A serious question for @PezRadar and the Dev team

So there was one thing you disagreed with so you decided to be condescending and attack the entire post rather than offer any sort of counter argument or constructive feedback yourself. Just looks childish.

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no you dolt. we just enjoy blowing up large packs of monsters… we love ACTION, in an ACTION RPG. lol… and they’re removing the monsters, and the action consistently. no one cares about “exploit loopholes” we just want to have fun while grinding. and “powerfarming 1 dungeon” was in fact more enjoyable than the others, because it was packed and we were mowing down monsters, the staple of every arpg ever.


This post makes a lot of claims without giving any examples. I asked for details. That’s considered attacking now, is it? You must be from Twitter.

ignorance is blizz

aspects should be removed from dungeons, transferred to cellars(or maybe some kind of mini dungeon)

dungeons should be radically reduced and revamped

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It was very clear you were just being condescending and had no intension of wanting a real conversation. Same as you are now.

If the pack sizes in the other ones were the same we would do them poe you farm every map there is no 1 layout people do just because of how good the layout is

This is flat-earth levels of stupid. Yes they want people to be engaged but nerfing the stuff that only the people who already nolife the heck of the game cares about sounds counter-intuitive to that goal, lmao.

This thread OP should be stapled to every D4 dev’s wall above his or her monitor.

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It’s not 2004, Blizzard doesn’t talk to us anymore. ABK is just a soulless machine.

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I am one of the biggest critics of the game but I don’t bash devs because I know they earn less than me and they are overworked. Also, I am sure they get contradictory orders and the only decision the execs approve are cost cutting or timesink decisions to buy some time until they come up with an endgame, solution to scaling issues, the item tier problems, the balance issues, the lack of build diversities and so on and so on.

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Gotta get everyone ready for that S1 and them XP potions.

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Crawling in your skin, these wounds will not heal?

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Let me be sad about it u monster

I would guess theyd like you to listen to the stories, side quests, and explore the areas instead of rush to a meta conclusion and then arrive here on the forums complaining about how bad the game is as you spearheaded with blinders on to the end, used an abused build that got nerfed and raged on.

they are just making this as slow as possible without getting rewards for it

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OK staple the post to Rod’s forehead.

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I feel like activision is forcing blizzard to ruin itself out of business so they can take them off the payroll, and they’re not allowed to call it out

Yeah no, all the other dungeons are crap too. Don’t go blaming your imaginary loophole for people actually enjoying grinding in that one tiny dungeon.

their vision is simple they want this game to be led by chinese gold farmers becuz they will nerf every dungeon and loot drop so we gonna run through entire dungeon to get 1 or 2 elite monsters and get maybe 2 rare items per dungeon so they want you to play 500 hours to get level 70! what did you think this is a hack and slash rpg game where you are suppose to kill bunch of monsters on your screen explode them and get loot explosion and have fun? lol no this is not that type of game in this hack and slash rpg game you get nothing to slash but its running simulator run to 5 monsters kill them get white item drop and run for 10 seconds to next 5 monsters HAVE FUN

The simple answer is they have money now. So i think they dont care anymore. Thank you activision.