A serious question for @PezRadar and the Dev team

You like roaming through empty dungeons? Kinda weird but you do you

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I prefer quality over quantity of enemies. Do higher sigils, where stuff might have a shot at killing you. Mob density suddently isn’t as much of a concern.

I farm tier 80 sigils, that’s not the point. Mob density is always a concern, because that directly impacts loot, exp, and overall enjoyability. If you want quality mobs over quantity go play Elden Ring. Arpgs are about mowing down hoards of enemies.


D3 and PoE are, others not nearly as much. Can use the same logic as yours, you want mindless blasting? Go play PoE.

Sigils go up to 100 btw.

Keep in mind they did not expect to have to listen they had a buy out coming from Microsoft so who cares about the customer. Well that looks like it fell trough so now they are stuck with a have made game and a pissed off player base guess the stocks will take a hit next quarter .

Spend money in the shop is their only goal i think now.

if you have a good understanding of the game they didn’t really address the real problems at all. unfortunately, it doesn’t matter they will design their game in whatever way they feel is correct. at least there is poe 2.

I agree with your original post, but Barbs arent destroyed. HotA is the best NM dungeon pusher and WW is S tier for alnost everything else. Let’s not bash the decent design changes Blizz have made when there are so many poor ones to critique. Release Barb was broken and it’s in a great place now with several builds being viable (2 WW builds, HotA, Rend, and Thorns are all playable to top tier).


Then what they need to do is make content that is fun and rewarding, so that most people want to play it for a long time. Instead they just add 100 hours to the leveling experience. That is not the way to go. It may be fine for the hardcore player and what they want but those people that play 10-20 hours a day everyday are not the majority.

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At least someones gets it.

Here is the thing about D4 when you look at it through this lens of thinking, every single horrible decision that blizzard made, makes perfect sense.

The entire goal of D4, is to keep and much player interacting with the game as much humanly possible, IE keep the player logged in and player metrics up as much as possible.

Think about it, make leveling slow, nerf any form of system that lets you level up even faster, scale the leveling so that it takes WAY longer with eeach level, and make it so you get less powerful each level up to make it take longer.
Reduce the amount of drops and elites to make gearing take longer.
Force the player to jump through a hoop on vet difficulty and do the entire campaign, then the capstone dungeon just to be able to play on World tier three difficulty rather then right off the bat.
Create a ‘living world’ where players can see each other, more specifically see others armors as well.

The goal here is to get you to interact with the shop as well, in order to Nickle and dime you for MXT items.

The entirety of this game, is designed to keep player metrics as high as possible, its why they make you grind out renown with season, its why they even have a season system that you have to BUY the season pass. FOMO is going to be real here.


Name me three ARPGs that are not about that? Grim Dawn is. D3 is. PoE is. Last Epoch is. I would really like to know.

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Nah, that’s not the reality. It’s your choice not to explain what you meant of course, but just so you understand - those are not empty questions. For example, “entire classes that are a struggle to play”. I’m playing Flurry Rogue and Blood Necro. Both are fine and excellent, Necro being my favourite of all. My friends play Barb and Sorc, we’re all around level 70. All of us feel pretty powerful in the game and have no problems playing. Therefore I’m surprised at your blanket claims that you can’t even support with a few simple sentences of text, and instead deciding to write a long comment about how you’re not going to explain anything? Alright.

The thing is, I don’t need 114 other dungeons. Especially when there really are only a handful that are unique. Most of them are the same dungeon, same events, same looks, same clear type, even same bosses when they have them.

They are there to provide codex powers. If they want people to regularly farm a bunch of different dungeons then they simply could have put unique drops in different dungeons that you can target farm for.

Yes, this is all fine too. They don’t do those things though. They just nerf any way of people finding ways that are fun and feel good for them. Class feels good? Nerf. XP is a slog so spamming a particular dungeon feels good. Nerf.

I’m telling you there is a large base of players that are never even going to make it close to 100 in a single season. Those players are not going to stick around. The game feels too bad when you have maybe 2 hours to spend, and you don’t even see much progress.

There are also people that enjoy playing multiple classes. Even people that play 4 hours a day won’t be able to enjoy playing multiple classes. Most people do not have 10-20 hours a day to spend gaming. Ones that don’t are not going to find this game fun past level 50. They cannot keep nerfing the fun out. A lot of builds don’t even feel good before then. Makes it all the worse.

Smaller density that is impactful is fine but then make the dungeon itself smaller and not have half of it just empty space walking. Thats the issue with it.

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If you have not seen it, I think they are doing an informal/casual chat this week.


Thanks MissCheetah, I did not see that!

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You’d think you were on Blizzard’s payroll with so much attitude. Why are you acting personally offended by this post? :joy: dude is offering criticism that he thinks would improve the game, not just mindlessly bashing it. Stop being so patronizing.

This is all due to the “player engagement” metric. They want you in D4 all the time. Don’t play anything else, unless it is another Activison Blizzard game. This way they can brag about the numbers on their investment and earnings conference calls.

I love big open world games, but this ideal of you only play our game all of your free time is getting ridiculous. They are doing everything in their power to slow down player progress. Nerf,nerf, and nerf some more seems to be the D4 teams rallying cry right now.

Personally I would love to see the “player engagement” metric die in the Burning Hells where it belongs. Games should be about fun, not endlessly slowing down progression.


How is “entire classes are a struggle to play” helping anyone without even an explanation how exactly they are a struggle, contrary to the personal experience of other readers who never seen this struggle since the release?