A chunky druid isn't an archetypal fantasy

And not even talking about them having that dodge jump (or was it a roll?) constantly. It’s just hilarious and unbelievable. I know it’s fantasy but it’s just so unrealistic!

I was going to roll a Druid. I beta tested it, it’s just getting more and more absurd in my mind and I don’t think I will like any of the skins on him. Gonna roll rogue instead until they give sliders or a skin that changes Druid back to d2 style.


The subject of this thread start to be boring like in other games that doesn’t have boobie slider like way back Wildstar (and other games) but in the end they back off and let us have our boobie slider.

I really hope Blizzard don’t care about how chunky the druid look as I think they look fantastic, yes female is a bit out of proportion. Still I played all beta female Druid, loved it and will play one on launch.

Peace & :purple_heart:

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We don’t want peace!
I just want more body options.


Well, let’s be realistic for a sec here. If they give us like 3 body shapes per class, they would need to add 10 shapes and adjust every amor slot item accordingly.

Proof me wrong, but this is not going to happen any time soon :stuck_out_tongue:
Still we can and should wish for it.

Are they going to rework (female) Druid? Much more likely in comparison (only!), considering the necessary work. Still very faaar way and probably 4 digit priority ranking :smiley:

I would be happy if they add it for expansion. Really don’t understand people arguing against more customization options lol

“No, Druids must be fat!… because… well… because!”


Warframe offers playable warrior female characterization with beards. I was just watching a video and there was total characterization. Why not D4? Come on, Blizz. It’s 2023 and I just got a new computer. :wink: LET’S GOOOOO!!

Best post ever LOL :heart:

5 days.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my launch day is ruined.

Reminder there are no other similarly shaped druids in the whole game (from I hear, repeatedly).
[Because you know more threads are gonna vanish soon@tm.]
There’s a tiny bit of lore (I think) that our druid is not from that location … but I guarantee that’s tacked on bs.


I still want them to give barbs the body of a track star now, just to see how they react. I don’t think the druids are being unreasonable.

I want that barb.
And this barb (which is actually the same thing but aged):


There are plenty of skinnier barbs in D4 and that’s a good move. The druid is not (because of the stuff it does and because you can be skinny and an expert at weapons and make sense but it’s much worse for a 450lbs fat strongman for a caster that’s a druid but still has no idea about spirts - I think - not sure wth is that class quest since I can’t play druid as it is).

Muscle is not really genetics…and they are in exile for 50+ years…in a messed up world…and not everyone trains the same AND for D4 your character (even as a skinny version) barb would not be an outlier (based on other barbs in act 1 and probably even later, didn’t get there yet).

Anyone complaining for Druids there are two reasons:

  1. They haven’t played the class
  2. They played the wrong build
    Confirmation: Most BROKEN Druid Build in Diablo 4 - YouTube

Reading comprehension.

You posted stuff proving its not underpowered with certain builds. OP listed out style choices and design.

Try again.

I mean you can play whatever the build you want, you got many options to go with Druid, especially with Druid.

Agreed, however, this isnt a thread about druid builds. Reading comprehension.

So many likes and i bet there are still gonna be people in the comments saying no you should have to be fat because he’s not fat he’s big boned

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Idk my Tauren Druid was pretty chunky.

necro is the emo kid sitting by himself in the corner.

wizards are the nerds that always want to be the teachers pet.

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ROFL. Seriously?

My druid looks awesome. Just go play the game and enjoy life.


Lol… is this dress up Barbie or a arpg where you can barely see your toon.

They nerfed d4 pulverize into the ground.