About respec cost? This is the way

Respec should be free. And give us a loadout.

5 free loadout tabs, each additional tab cost a bit of a gold to unlock, for up to 10 tabs. That way you can save up to 10 different builds. Switching between tabs will be quick and cost nothing.

And completing quest or meeting specific seasonal goals will let you unlock extra tabs.

With each coming season, and new content, and new ways of playing your character, this is the way.


Silly, its not needed, and build swapping is even more eregrious.


If you want to lock player’s character into one build, I’m pretty sure the forum will be flooded with complaints like “I can’t do world boss because my character is spec for solo adventure” “I can’t go play tanking in a group because my character is spec for dps”…

Build swapping is part of a modern diablo game, or any modern ARPG game. If you don’t want build swapping, you’re living in 30 years ago.


They’ve said multiple times that they’ve designed the game entirely around you having one build, and being able to do everything with that build. You may not excel at everything, but nothing will be impossible unless you make all the wrong choices on purpose


Plan your spec better and git gud.

Or just go back to d3.


Yes, plan your build with your infinite knowledge of a game that isn’t even out, yet.


most flood will come from, and rightly so , “there isn’t enough character slot”.

because if you want to make a elementalist druid and a bear druid which are two totally different playstyle like if they were two differents characters…well…you’ll be using 2 slot.

and we might only get 10 which is pretty much nothing, and that’s not accounting for PVP build, Hardcore mode and season.

if they want respec to be costly, at the very least they should make it so we get 25 characters slot.


Because you need to have cleared the entire game to understand what abilites have strong ST dmg and which ones have great AoE?

Or maybe you’re looking for a spec that can faceroll everything in the game with no struggle?

Just go to d3 already.


Abilities alone do not a build make. And the point that no build can “faceroll” all the content is exactly why respecs should be free.

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OR just accept the fact that in some areas of the game you will have a harder time, i really dont see the issue here.

And you can have some sort of idea in your head of what you wanna do when you’ve picked your abilities.


Why do you want everyone to approach every problem with a hammer when every problem is not a nail? Why not let people adapt to the problems and solve them with whatever tools they have? You shouldn’t need to brute force your way through a part of the game with a build that sucks at dealing with it. Let people respec, pick something more suited to the task, and yes, switch back if they want.


I never said you should only pick one tool to solve your issues, that’s totally up to you.

Im against the idea of respeccing because you’re gonna do a certain activity in an area and then respecc back once you’re done, it really feels soulless to me.
I actually prefer leveling a new character with a different build or maybe just looking forward to the next season considering what spec im gonna play then.


And you can play that way with free respecs. Telling someone to plan better and git gud when they want to play another way is… Sociopathic? Sadistic? Needlessly reductive? I don’t know, I don’t get that way of thinking.

(Edit) Also, I should think farming gear for another build shows better planning and getting good than trying to approach every encounter with one unwaivering build that is going to hit a wall on certain content.


It’s usually the same people that only want to play the endgame and skip the process of getting there, they want everything served to them and then just mindlessly grind something similar to a greater rift which is absolutely disgusting.

Once you’ve reached the final endgame you should feel some sort of accomplishment and not that ‘the game is just about to begin’.

And the path to get there should be a bumpy road with issues YOU have to solve yourself.

I get the feeling that the ‘free respecc’ people bend to any problem they run into and give up easily.

Call my reply what you want, it is true though, you will run into a wall in d4 and will just have to git gud, that is for all of us.


How is this not an argument FOR respecs?

Because free respecs equals easy game and no drawbacks what so ever to your choices


From the other thread:

Why do you want to make it harder on yourself? Because you used a hammer to nail a screw into the wall, you overcome some great challenge?

(Edit) Not even just on yourself, on others. You can use your own willpower to resist respecing if you don’t want to, but why do you want to make it harder on everyone else?


So in theory that person is fine with having the launch being free to change specc to experiment and then implement a respecc fee once season1 is out?

i most certainly dont feel like i overcome anything if i just (as a sorc) respecc into hydra whenever there’s a little movement and i need ST dmg.

its like playing tic-tac-toe instead of chess.

it will be very cheap to respecc early on.

That person is me and no, I was making a concession that once the game has been out and all the skill trees, paragon boards, aspects, uniques, and etc. are on a wiki or something, then people could actually plan a build. Not that they should have to. You should just be able to buy the game, jump into it without having to do any research or planning, and have the freedom to experiment with their character without the needless resource cost on respecing, yes, even into the endgame. Because with their first couple of characters, no one’s going to know what the endgame entails. Can’t plan for something you have no information on.

I know people think that if respecs were free people would do this, but that is not practical. This is not something you would respec for, and arguing that this something that having a gold cost would stop is disingenuous. (Yes 0.001% of players might do this, but why would it hurt you or your experience of the game if they did?)

Doesn’t matter, any cost at any point in the game is a needless deterrent to a player’s ability to adapt and experiment and have fun their way.


If you can freely get back to any decision, there is never a need for subbis items. If you make it harder, people will become creative instead of copying builds and items from the top 5 streamers.