and heard other people are having the same issue , but I am not sure why. I am using win 10 , ryzen 5 proc , 1660ti 6GB video 32G ram and all other games work normally even if there are many players at 1 location, but here I get Intermittent lags and kind of stutters if you wann call them that. Please check it out . I got a ticket where they referred me to post here.
Ticket Number: EU89835390
Got a video as well where you can see what I am talking about.

The FPS as you can see at the lower left side drops from 80 to 20-30 sometimes even goes to 1fps and my entire PC freezes for some reason and I have to wait around 10-30 seconds so it works again.

PS. It is not MS lag and a connection issue. Even with 50-60MS it fails miserably

Here is a second video with the latency counter

I could not exactly re-create the same volume of lag this time ,but noticed that at times ping went to 120ms when i was testing. So it is possible that ping is also related , but I can for sure confirm that same lagg as in the first video I experienced with 70ms max. I am located in EU. Hope that helps

Why not re-record it with your ping shown instead of FPS? That is what they will want to see in order to verify that you have a good connection.

Bladedancer aspect is not registered in codex upon clearing Jalal’s Vigil.

This happens to a lot of people, there are multiple threads about this bug, Dev team please help look into it please, thank you

A game should not run like this. Lagging is constant at least on EU servers and the game overall is complete trash to be honest. I play every day since June 6 and as much as I want to like it , I do not . Releasing a totally broken game and charging 70EUR for it is ridicilious . The new season will be a total failure again , not to mention the fact that the game feels more like diablo 3 trash than a new game. Good luck with all that

having an issue with my glyphs on my paragon board not reflecting the progress in made in improving them. i have 2 glyphs that are at level 21 but when i socket them in my paragon board the glyphs show no improvement to the surrounding magic nodes like they are supposed to. i also have them fully unlocked is there a workaround or is my character bugged:?


I want to report now multiple times a similar bug.
When starting an event in a dungeon some of the NPC’s spawn behind the closed door. I can’t even complete the event before completing all the prereqs of the dungeon itself.

2nd the game freezes a lot when I mount up and sometimes even crashes completely.

Necromancer lvl 100, unable to put points into Imperfectly balanced Passive that increases core dmg by 15% for 9% more essence cost when maxed. When removing a point from it to adjust build I am unable to put points into it and it has no 2/3 or any numbers at all on it like the one before it which has 3/3 I still have 1 point left. Please fix this.

Frosty Mine celar reset my Helltide shards to 0. tried a different celar and it didnt reset