About respec cost? This is the way

IDK if it’s because it’s 6am here and I haven’t had any coffee, yet, or if this is absolute gibberish, but idk what you’re saying here.

Quite the opposite. Causal gamers (a majority of Diablo players) will opt to copy the top 5 streamers’ builds because they aren’t going to want to potentially blow their gold on experimenting with their build. 2 people on these forums have already told me that is what they are going to do.


I’m pretty sure it’s not just D3, but every modern ARPG game has specs and loadout. Maybe you should go back to D2 before the respec update. That will set you video game back 30 years.


Most gamers use bis for: Best In Slot. prefix sub , meaning “below” or “under.”

So basically if have an item that has +3 to your skill, sub could mean +2

That’s not the part that was unintelligible.

So you don’t understand the gamers behavior? If there is no drawback to do everything you want without consequences people will do so and change their decisions based on what they see on YouTube or Twitch. That will greatly reduce players creativity. And also reduce the amount time spend in the game because people will just follow the top 5 players. And this will decimate the playerbase in a month.


If they want to do that, what’s wrong with it? Maybe someone bought they game because they saw a streamer’s build and thought, “Hey, that looks fun.”

I could easily see more people leaving because they don’t like the decisions they made and would rather just quit instead of levelling another character. At least if they could look to a build to follow (once they tried on their own), they still have to play and grind to get the gear to make it work.

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That is why you need trading… this way with a slightly different build you can still achieve anything you want…

But… If they can just trade to get the gear for the build they’re just going to supposedly end up following anyway, how is that not going to make people leave faster? Also, having the gear and following a build doesn’t mean you know how to use it effectively.

You say you don’t want people to follow guides because they won’t keep playing, but think that they need trading to get the gear to follow a build, that will then facilitate them leaving faster…

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Trading will take time!

Also quite interesting is your name. That was my guild when before 1.02 of wow where rogues could still tank and autoheal.

All that creativity destroyed in 1.02

I really don’t get your obsession with trading…

And “somnium” is just Latin for sleep, or the place that they believed people’s spirits went when they slept. Dreamland.

Played WoW for 3 months back when Burning Crusade came out, because a friend bought it for me thinking I’d love it and play it with him, and because you got 3 months of game time when you bought the game. 3 months ran out and I never touched it again.

Because its a core part of the genre, i understand there’s a lot of WoW players who feel upset seeing mechanics that rightly don’t work in MMOs but this isn’t an MMO. The social dynamics are different and so are the systems. The reason why trading is a thing is to have really low drop rates but still valuable drops, the reason for low drop rates is to make rare items feel good rather than expected. Runes/Rares feel amazing in D2 but they feel terrible in D3.

I don’t think respeccing should be extremely prohibitive, you should be able to farm for a respec but it should be a “project” you work towards OR if you feel your build is super unfun or terrible you can always just restart your character. Restarting a character is part of the game.

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20 chars 20 chars 20 chars

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This isnt an argument, i could also see people quitting because they have never played a diablo game and want less rng. I could see people quitting because there’s no trading.

I mean, if you don’t want to go back and read the post history and see how it applies, that’s on you. I’m not going to spend any more time going around in circles having the same argument with you that I just had with him.

Im not saying your overall arguments are bad, my point is they dont apply to a diablo game.

People tend to agree that story is an important part of a game, does that apply to a Call of Duty tho? Same goes for Diablo, when you play this type of game it comes with certain design decisions that not everyone will like and guess what? You have regular rpgs for people who dont like those core decisions.

Please, tell me how trading is integral to ARPGs. Then, tell me how I got through D1, D2, D3, Torchlight, Torchlight 2, PoE, etc. without making a single trade. Just because it’s a feature that was in Diablo 2, and briefly in Diablo 3, how is trading integral to Diablo as a franchise?

Just because you enjoyed trading and feel like it should be in every Diablo game, does not mean it should be.

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Another Respec post… This is not the way.


No one said you needed to trade to play the game, trading enables lower droprates as i already said. Certain rare items enable builds that might not have been good otherwise. The playerbase precronsctructs non trading builds because like you said not everyone trades.

And true, just because i liked it doesn’t mean it should be in the game the opposite is also true and the genre has skewed towards having trading while also having solo self found as another mode.

If you went through PoE without trading, why would you care if its in D4? If PoE disabled trading it would have higher drop rates. If you want higher drop rates then we fundamentally disagree on what an ARPG is, if your argument is the “RMT/BOTS” then again removing it wont really affect you since you can simply chose to not engage with the system.

Really? Then what happened to D3? And what about their trade decisions for D4?

You asked a question and answered it for me. Thanks!

Man, give me an option for offline SSF, and then I would give a flying big-eared elephant what trading scheme D4 had.

Unfortunately D3/D4 attracted a lot of people who dislike arpgs and turned them into rpgs.

I know you’re being condescending with your comment but my point presumed you did not want higher drop rates. This just confirms another point that people dont like ARPGs and want diablo to be just an isometric rpg.

If blizzard implements the last epoc SSF model i would not be against it either tbh.