A chunky druid isn't an archetypal fantasy

Fat shaming? So you agree that the druid is fat then?

When the druid runs i think i hear a BOING! BOING! BOING! sound.

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What ive been saying since it started, but here we are. Whole thing is profoundly stupid.

Blizz muh dr00ds too fat! Fix er refund cuz i just caaaaaant :sob:

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Just make the skinny druid a $20 customization option :rofl:

I think further down the line, we will surely see some bodytypes added to the customization… if blizzard is actually banking on making a big portion of the monetization revolve around cosmetics, it would be very small brain to not let people actually play their fantasy wether it be a skinny druid, or a fat sorc, we’ve gotten more customization than in any other Diablo game, so at least be content with that for now, but voice that further down the line, this should be changed.

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I haven’t seen one in literally months.

And hence their real intentions for the model are revealed.

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So he’s light on his feet? Probably right.

Like I imagine others come into these forums and just cringe at how some of these people are. It’s so pathetic lol

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BOING! is referring to all the fat he has bouncing up and down. When does BOING! refer to being light on the feet? Being light on the feet makes a BOING! sound??

You really need to think your arguments through.


$25 microtransactions.

Edit: Likely $40+ now that I think about it.

If I end up playing a Druid, I expect to be accompanied by someone walking behind me playing a tuba as I make my way around town.

It is only fitting while I play my Lizzo.

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This mob (which has Uzrael attacks :rofl:), which is a drowned bloated corpse of a brute, looks better than the druid.

(Still bad for caster druids but the point is that it was a choice.)

EDIT some hours later:
Unrelated: the woman speaking is awesome. Worked 5 years on D4 encounters (total of 11 years or something at Blizzard), didn’t come in the last 14 months, there’s no trace of any sort of…politics in her linkedin or social media (and cool Twitter too).

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Nothing amuses me more than the fact that you truly believe that. My night has been made, thanks little guy.

That’s what she said.

Wanted to play female Druid but dislike her appearance. Going to play male…

I wouldn’t even consider her fat or “too fat”. It’s no matter of merely her body fat % to me. And I’m not looking for pretty/perfect characters in look or shape. Its a grim world our chars live in, hard business they do. That’s going to take a toll on them - love to see this as a framing for char creation. Take a look at Darktide’s char creation. It’s not pretty and I love it (for that reason).

I was not able to build a female Druid I’d consider a badass hero battling the biggest challenges Sanctuary can provide with body AND soul. No matter what I did, she always looked like my Auntie – neither cool nor cute. Just cringe in between or want to be.

Yeah, I get it, you don’t recognize a hero by its appearance, body shape or the way they walk. Everybody could be a hero, so a hero can look like a nobody or absolute average. And ofc it’s always correct to display human diversity over (unhealthy and problematic) stereotypes. But this is fantasy, as lots of ppls pointed out here.

I want to feel badass, be badass. I want to cast badass skills, turn into a badass bear and when I take a look at my char idling, I want it to appear badass in some way. I’m not seeing this in female Druid.

Where Druid might be extra wide, Necors are on the other side of the scale. Arguably both can fit lore around the chars + we got some diversity (over barb, sorc, rouge). But “too skinny” female Necro still looks badass to me where extra large female Durid just looks meh. Necros deal with dark magic and might get consumed by it. They give their body, there health, there flesh to fight evil. There are multiple design options on how to display that, too skinny body shapes would be one. Now Druids on the other hand, what badass stuff do they do taking a visibly noticeable toll on them?! Collecting honey or what?

  1. Female Druid does not look badass, “clunky” is part of this.
  2. Not enough char customization option. More options for faces, hair, etc.
  3. Not enough areas for customization: give us 3+ body shapes or sliders.

It’s awesome we can choose gender, hair and tattoos + colors in D4. Why did you stop there? 15ish hair styles for all the classes combined is far from a major achievement ^^


“No one is forcing you to play female druid”

Wait for it…

Why wouldn’t an athletic or skinny person be able to turn into a bear??? Don’t be skinny/athletic-phobic!


Gonna have some knee/joint problems supporting a lot muscle if you ain’t big boned!

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This was exactly what I pointed out. A figure that size and weight cannot move such long distances without knee damage. I guess mystic nature magic protecting those knees.


Bones become denser/stronger and connective tissue gets thicker/stronger with resistance training. Your muscles don’t just magically hypertrophy without the rest of the body also adapting.

Please don’t talk like you know how it works. No amount of strength training can help with that much weight especially your KNEES in which is the one part of your body you cannot train!

You can strengthen the muscles surrounding the knees but any doctor that knows anything about anything can tell you no amount of training can prevent injury to knees with that kind of weight if you are not careful with putting stress on them. Jeez.

FYI: knee cartilages cannot repair themselves once damaged or gets worn out overtime, that’s what people have to insert replacements in there. That Druid better have some awesome insurance plans.