A serious question for @PezRadar and the Dev team

I just wish they would communicate what they are changing. Its not that hard.

We shouldn’t have to be the ones noticing stealth changes on a live-service game. They should have patch notes that clearly state what they did like other games.

My biggest gripe with diablo 4 is the lack of communications on the changes.
Live-service game that stealth nerfs lucky hit is some bs. Live service game can pay someone to document the changes and relay them to us on official channels like the forums.

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reducing dungeon size would increase monster density

Why do the cellars even exist?

I think the build diversity issue mostly comes from a lack of abilities. change out your generator and spender, but most of the defensives stay the same.

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Or maybe they nerfed them because they couldn’t pass on their own… Is the reason that the players farm too often just an excuse?

I had missed this! This is fantastic, thanks for the post

for that 1 in a billion chance you get a loot goblin cellar so that you can get more vendor fodder gear.

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@PezRadar, are u still here? We wanna see your answers in hot topics.

Blizzard should have been more straight-forward in telling us that pre-season is not the final game, but rather a beta we pay to play. I’ve been playing with that in mind, and it’s why I don’t really get upset about the constant changes.

With all that, the devs’ silence regarding the state of the game has been deafening.

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Every person that complains about D3 either 1. Didn’t like the cartoonish look or 2. Played at launch and never returned. As someone that played at launch, quit then came back for like the last 12+ seasons it turned out to be a great game.


You actually, factually, do not know what youre talking about.
Maybe you should just shut up and read, instead of trying to throw out childish insults in a public forum over things you don’t know.

It’s as if people forget how D2 worked for farming entirely. Leaving the game to reset dungeon as a solo or dropping party and joining another party to reset are not new concepts… Aged? Absolutely. Has to be a better way. But for anyone to refer to this as an exploit has no idea how Diablo worked as a whole for a very long time, how it still works now as D2R.

Here again he using twitter instead of communication on the forums… Man is it hard to be a community manager on a forums for the game. Every other game does it why not them too? I do not have or use twitter so I will never know these message… That is lame.


It’s posted on the forums as well. Twitter (which I don’t use) is more of an informal way to communicate in real time, the official post came later.


I assume you missed the thread here on the forums today with the official announcement and launch time?


I have to disagree regarding the communicating part, they have for the most part been replying, posting updates and prior to release youtube videos. I actually think they have been doing a very good job reaching out to the community regularly. Compared to when Diablo 1 and 2 was released this is great, i know the times are different and developers are mostly interacting more these days. However most dev team don’t actually and don’t have to but this Diablo team has been on point. My only complaint is the level scaling to dial it back a bit (assuming a Tier or 2 is coming) and those health globes, I hate the sound and look of them, too D3 for me and they dont fit the scene AT ALL. Make them more like potion looking and less like blood filled disco balls.

Play a class/spec that isn’t obviously OP. That’s what they want.
If you can’t see that. No explanation is ever going to help.

Imagine moving past designs from 1999 in a game released in 2023.

learn to build defenes my guy. reduced impaired duration is your best friend.