A serious question for @PezRadar and the Dev team

Why is it some people are so needy? You act like you are in some relationship with the video game and they cant do anything without letting you know first. Its just a game your life doesnt revolve around it. Stop acting like an obsessed needy girlfriend/boyfriend. Its really weird.

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Well, “money” was the reason for the AH in D3.
The drop rates had to be low, or the players would not need the AH. Low drop rates mean low amount of fun. And they had to give in with RoS and remove the AH.

Now in D4 “money” is the reason they slow down progression. Because people who spent more time in a game are more likely to leave money in the shop.
But slow progression means low amount of fun…

They just refuse to learn from the past.

Well, there are people who actually LIKE D3…

The progression is too fast, sure. But it should not be 1/10 but maybe 1/2 as fast.
Every season i spent 20-30h for a char to get “everything” done. And i had a lot of fun doing that and then i am sated until the next season.

Awesome post. This is a shockingly bad game state for a company that touted races and server stability. Where to even begin. It starts with posts like this.


What about having the choice?
Like when you could actually adjust and fine tune the difficulty for the playstyle you like?

Agree 100% and trust the devs to dial that in. That is not what a significant portion of the crying babies want though.

Fantastic Post that sums up all the really poor “design decisions” in Diablo 4 — you did it in a perect tone and offered solutions to whats going wrong.

Chapeau sir - chapeau.

@Blizzard — start to think about what this dude/girl (dont know ; ) ) is saying - there is so much truth in that words.


100% agree. Mob density is so low in most dungeons it feels more like my objective is to run around, not kill things. Any dungeon that has fun density gets nerfed.

My primary complaint is that solo play is not competitive or rewarding enough to compete with group play. Please remove the unlimited experience range cap for group play.

For the love of all that is beautiful in the world, give us more stash tabs to buy with gold and separate spaces to store Nightmare Sigils.

Lastly, rebalance the gold spending when rerolling items, it’s unreal to be spending 1-2mil after a few rerolls. If you aren’t, prevent the same rolls from appearing in a row or give us more options when rerolling.

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As many others have stated, I’d rather the dungeons that may be lacking mob density be brought up to the same level as the ones with better density, rather than decreasing them across the board. I’m still having a blast and I love a good grind, just my opinion.

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only 1-2mil after a few rolls? I cant reroll my weaps for less than 20mil a pop. Oh and I literally don’t even know if the desired stats I’m looking for are possible because there’s no visual or indication its even possible. They really really really need to implement that from D3. Min maxing gear is such a large part of these games and now we don’t even know what stats are even possible per roll. If you can’t get it within 2 rolls, look for an entire new item to replace because the cost is so absurd

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Rod Fergusson just reached T3. His goal is [redacted]

I’m only talking about the first few rerolls, but yes it gets insanely high, I’m a 100 Necro on hardcore. I’m ok with that, but the rate at which it increases is insanely fast.

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Can agree with pretty much everything (also some other things not 100% accurate in my opinion), however this particular one was proven false.

It’s 100% legit for you to like D3 and ask for whatever stuff to be closer to D3. But flat-out lying is not the way.


Waaaaaaaah I can’t farm the same dungeon over and over again like an autist to get max level


Love your post! Very well written and great questions/solutions. Now, here is to hoping they actually read it and listen.


We’ve been saying this since forever in Diablo III. They did however improve, no matter how small or how slow it is.

Let’s just hope they emulate this in Diablo IV. I know they don’t want to associate themselves with their predecessor (in both the game’s lore and gameplay), but there were some things they made in the past that made the games more palatable, hopefully they’ll actually make better changes, not bad ones.

“Everyone can’t be pleased anyway.”

Why should you be pleased, keeping it as is, versus the majority of posters asking for the contrary?

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I thought we were suppose to get weekly dev chats/updates after release… ya know like The Division game used to do.

That would solve a lot of the community’s problems.

A serious question for @PezRadar and the Dev team

Don’t use words like “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any employee names in a thread topic.

Everyone would like Blizzard to read and acknowledge his or her post, and we understand that. However, these kinds of posts won’t help you achieve your goal. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to removal, along with forum account suspension.

What’s truly amazing to me is that they are nerfing everything while leaving bugs/aspects alone or not communicating with anyone about it.

I really don’t understand the loot cave nerfs. Anyone could do them on any World tier level and they worked great at any level. There was no secret exploit, no ‘clever use of game mechanics’ etc all of it was straight up go here kill these get that. Much like every other area of the game.

The infinite cc is also asinine. Anyone remember why perm ultimate form was a thing in D3? The devs refused to back off spam cc and it eventually destroyed build diversity to the point where you had only 2-3 builds capable of going beyond relatively low GR levels for the season.

After being a Blizzard customer for over 20 years I not at all surprised that they go after how people are playing the game rather than addressing the quality of the product.

I swear Justin Trudeau is running the company. That’s the level of idiocy you’re at Blizzard.

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